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Thread: Albany Remand CLOSED?

  1. #1

    Albany Remand CLOSED?

    This still serves well for an evidence repository at 103 Docs. These suitors are the Record and we state our claims. Very powerful!

    Doc 103 brings out a new aspect of dishonor with the Treasury itself - the Newark branch. On around Page 20 see the Return Receipt signed for at a street address and then five days later the USPS Tracking report that the item is "Waiting for Pickup" at the post office.

    Name:  Doc 103 joinder Jonathan Dean DoJ indictment_Page_20.jpg
Views: 5334
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    Name:  Doc 103 joinder Jonathan Dean DoJ indictment_Page_22.jpg
Views: 5169
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    Also a delayed mailing to the Fresno IRS campus reveals a one sided imagery of the USPS in collusion with criminal racketeering. James COMEY puts it well for us:

    Name:  DISHONOR to Treasury DoJ US Courts COMEY Higher Loyalty.jpg
Views: 1561
Size:  531.8 KB

    P.S. I feel like if I were to delay somebody's mail there would be a prosecutor on it, saying I am a felon!

    It feels like we are getting close when the mailman fails. It is like the last Dodge. It arrived at the Unit, where it was to go out for delivery, on the fourth.

    Name:  Delays to Fresno Campus.jpg
Views: 1551
Size:  125.5 KB
    Dated 3/20/20
    Last edited by David Merrill; 03-20-20 at 08:40 AM.

  2. #2
    My first witness of similar experience was 4 certified letters mailed return receipt to various addressees at a local court

    try to keep up this is tricky

    upon my trip to the post office to pick up the receipts I was handed 3 of the letters back undelivered

    and all four signature cards

    one letter had its signature card stripped off and another, from the one missing letter taped in its place

    So, one of the entities received their copy, but I had no record


    That was the 1st time

    In another state, another time, local court again, using the tracking only, no signature cards, the tracking
    at two different intervals came up with something along the lines of "delivery error"

    however, one of those instances a Judge personally wrote me back, even politely corrected some of my poor grammar, despite the "delivery error"

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by heraldharbinger View Post
    My first witness of similar experience was 4 certified letters mailed return receipt to various addressees at a local court

    try to keep up this is tricky
    I know that feeling! Thanks for the report. Thirty years ago, if the USDC clerk would not initial the Return Receipt I could report it to the postal inspector and the problem would be corrected.

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