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Thread: Is China Such a Big Threat?

  1. #1

    Is China Such a Big Threat?

    That really is the question to answer before evaluating the mine field TRUMP is laying for BIDEN.

    As I was writing I realized that there are layers upon layers here, as Donald exits and Joseph enters the stage. It was a broadcast to the suitors of the Albany Remand. In fact it was written in passing as an example, a tangent:

    I have a great example in mind. Upon realizing that he had "lost" reelection Donald John exercised his right to create a national emergency under Title 50 (War and Military) so that there is a mine in the Inauguration. Notice the date when his EO goes into execution, ten days prior to the Inauguration. This is intended to stir investigation into Hunter BIDEN (son) and his activities in China and the Ukraine (also attached). Add it up for yourselves and see if you come to the same conclusion.

    Saving to Suitors' Club is a virtual embassy of 150K members. 14% are Russian, 1% are Ukrainian and .1% Chinese. This does not include gmail and the others that operate in Russia et al without the .ru, .ca or .uk suffixes. The Internet Research Agency learned appointing Donald not to directly affect social media in America. The Chinese have outsmarted the game. They simply play the same "Joseph good" - "Donald bad" social media platform but in Russia. So they swayed the Russian collusion in favor of their contractor Hunter's Daddy Joe. Ergo we will find it illegal to do business with China ten days prior to the Inauguration.
    You simply have to look for yourselves to grasp what a mess Donald John is leaving Joseph Robinette. Under Title 50 - War and Military - Donald John is doing nothing short of declaring a financial war upon China less than ten days before the Inauguration! What a fine note for Joseph Robinette's new administration. Or he can end the war and be accused of treason against America. And that upon that his son Hunter bought Joseph's Oval Office with promises that will become impossible to keep, either way.

    And then there is a matter of all the promises that Hunter allegedly made to the Chinese. Starting January 10 nobody will be doing business with these companies. But this is just the beginning of the sanctions and the beginning of the list too.

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    Doc 1 Indictment.

  2. #2
    Therefore the Question is how big a threat is China prospering?

    We might consider how China built the first wall, and TRUMP a much more modern wall. Basically though, China made the sacrifice of steadily building material infrastructure. They sacrificed the public health, mostly air quality to build large districts dedicated to building one monotonous product like shoe soles, zippers, cord and paper packaging products. All to buy up more than 20% of endorsers' substance in national debt. As the member banks here greedily accessed the lifestyle we enjoy, in instant gratification the people suffocated in poor air and water quality like our slaves.

    All in order to jump that Wall launching on SARS in Y2K. That was what prompted my research leading to the cure in 2003 - news that the ports were shutting down to the flood of exchange students and all production. I could not believe my ears so I developed a raw data subtraction technique for defining the genome of SARS.

    I still enjoy reading the two-step publication in municipal jurisdiction.

    1. county
    2. US Patent and Trademark Office
    3. numerous PACER publications in suitors' Libels of Review

    The Documents Disclosure program was so clever, I wonder if my use of it on PACER might be why the USPTO closed it down?

    What happened was China published intention to patent the genome. So I sent a second notice of the USPTO Documents Disclosure entry. So I stultified the first multi-billion dollar industry based on the excretions of Iridium satellite technology. The radio waves cause the damaged DNA to excrete "live" RNA in capsid form to protect itself, the basic will to survive.

    But all that aside...

    Is it really a threat, that China is using the profits to build Chinese infrastructure? Isn't that the capitalist way for America? Are we the only nation allowed to build military might in the name of peace? See the Attachment about oaths.

    If you recall, TRUMP already won a war declared against China and normalized civil rights for Hong Kong. See the Attachment. If anybody is being suppressive it is TRUMP with his carnival sideshow of practical and applied psychology:

    Name:  13936 snippet suppression of hearings.jpg
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    But it apparently worked. I was waiting months for several Chinese items. Now they flow again. I have been in the Seattle area and the Chinese are quite abundant, flourishing and happy there. The Wall does nothing to stop airplanes and the COVID-19 problem was quickly conquered in China. Now I hear the cure is flush niacin, 4 grams/day. Yet another way not to be afraid!

    So with TRUMP busily imposing behavior modification on the Chinese, in his impressions (maybe intelligence) that they still desire a slave nation MAO Tse Tung might we suspect a little paranoia. I don't know. I feel Donald John has perfected a pout indeed. Man! Does he ever know how to pout! Evidence showed me that TRUMP's Executive Orders do go into immediate effect and are quite effective. So if you want to see a dictator in action just look to the Federal Register sometime. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

    Leaving a mess like this final Executive Order declaring a war is about the nastiest thing I have ever seen from a politician. I even suspect it is a strategy to hold the Oval Office. That is where my imagination wanders as I lead through hypothetical scenarios of Joseph Robinette having to put his cabinet together to repair financial relations with China in what Donald John has already declared an act of treason.

    My imagination allows for plenty of backfire and ricochet'.

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  3. #3
    P.S. It may be helpful that William Jefferson CLINTON sold rocket technology installing the Iridium Satellite system generating the SARS, for $200M in campaign contributions, for his Reelection. Read up.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 12-01-20 at 10:41 AM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    The State of Soleterra
    Las Vegas odds makers have yet to pay out a Biden win.
    Everything the two sides have been saying for 6 months is coming true.

    Trump would not leave office if Biden wins.
    Biden stole the election.
    And the last one, we need all the Supreme court judges before election because they might be the ones deciding the election.

    I believe both sides are in on the game and are playing the people like a deck of cards to split brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, co worker against coworker. The out come being a civil war.
    Just my 2 cents.

  5. #5


    This claim of election fraud is disputed.

    Click here to learn how social media silences voices of dissent.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    Las Vegas odds makers have yet to pay out a Biden win.
    Everything the two sides have been saying for 6 months is coming true.

    Trump would not leave office if Biden wins.
    Biden stole the election.
    And the last one, we need all the Supreme court judges before election because they might be the ones deciding the election.

    I believe both sides are in on the game and are playing the people like a deck of cards to split brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, co worker against coworker. The out come being a civil war.
    Just my 2 cents.

    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    This claim of election fraud is disputed.

    Click here to learn how social media silences voices of dissent.
    I feel like you meant to plant a link, Marcel.

    Thank you Walter. There is some sense in what you are saying. I saw a flyer in Seattle with the phone tear-offs offering $200/anarchist to add to the ranks. The division bell of Black Lives Matter is so blatant it is difficult to believe anybody is falling into it. Morgan FREEMAN said we can end racial prejudice today if we just quit calling him Black. Listen:

    1. Morgan FREEMAN is a great actor.
    2. Morgan FREEMAN is a great black actor.

    Can you feel the difference?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    Las Vegas odds makers have yet to pay out a Biden win.
    Everything the two sides have been saying for 6 months is coming true.

    Trump would not leave office if Biden wins.
    Biden stole the election.
    And the last one, we need all the Supreme court judges before election because they might be the ones deciding the election.

    I believe both sides are in on the game and are playing the people like a deck of cards to split brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, co worker against coworker. The out come being a civil war.
    Just my 2 cents.
    KAVENAUGH tipped his hand by telling us REHNQUIST was his mentor. So I looked and the DoJ was happy to present his oath, which is drafted according to the Constitution and 1789 law - So help me God; not SO HELP ME GOD. You can see what is going on because ROBERTS, with a deviant oath witnessed KAVENAUGH swear out his civil servant oath while it looks like KAVENAUGH signed witness to his own oath. Actually that is KENNEDY but the signature is altered, maybe by failing health - KENNEDY relegated to Senior Justice a few months before.

    But the Department of Justice would not provide the KENNEDY oath, which is typical when it really matters in a suitor cause. See the DoJ's Final Response attached.

    All that leading to the question, Who will administer the oath on January 20?

    ROBERTS FOIA Appeal Default s.pdf
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by David Merrill; 12-01-20 at 11:05 AM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Therefore the Question is how big a threat is China prospering?
    A question that answers that question is why did most of the world follow a communist countries (China) agenda Covid lock down?

  9. #9
    ROBERTS. While not mandated, the presidential oath of office is by tradition typically administered by the chief justice.

    “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
    - Joe Biden

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by walter View Post
    A question that answers that question is why did most of the world follow a communist countries (China) agenda Covid lock down?
    When the numbers dropped off for COVID-19 in China, TRUMP made a comment during a press conference. Paraphrasing from memory, "China owns the WHO."

    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    ROBERTS. While not mandated, the presidential oath of office is by tradition typically administered by the chief justice.

    “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
    - Joe Biden
    In four different default documents, the DoJ has refused to provide ROBERTS' oath of office.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 12-03-20 at 06:28 PM.

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