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Thread: Circumambulation ---> 1+(-)1=North

  1. #1

    Circumambulation ---> 1+(-)1=North

    The interdimensional apple decides Camelot - Celtic Bent Light. Bent light is gravity, the Strong Force.

    I explained it long ago to my physics professors.

    I recall getting knocked for taking shortcuts. - Equating bending light with bending time. More on the tip of my memory was my speaking in the past tense about inventing a time machine when I was forty.

    My proof though unconventional is simple. If Fibonacci were simply Coriolis then the points on the seashells in the southern hemisphere would be facing in the opposite direction as in the northern hemisphere. So the Masons key this as keep the North Wall the same, even in the southern hemisphere Lodges.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Here's a puzzler. I was told that light has speed as to imply that light travels across a distance in a certain time. However, may I ask you, does light "slow down" when it is refracted thru a medium? And if it "slows down" then how or by what force does it speed up? And given that Space is not a vacuum, then how is it that one can say Light has a certain speed? Could it be that the models are incorrect?

    "They say" the wave length changes however the frequency remains the same. I ask again, by what force does light accelerate back to approximately 186000 mi/s or 300,000 km/s? But then one will argue that speed is of light in a vacuum.

    So then if light leaves a vacuum enters into a certain medium and returns to a vacuum, what then? Curious thoughts - that's all. Perhaps light does not have "speed" but is a property of "fields" electric/magnetic. What then of time?

    Best regards,
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 10-16-19 at 02:17 PM.
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    Here's a puzzler. I was told that light has speed as to imply that light travels across a distance in a certain time. However, may I ask you, does light "slow down" when it is refracted thru a medium? And if it "slows down" then how or by what force does it speed up? And given that Space is not a vacuum, then how is it that one can say Light has a certain speed? Could it be that the models are incorrect?

    "They say" the wave length changes however the frequency remains the same. I ask again, by what force does light accelerate back to approximately 186000 mi/s or 300,000 km/s? But then one will argue that speed is of light in a vacuum.

    So then if light leaves a vacuum enters into a certain medium and returns to a vacuum, what then? Curious thoughts - that's all. Perhaps light does not have "speed" but is a property of "fields" electric/magnetic. What then of time?

    Best regards,
    I have always been of the conviction that light does not travel at all.

    The ego's experience of the light says it travels but the ego suffers some degree of pain at all times, being individuated. Therefore time exists as the measured disintegration of energy into matter as the mind dictates. This is the prize of commercial priestcraft - to place the creative act outside the scope of one's individual ego.

    P.S. My take has always been an inherent sense of paired spin. If you were to apply a little too much boiling to silver, for example and you produced diatomic atoms instead of pure monatomic colloidal silver these two atoms are joindered in identical spin. If you separate them by a few miles they will still react identically to the changes in any one, or the other. In theory that can be a million miles.

    This paper might be better under Health. Somehow it seems appropriate when speaking things nano. I have just put my first Carbon 60 under my tongue; research, I call it. But I admit, I find it rather shapely!

    Name:  Carbon 60 structure.png
Views: 5990
Size:  91.2 KB

    So here's the story, according to my mouse. The scientists were busy overdosing lab mice with Carbon 60 Fullerene to see what kinds of toxins would build up. There were no toxins but the mice were living nearly twice as long.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-16-19 at 08:08 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I have always been of the conviction that light does not travel at all.
    If F=mA and light "slows down" as it goes thru a medium, then what is the Force which accelerates said light? Does not that light require a mass?

    If light "slows down" then what is the nature of the drag [friction] which decelerates said light? That would require light to have mass. And if light has mass, then there must be a force to decelerate and accelerate light. That is if you accept that light has mass.
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 10-16-19 at 08:54 PM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    If F=mA and light "slows down" as it goes thru a medium, then what is the Force which accelerates said light? Does not that light require a mass?

    If light "slows down" then what is the nature of the drag [friction] which decelerates said light? That would require light to have mass. And if light has mass, then there must be a force to decelerate and accelerate light. That is if you accept that light has mass.
    Several graphic images from Dan WINTER have helped me wrap my mind around the premise that the real Strong Force in the universe is mind.

    Name:  phaseconjugation.gif
Views: 397
Size:  144.0 KB

    The changes in the speed of light (acceleration/deceleration) are mental but Dan has mastered phase conjugation, in imagery with computer graphics. Charge compression comes from multiplying c with Fibonacci and phi. This is represented by the two pine cones kissing. The bliss produces a spurt of gravity (bent light = CAMELOT) in the caduceus. Spin that caduceus 180° and witness the Divine Feminine.

    The confluence at the cervix and uterus is where the zygote develops into embryo and is set, ready for contract with the placenta. At that moment Mom and Dad are learning (six days of honeymoon) each other's orgasm and surround the covenant with orgasmic bliss, forming perfect Fibonacci heart math. As the new baby emits gravity expressing, Let me drive a while.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    If F=mA and light "slows down" as it goes thru a medium, then what is the Force which accelerates said light? Does not that light require a mass?

    If light "slows down" then what is the nature of the drag [friction] which decelerates said light? That would require light to have mass. And if light has mass, then there must be a force to decelerate and accelerate light. That is if you accept that light has mass.
    The acceleration has a factor of time, from the velocity d/t.

    Your question has me pondering how it might be explained. You are talking about light as it passes through a lens? The question is what causes the light to accelerate back to c when it gets out of the lens (glass medium). So light will "travel" at c when it is in a vacuum. Return it to the vacuum and it resumes its optimal speed at c.

    I may have been dodging answering that question all this time by solving it around time being an illusion of ego.

    P.S. I am starting to get it, I think. The presumption that light has mass is accompanied by another presumption; that it started on one side of the glass, and was going from there to the other side and on through, and then kept going on its way.

    Suppose like the duatomic gold that once separated the two particles have affinity to each other, that they duplicate changes in characteristics that that the entire universe does this naturally except where affected by mind.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 10-18-19 at 06:02 AM.

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