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Thread: Mining the Redeemed Mind

  1. #41
    Ah yes, the Brunson brothers.

    How can Congress take an oath to uphold the Constitution, then pass laws that allow Congress to be immune from suit for intentionally violating the Constitution ...?

    Simple. By signing an invalid oath that doesn't follow form of oath as prescribed by Congress.

    As for the one-eighth, it may be that if you're hiring agents/bots/actors to target a forum, the Russians offer the best deal.
    Last edited by marcel; 01-31-23 at 01:25 PM.

  2. #42

    Renewed Non-Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    Ah yes, the Brunson brothers.

    How can Congress take an oath to uphold the Constitution, then pass laws that allow Congress to be immune from suit for intentionally violating the Constitution ...?

    Simple. By signing an invalid oath that doesn't follow form of oath as prescribed by Congress.

    As for the one-eighth, it may be that if you're hiring agents/bots/actors to target a forum, the Russians offer the best deal.
    TRUMP is going strong.

    It pays to review the opening post here. Donald John never was President.

    Please ignore the misnomer, Robert instead of John.

    And good luck finding the Oath of Office for John Glover ROBERTS!

    Download ROBERTS FOIA Appeal.

    Leading us to believe that there are no oaths of office in the BIDEN Administration.

  3. #43

    Voice is DEBAR - Give Me my WORD

    Name:  Oath Dabney (3).jpg
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    That is the only Prosecution that is now CLOSED.

    Name:  Concord is the only Closed Case.jpg
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    One of the children I saved from the inoculation is going to salvage the world.

  4. #44

    WHISPER the Election 2024

    Fine tuning around an Outlook attack over the weekend at - exciting moments. It is fun when it gets so surreal that even I just do not believe what is happening. Helps keep me calm as a snow drift...

    Name:  WHISPER BCUS email trouble 5 23.jpg
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    201K emails going strong.

    Name:  Whisper 5 2023 HOWELL BOASBERG oaths message contents.jpg
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    The message I am transmitting from the antennae array atop Bishop Castle is:

    January 6th Clown Show

    The chief judge oaths are deviant in form.

    "SO HELP ME GOD." has replaced, "So help me God."

    Download the pdf directly.

    DoJ Final Response and Oath BOASBERG & HOWELL.pdf

  5. #45

  6. #46
    Why does the FED owe $80 billion to the US Treasury?

    Name:  _20230724_233655.JPG
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    Last edited by marcel; 07-25-23 at 03:40 AM.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    Why does the FED owe $80 billion to the US Treasury?

    Name:  _20230724_233655.JPG
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    Is not 80K Million 80 trillion? I wonder if this could be called the Homeland Security Trust? $80T is reflective of global debt forgiveness. Like I have said elsewhere here, liquidation of SDR's. The measure of social conditioning to blindly endorse private credit from the local central bank.

    It is a little difficult to tell over 10 years of resolution but that new chart looks like June 5th, when I look closely and measure with my mouse. Thanks again! That helps me understand the twenty year evaluation of irrevocable trust - the Homeland Security Trust.

    The Charter of Freedoms and Exemptions grants to me a perpetual inheritance on Manhattan at Wall Street.

    I have not nailed down a specific date - and presume that the Homeland Security was finally in place fully about 18 months after 9/11. The Bill of Exchange is precise and was served (the original) on Richard GRASSO then the Chair of the NYSE. I am speaking about a formalization of the Homeland Security system as a trust, in the cycle of conjured cataclysm, solution and dialectic consumption of private rights into the public welfare system. Anyway around it, $80T is a thousand times more money than the $80B you mentioned on the graph.

    Name:  CASTLE CHURCH - FtRoOB 4 17 15.jpg
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  8. #48
    Was Major Jason Lowery really ordered to cease book publication of Softwar? Or just a stunt to create hype for his thesis?

    Check the 4th picture on the ebay listing...

    PDF copy here
    Last edited by marcel; 07-29-23 at 03:18 AM.

  9. #49
    To better understand Whispering - in context of the 2016 Election watch The Comey Rule Episode 1 at the 20 Minute Mark.

  10. #50
    This feels like one of the big events, why I created the virtual consulate.

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