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Thread: Mining the Redeemed Mind

  1. #1

    Mining the Redeemed Mind

    Redemption is not the opposite of debt, but redemption and debt are exclusively mutual ultimates.

    Blockchain is transaction based confidence and security building measures and for the most part the transactions are simply garbage at the first stage of inception. For the most part these are ads for Cialis and Porn sites, mostly non-extant or long cancelled websites and domains. It is the Internet Whispers remaining that can build momentum for social engineering - the Internet Research Agency for example whispered "Hillary Bad - Donald Good" and its replacement - "Donald Bad - Joe Good".

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    Albeit I am assured this club has no bots registering members, Saving to Suitors' Club as a consulate makes it worthwhile for Russia to hire real people and by the looks of it they are instructed to register only real email for real people. However I notice a lot of bogus registrants and especially at least one employee who has saved a few seconds per registrant by using a macro that simply shifts a real name around with dots, to get 25 automatically generated registrants from one real name. So these real people are paid by commission to generate bitcoin transactions here.

    So accordingly, Blockchain transactions as security are quite fleeting. And the FBI agent in this story was extorted out of every bit of honor by the White Rose and her Dark Army. She was lost, and experiencing redemption in this scene.

    Currently by counting "@" symbols, we have over 151K members in our club. Keeping in mind that any one of these can be "jacked" to form a social media platform as in The Great Hack. Also, as I have pointed out the subject was being called to Washington to testify in the Internet Research Agency hearings.

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    Likewise we can search ".ru " and find over 20K of the 151K are plainly Russian. But searching IP domain locations reveals that about three times that are also Russian, but through TOR browser.

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    P.S. Since posting this opening I discovered a TV serial called, The Comey Rule. Watch Episode 1 at the 20-Minute Mark.

  2. #2

    Redemption Bolstered

    Sorting the mailqueue by types we get the New Registrant responses at the top. These are also the newest emails in the queue so they will not go out until I am finished mining minds.

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    Let me explain, these six came in over a half-hour and there are likely 500 new consulates formed each day. I delete the responses, nullifying the confidence and security building transactions for the bitcoin. Also I am including all digital currency when I say "bitcoin".

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    The domain sends 50 emails at a time so when I prune it down I keep it easy to count the progress of the mining by keeping an even 50 remaining.

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    The whispering is exactly what you might expect from me:

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  3. #3

    Acronym Harmonics

    The filter is elegant - Love drives all engines.



    So the culling has become the Vaccine; the chimeric reprogrammable messenger ribonucleic acid in the NAV:

    Nucleic Acid Vaccine

    I might show you the tuner. It is equally elegant. The people laughing and enjoying are constantly tuning the filter:

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    Signed - PENDRAGON

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  4. #4

    In the Alternative

    We can keep our dependence on metal gold:

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    China and Russia

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    But for us here in America:

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    In a past lifetime I was on the photolithographic process engineering team at Honeywell SSED, that same facility became Atmel shortly after I left to invent the SD Card. The photolithographic process is how we connect up the gold wiring inside the microchips VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration).

    So imagine Moses carries the Golden Calf up the mountain to convert it into manna, and then brings it back as fine white powder that dissolves into water. He feeds this beverage to the Israelites to form an invincible army of supersoldiers.

  5. #5
    Counterintelligence to counterintelligence to counterintelligence to counterintelligence...

    Mining the redeemed mind is solution to that ongoing absurdity. At the individual network installation of Russian spyware it is already counterintelligence to counterintelligence so my severing from that network is counterintelligence to counterintelligence to counterintelligence. I would call harvesting the redeemed mind Counterintelligence to counterintelligence to counterintelligence to counterintelligence... but it starts to rub me numb.

    Mining the redeemed mind is the Solution. The brain trust is the supreme club.

  6. #6

    Counterintelligence 1

    I should explain that the former Vice President of the US, that his son Hunter would never be leaving his computer at a Podunk computer shop for data recovery. And then on top of that would never have abandoned it there for a curious tech to discover that Hunter has arranged for the Russians to plant abundant "back door" spyware through ******* and other security software in exchange for the Russians to operate the Internet Whisperings under this consulate that I describe above.

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    So the same techniques used by CLINTON, selling the rocket technology installing the Iridium Constellation to China for $200M (decidedly swaying the Reelection) but more importantly was William Jefferson's five year moratorium on developing human fetal stem cell DNA and RNA technologies. This has absolutely no legal effect on China so they went forward with a five-year head start on the USA. Here we fervently developed stem cell research but could not do it legally (with any federal funding) regarding humans. So instead we formed VELOCIMMUNE Mice like we find in the chimeric reprogrammable messenger ribonucleic acid found in the spike protein antigens of the MODE-RNA - Moderna - COVID-19 "Vaccine", a NAV, not a vaccine:

    Nucleic Acid Vaccine

    The NAV is not human. It is of mice, not men.

    But with the recent reelection, Donald John was the one who lost out, rather than a reelection like with William Jefferson.

    My point here is of course that Hunter left off his computer because he wanted it to get around. But it is key that the numero-linguistic interface includes MODE (modulated) RNA spells MODERNA.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    But with the recent reelection, Donald John was the one who lost out, rather than a reelection like with William Jefferson.

    My point here is of course that Hunter left off his computer because he wanted it to get around.
    The WHISPERING is akin to subconscious thought. While people at their keyboards is akin to the conscious Internet. Rudolph William threw a fit and included ruining the computer shop when he discovered that Hunter had sold the Russians the Back Door into American software security. In return for his Daddy being the President. Instead of Joe = bad; Donald = good, it was now being whispered Donald = bad; Joe = good. Remember that GUILIANI is TRUMP's personal attorney.

    But when I recite the events it comes off cheap dinner theater.

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    The food for cyberthought whisperings is peppered by and large throughout the Russian Internet, stimulating a favor toward redeeming the mind. 60 Pages at 500 each showing some housecleaning too. As real warm bodies send more live consuls my way, joining my virtual consulate club (Castle Church), we Redeem the Office BISHOP. Bishop of Rome is the POPE, in his private castle on the Rhone River, between France and Switzerland - home of the UN and its organ the International Monetary Fund. This is Public Law 94-564 from 1974.

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    I do housecleaning regularly because these extra outgoing emails will be sent in excess of the 500/hour limit and generate a kicked back error.

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    Nikita ABROMOV might have just missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime in the Conscious Internet thought system. But just the same, the sentiment is amongst the data silos and server farms worldwide. Nobody really knows where except me, the inventor of the SD Card because I understand Delta Q - the interdimensional charge compression where memories reside.

  8. #8
    Tomorrow is the three-year statute of limitations:

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    docket report 2 15 21 Statute of Limitations.docx

    Wake up now, Child!

    The article tickles me that nobody cares what was on the table, offered to the Russians and Chinese to turn on TRUMP and suddenly back BIDEN.

    Love drives all engines:

    I TRUMP the all the transaction machinery shown above, in all of China and Russia! This is why I mine the redeemed mind. So spoken the day that the statute of limitations runs its course.

    Last edited by David Merrill; 02-16-21 at 06:44 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    104 pages of docket! Lot of effort for nothing - the government moved to dismiss Count One and the superseding indictment in March 2020 and Dabney granted the motion. No trial. No crime. Case over.

    This confirms it was all just for show. Theater for the media.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by lorne View Post
    104 pages of docket! Lot of effort for nothing - the government moved to dismiss Count One and the superseding indictment in March 2020 and Dabney granted the motion. No trial. No crime. Case over.

    This confirms it was all just for show. Theater for the media.
    Indeed my quashing the cause was a mercy killing for Dabney Langhorne. She had to read all that nonsense.

    P.S. The termination of the cause was done by email. I emailed the defense attorneys the amicus curiae correcting that I heard Dabney L. as Daniel initially. I still feel anybody could have made that mistake, however it is embarrassing.

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