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Thread: Strategic Intelligence

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    The State of Soleterra

    Strategic Intelligence

    this is the mother of all rabbit holes,
    how much intelligence and time would it have taken to put this together?
    planned for a very long time,

    you can interact with their WEB by clicking your mouse on one of the subjects and it takes you down another rabbit hole and they have easy to understand connecting lines that guides you through from one to the next and so on, simply amazing what they have created.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    this is the mother of all rabbit holes,
    how much intelligence and time would it have taken to put this together?
    planned for a very long time,

    you can interact with their WEB by clicking your mouse on one of the subjects and it takes you down another rabbit hole and they have easy to understand connecting lines that guides you through from one to the next and so on, simply amazing what they have created.
    I love stuff like that! Castle Church is IN!!

    Thank you Walter. Great Link.

    What you see is my generating the 5.758 GHz signal to the right of the cell phone activity (3 am is relatively quiet). With 5G the frequency supports enough intelligence that true resonant frequencies can surgically target specific activations of COVID-19.

    Name:  5G waterfall.jpg
Views: 1255
Size:  121.8 KB

    Name:  5G daytime traffic 5750 MHz.jpg
Views: 1786
Size:  695.1 KB

    Name:  COVID-19 String 2520.jpg
Views: 1536
Size:  331.0 KB

    Rip-roaring ready-to-go!!

    Name:  COVID-19 test results negative.jpg
Views: 3102
Size:  510.9 KB

    P.S. The CDC has had the genome mapped since before 2010. That will tell you a lot about the pandemic being "contrived".
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #3
    P.S. The human species has become the virus competing with the COVID-19. A quasi-lifeform. One Drive - Stay Alive!!

    The Key not to judge, is to stop judging the ego. Recall judgment on KAHN closing down the Albany Remand came on 3/20/2020 and thirty-day judgment on Saint George Feast Day 4/23/2020.

    Name:  Mutations of 3 20 2020 pyhlogeny.jpg
Views: 1620
Size:  143.4 KB

    Name:  Mutations of 4 20 2020 pyhlogeny.jpg
Views: 3161
Size:  135.5 KB
    Last edited by David Merrill; 05-01-20 at 03:59 PM.

  4. #4
    Are you talking about Strategic Forecasting (STRATFOR)?

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