Is this about mfkzt or the 1961 Oldsmobile Starfire?
Is this about mfkzt or the 1961 Oldsmobile Starfire?
When a Grand Unified Theory proves itself out reproducible over time, then it is law. It always was law. That is what law is. Proven hypothesis. Even proving a negative.
FERMAT had such a proof according to a note in the margin of one of his math books. But the proof was that the cubes of the sides never equal the cube of the hypotenuse (right triangle) while his counterpoint was that the squares, under these same circumstances always were equal.
And then began redemption for a man, any man but let's say this one had already made and bankrupted himself four times off human frailty - gambling empires - fraught with the alcohol and prostitution, you bet! Develop a conduit for fabricating the illusion he is President, upon the classic consulate legislation 'saving to suitors' clause' of 1789 and rotate the bot protection regularly, so that all the email addys are very real with human hands entering them as Users...
If anybody cares to question fruits -
Then complete the 31-day requirement on restructure:
Ultimately it comes down to who is Principal. Who serves process on the Masons?
And so Walk the Talk:
CORRECTION: That's really amazing. I wouldn't know!
Thanks Lorne! Somebody posted foolishness and I fell for it!
Last edited by David Merrill; 08-14-19 at 07:09 PM.
The trust is impenetrable because you cannot impeach a President who is naught.
I find it amazing how much knowledge is increasing in terms of quantity and quality. Last night I was listening to an old researcher who was espousing such wonderful knowledge about how "we" came to be in this condition we find ourselves. He recommended a book and, as such, I went and found that book. When I began to read it, I was taken aback by this knowledge and wondered why it is not taught.
"The AMERICAN ADMIRALTY its Jurisdiction and Practice with practical forms and directions" - by Erastus C. Benedict, L.L.D. - 1870
Then I realized at once that the right to contract resides in the Common Law which is landed Law. Then I heard the Scriptures speaking to me "then I shall heal thy Land". A Landed Natural Common Law is where the people stand. And the "promised Land" is the body in which mankind occupies. Therefore it is said all where your two feet walk I shall give you. This is an Landed Estate in Natural Law [Common Law].
The right to contract is therefore sacred.
1. Divine Law
2. Natural Law
3. Cognitive Law
4. Positive Law
Divine Law is not subject to Natural Law and Natural Law is not subject to Cognitive Law and so on and so forth. If all we see is Natural Law, then at least let us return to that state Common to all Men. But let us look further to Divine Law, acknowledging our Creator for we did not create the clouds or the trees and this should be self evident to even the casual observer.
The United States is vested by grant of the Admiralty. The States were not to practice in Admiralty, as they were to remain in the Common Law. This is the formation of the Saving to Suitors which gives on the ability to come in personam standing in the Common Law.
There is much to learn. But I was emboldened when I heard a lawyer say "we were not taught this in law school." To "practice" in the Common Law by license is repugnant! It seems to me that the Common Law is the Law of the Republic whereupon each State is Sovereign in its own right as a separate nation. The contract creating unity [constitution] has been changed many times now.
Last night I gave that constitution some thought, some say it is the Law of the Land and that is true. But it is more than that. It stands in a sense above Law for it is the foundation upon which a nation will be developed upon. It is clear now why the Southern States felt they must leave the union. Some sought to change the contract. It was never about slavery - but in a sense it was - the goal was to enslave everyone in Admiralty as their persons were lost at sea - burned down courthouses.
Look up the book you can download it for free in PDF or eBook formats. Then I heard again the Scriptures - Balaam taught Balak how to law a stumbling block and then get a people to curse themselves. In other words, we do not have to enter into the commercial state to do trade. Don't get me wrong, it is convenient, but not necessary. A BC is a grant of a State unto a body [Adam]. Later the Soul [Eve] is sought as the child is raised up in societies stranglehold of ignorance. Which State is granted upon the child? Well, go to law. The state granted is the United States which is the "district of Columbia".
The claim is a certain interest in the body [land] which brings the body [thing] into the federal jurisdiction [in rem]. And while we may turn our backs to the Common Law for a time, after a lifetime of eating hog slop, maybe we will turn and return to our former house.
Considering Law as a pyramid, the base would be Landed or Common Law.
2Ch 7:14 If My People, upon whom My name is called, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2Ki 2:19 And the men of the city said unto Elisha, "Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren."
2Ki 2:20 And he said, "Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein." And they brought it to him.
2Ki 2:21 And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, "Thus saith the LORD, 'I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land."
Best Regards,
Michael Joseph
Last edited by Michael Joseph; 08-12-19 at 01:02 PM.
The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.
Lawful Money Trust Website
Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST
ONE man or woman can make a difference!
Every 2,520 years the earth, sun and moon are in the exact location in relation to one another. There is repetition but with different technologies.
Last cycle was at 502 BC when the Bible's Constitution was being signed - see Nehemiah, Chapter 10.
About that TRUMP video - "actually I'm a mason. I wouldn't know." seems like bad translation. Given the context of a thirty-something year marriage it's more likely he said "...actually amazing. I wouldn't know." He wouldn't know because he hasn't been married to anyone that long.
You will, perhaps, not mind if I play the skeptic. I fear Mr. Gardner has veered off into the woo-woo. Levitation? Teleportation? Those are some rather fantastical claims about mfkzt powder/white bread. Let's start with the term "monatomic gold."
monatomic: adjective - consisting of one atom
especially: having but one atom in the molecule
Science tells us monoatomic gold would exist only as a thin hot gas. As it cools into a liquid or solid the single atom joins with other gold atoms (or whatever is close by) and is no longer monatomic. So that's a misnomer.
But maybe he's referring to a multi-atom molecule containing just a single gold atom. A layman might be forgiven for this labeling error. There are many of these gold-atom substances. And as they relate to the human body, some are toxic, some inert, and some therapeutic. For example sodium tetrachloroaurate(III) [gold sodium chloride] is a chemo-therapeutic.
Gardner really doesn't help his case when he brings up David Hudson, the Arizona cotton farmer whose claims were more pseudoscience than substance.
What's interesting is the subject of gold nanoparticles. Gold nanopowder has use in therapeutic agent delivery. Yet there's still a lot we don't yet know about gold...
So just what were the Ancients doing on that Mt. Serabit temple?Bulk metallic gold is known to be inert, exhibiting a surface reactivity at room temperature only towards a few substances such as formic acid and sulphur-containing compounds, e.g. H2S and thiols.[1] Within heterogeneous catalysis, reactants adsorb onto the surface of the catalyst thus forming activated intermediates. However, if the adsorption is weak such as in the case of bulk gold, a sufficient perturbation of the reactant electronic structure does not occur and catalysis is hindered (Sabatier's principle). When gold is deposited as nanosized clusters of less than 5 nm onto metal oxide supports, a markedly increased interaction with adsorbates is observed, thereby resulting in surprising catalytic activities. Evidently, nano-scaling and dispersing gold on metal oxide substrates makes gold less noble by tuning its electronic structure, but the precise mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are as of yet uncertain and hence widely studied.[3][8][9]
Last edited by lorne; 08-14-19 at 12:45 AM.
Thank you for a bit of clarity. About GARDNER - he admits he is taking this opportunity to explore the fringe - NEXUS 2003. Obviously the prophecies have proven false. The gluons between the gold atoms properly form the metal. Highward starfire means that the meteorite encountered such energy upon entry to boil the gold, which vaporizes it. The same occurs during arcing. Arc it slowly at 2V and this will result in monatomic gold solution - electrolysis. Like with colloidal silver, if you hit it with too much current then you get larger clusters of the atoms.
I recall silver nitrate being used to kill cuticle growth for hangnails. Yet still, there has been no placement of exotic matter in the Table. From experience if you make a very strong solution of colloidal silver and evaporate it dry, you do not find metal in the glass. You find fine powder.
I may have mentioned that there are two manna fabrication mountains. The one in Arabia that Robert CORNUKE explored has altars twelve, indicating that Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt proper and contracted with Enlil there. This fits the Bible and Bob used the Bible to find the mountain. He toned down the discovery because he climbed under the fence to climb it. So he spoke out never planning to return to the region and face the punishment for that trespass. Then he reconsidered consequences.
I think about these things all the time and have designed systems for examining law as reproducible mental objects. I am not ready to disclose what I do in actuality. The aspect of your question though, that is on my mind is that this repository for the highward starfire was huge. This cost many treasuries to acquire through electrolysis and through PETRIE's ignorance was lost to the desert winds. My real question was how and why was it abandoned?
I want to relate it to the terrible revolt against the Hebrew people by the Israelite army as led by YHWH. The Hathor Temple in northern Sinai was a library of the Pharaoh leadership.
Attachment 5544
Of course projecting upon you my own upbringing and conditioning, I have just committed blasphemy of the jealous God. So I wont push it. Thanks for looking at it skeptically and being polite too.
I have purchased GARDNER's book and am impressed with it as an indexed history book. This passage about Laurence's credentials has caught my eye.
Perhaps we might review the Address List, and consider that the $21 is consideration for filing in the Dragon Court.
If Sir Laurence GARDNER fails to excite you, then skip it. But I believe you are missing out on a major event in the evolution of human thinking.The Albany USDC address is at the top of the header.
Additional Parties notified (pdf PACER Doc) might be:
National Judicial Council $21 cash International Mail
16 Szalay utca, H-1055
Pf. (PO Box) 24. H-1363
Budapest, Hungary.
General Counsel - Administrative Office of the US Courts
One Columbus Circle, NE; Room 5-300 Billing
city of Washington, District of Columbia. 20544
Rectified Scottish Rite Freemasonry Registered Mail #
The Supreme Council, 33º, SJ, USA
1733 16th St. NW
Washington, DC 20009–3103
Hungarian Honorary Consulate in Liverpool, United Kingdom
43 Rodney Street International Mail
Liverpool L1 9EW
United Kingdom
United Nations Secretary General Antonio GUTERRES Registered Mail #
1 United Nations Plaza
New York, New York. 10017
Club de Paris - IMF International Mail
139, rue de Bercy -
75572 Paris Cedex 12, France
Last edited by David Merrill; 08-15-19 at 09:56 AM.
How do you figure the National Judicial Council (of Hungary) = the Dragon Court (The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order)?