Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
It seems Donald Trump got Covid, went to the hospital and got over Covid in no time flat. And you won't believe this, there is not yet a vaccine. Isn't that a miracle? God really must love Mr. Trump.

Maybe, just maybe this is another 911 style event where you watch with your own two eyes and then are told a bold face lie. And guess what friends, most folks believed the lie over their own ability to reason. Why? Well, you know why.

I didn't see an airplane, did you? - how on Earth did this building come down? Must have been HAARP.
Two cures became available to Donald John days before he became so conveniently immune to COVID-19. (Conveniently for the Reelection.)

Synthetic antibodies for spike protein.
COVID-19 Vaccine - Natural, Non-intrusive and Safe.