You heard the Whisper?

Thank you. Very interesting link; thanks for that too.


I see your remark about shotgunning neurochemicals and nutritional supplements. They are only a small portion of the therapies I try out on my body. If I was to claim only one out of the many I would claim R Alpha Lipoic Acid. Get the "R" and maybe the true Niacin, that causes vasodilation (blushing). This one chemical makes many of the other chemicals liposoic. Meaning slippery or wrapped in fine fat so that they gain easy entry into cells, through the outer membrane.

Otherwise you might just be rinsing the nutrient supplements through your body, unused.

But you touched upon something there - heritage. My macular and neuroregenesis may not be very replicable unless you are a close relative. I don't know. There was a punny Sunday Strip on Who is Robert Malone recently (SubStack) titled Reptilian Overloads. I made a rather cryptic comment and another reader inquired for a layman's rendition? Open in another window. The links in the following quotation from SubStack are faulty.


Dear Suitors;

Please pardon my fumbling around on Substack. It may be the beginning of something Big. Robert Wallace MALONE invented the mRNA Vaccines now misused by Moderna, Pfizer etc. He mistakenly became inoculated and is managing to live out his days productively on a rural homestead next to the Shenandoah National Forest. Who is Robert Malone?

Yesterday Robert published a meme Sunday Strip called "Reptilian Overloads". - slip intended, I think.

David Merrill

David’s Substack

I jump on the segui, your play on Reptilian Overlords:

I doubt most readers comprehend that more than one meme (second to the last) is directly on topic. Gold is fine white powder, found in Exodus. With that said is your solution for health, but logically it would have been much more effective before mRNA/plasmid DNA inoculation. Carbon 60:**Still you too might double your melatonin with 12 Hz ELF on a transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulator -**- This promise might be a lot more healthy energy for you and Jill, with the time you have.

Pricy toothpaste, I use it to brush my teeth. Be sure to get the BAATI Formula, stirred magnetically for two weeks in the dark, into extra virgin olive oil. See in the upper left diagram how it fits so nicely into the inner winding of the double helix?

Ergo, my Doped Carbon 60 Transition Metallofullerene Pump is the cat's pajamas. Using the chakras for a wire, this utilizes the superconductive (myelin) in the axons to pump transition metallofullerenes into the third ventricle liquor (cerebrospinal fluid). Here is why.

HYPOTHESIS: We live in an agreed upon contract which parts of our mass hallucinations (TRUTH) will be agreeable, and which wont (TRUTHS - plural). Trees and rocks, the two bears in the background etc will be with everybody:**You see, that is a little unbelievable but you put it in front of somebody who spends time in nature and they are not plastic mockery. You share TRUTH and you share your TRUTHS too. Honorable.

A great deal of the neuropatholic suffering stems from playing on "safe" Roundup lawns and spreading antiperspirants like a social duty (aluminum chlorhydrate). Resulting in aluminum/glyphosate symbiotic poisoning of the pineal gland, which in addition to traditional mulberry-like hydroxyapatite concretions (calcification) block our communications inward through the third ventricle and Third Eye. This directly affects the microbiome resulting in more neurotoxins damaging the brain by encouraging deadly plaques:

To re-abstract then, cytoplasmic protein shuttles in the healthy decalcified pineal gland and third ventricle, washing both the pituitary and pineal glands (liquor) contain a percentage of melatonin and dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Call this content 1 and so there is a high percentage of melatonin in the 1 when we are in deep sleep. When we dream, there is a high percentage of DMT as this is an endogenous psychedelic hallucinogen. The third ventricle is pinched shut as a stagnant reservoir for most days on the lunar cycle and for a few days at full moon the aqueducts Monroi and Sylvius open so that its contents rinse into the larger reserviour of cerebrospinal fluid.

It is shown in the article that melatonin peaks during the witching hour, on an average in a sleeping community. So back to my hypothesis - lets call that 95% melatonin and 5% DMT - deep sleep. But look, by 7:am we are up and about breakfast so we can safely call that 95% DMT and 5% melatonin, with arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferace converting quickly melatonin to DMT and acetylseratonin-O-methyltransferace transfering back again DMT to melatonin, within the stagnant third ventricle liquor to keep it from becoming hypertonic and toxic. Meaning that if the pineal gland excreted melatonin every time we wanted deep sleep, the stagnant liquor would become polluted.

So by breakfast we ride on quite a trip, together.

This hypothesis when I completely independently, stemming from a dream, charted out Masonic Monuments around Colorado Springs. It became apparent that the layout was a perfect Fibonacci Spiral:*

The smaller one was fascinating enough in itself but when it extended exactly through Mount Herman, like in Judges 18 - an illegal (unlicensed by Jerusalem) manna ORME fabrication ARC, I knew I was onto something that has captivated my imagination for decades now.

Colorado Springs is quite the Capital for the western US for Freemasonry. I spent many hours hanging around the Library and Museum trying to figure this out. They know nothing about any layout on the civil architecture of Colorado or Colorado Springs.

It is like my secret hypothesis. I was born on the northwest Corner (traditional Headstone) of the Golden Rectangle. Right there at Penrose Hospital. Furthermore my parents married within the Rectangle at which church the NW Spire is four times the size of the others. - Interesting that my Khazarian heritage traces out my being confluence of two ancient Mesopotamian bloodlines.

The Reptilian reference is of course from the Egyptian reverence for the crocodile. Crocodile and Serpent being interchangeable. The Coat of Arms given Cain is the Orobouris - the serpent eating its own tail. My own bloodline confluence is Sons of God (Cain) and Sons of Man (Abel) - or Seth if you prefer to believe Cain killed Abel. What it says is that Cain's bloodline (ruling class) is so high above Abel's (servant class) bloodline Cain's blood is like comparing the sky to the soil. Not that Cain spilled Abel's blood on the soil.