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Thread: Anyone from Illinois?

  1. #31
    Hi Dave, after reading it and how it was WRITTEN emphasizing "COLUMBIA" gives me the impression that maybe the address was written wrong. I get letters with bad addresses but I know who they go to so the letters get delivered. I know from personal experience sending things internationally (in my case to and from South America, namely BRAZIL) has been a bad experience (personally and financially). Often times items are opened for inspection to make certain the items described are actually the items in the package. I'm speculating... this is an amnesty case? The last time I read anything about South Africa the government was taking back the land from white farmers...

    As far as the Post Office is concerned I'm honestly at a loss. I can say from personal experience that since we have this Postmaster General De Joy, our service was and is horribly damaged because of the changes he instituted. There is collusion/corruption between the agencies. The Postal Service was always apolitical. And we know how the previous administration felt about what they considered "3rd world countries" as "sh$thole countries".. I can't think of anything to be of benefit. You used the word cruel. Cruelty is the point.

    The tracking says that it's still in transit to its destination so now it's considered "lost". I've lost registered items while they were in Brazilian customs but never here in the states.

    I'm at a loss with this. Sorry I can't help more at least at this moment.
    Last edited by joseph3r; 03-24-21 at 12:38 AM.

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by joseph3r View Post
    Hi Dave, after reading it and how it was WRITTEN emphasizing "COLUMBIA" gives me the impression that maybe the address was written wrong.

    The address was written to "city of Washington, District of Columbia". This form is still used by Congress and the DoJ and USPS, with the Attorney General and US Treasury plus the customs officials in Miami and apparently Columbia too for not sending it back, decided to read that wrongly. Treasury of the United States at the top, and the ZIP code would have prevailed and it would never been misconstrued by so many people consistently - especially as Registered Mail. Since I have been using Registered Mail because of the careful security and reliability for decades I feel this is a proper assessment.

    We are in a metaphysic of corruption.

  3. #33
    It was tried to be given the benefit of a doubt. It was tried to put off as a coincidence or an honest mistake. So going through all the processes of elimination you have to come to a conclusion that fits. This is strike 2 coming from what was a reliable and popular government agency. Will there be a strike 3? Do you take photos of your mailings before they're mailed off? I can't think of anything else to add..

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by joseph3r View Post
    It was tried to be given the benefit of a doubt. It was tried to put off as a coincidence or an honest mistake. So going through all the processes of elimination you have to come to a conclusion that fits. This is strike 2 coming from what was a reliable and popular government agency. Will there be a strike 3? Do you take photos of your mailings before they're mailed off? I can't think of anything else to add..
    Thanks. I enjoy methodical. From the brain trust:

    My post office in Las Vegas, Nevada said the 20220 zip code is incorrect for the US Treasury. She claims it is 20229--her computer screen showed this as the correct zip code. I have been having success with deliveries using this updated zip code.

    For what it's worth...
    First Middle
    However, 20220 is the ZIP on the website.

    It was this corruption, upon indictment, that caused KAHN to close down the Albany Remand. (Start around Page 18 or 19.) But this is becoming the trend, like pointing out that the police are gone to petty criminals. There is no judicial review on administrative law. I am it - the court of record. Some of the suitors on the brain trust understand their redemption and others are simply redeemed.

    The whole separation from God thing is unnatural - Original Sin. So if you are keeping count, then the claims arising from the Albany Remand are Strike Three. However, as I saw it Jonathan's assistant unknowingly sending a duplicate for filing was at the center of things - a biblical Two Witness system from the Code of Hammurabi.

    But in light of the stakes, admission that I am it, PENDRAGON, I can understand why the DoJ might whine that I shine light on the corruption. That is what antennae do - shine light.

    Put simply, this is at the heart of what the DoJ is hiding:

    Name:  Albany Remand Oath indictment on DoJ.jpg
Views: 3546
Size:  147.9 KB

    So for the protection of the Teller Window that has replaced courts of law, the Department of Justice disgraces upon disgrace. Considering PENDRAGON takes All, well worth the petty $20M!

    Uniform Laws by Congress - the Court Security Act of 2007 adopted by the State of New Jersey.

    A government record shall not include the following information which is deemed to be confidential for the purposes of P.L.1963, c.73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.) as amended and supplemented:

    any copy of an oath of allegiance, oath of office or any affirmation taken upon assuming the duties of any public office, or that oath or affirmation, taken by a current or former officer or employee in any public office or position in this State or in any county or municipality of this State, including members of the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and all law enforcement entities, except that the full name, title, and oath date of that person contained therein shall not be deemed confidential; and
    Herein lie the keys to the kingdom for you too. For we also find:

    "Biotechnology" means any technique that uses living organisms, or parts of living organisms, to make or modify products, to improve plants or animals, or to develop micro-organisms for specific uses; including the industrial use of recombinant DNA, cell fusion, and novel bioprocessing techniques.
    This is a rider - slipping it in. People receiving NAV's nucleic acid vaccines are changing their transcripts. In law, they are caput lupinum, no longer human.

    BOUVIER'S 1856

    CAPUT LUPINUM, Eng. law. Having the head of a wolf. An outlawed felon was said to have the head of a wolf, and might have been killed by any one legally. Now, such killing would be murder. 1. Hale, Pl. C. 497. The rules of the common law on this subject are rauch more severe in their consequences, than the doctrine of the civil law relating to civil death. See 1 Toull. Droit Civil, n. 280, and pp. 254-5, note 3.

    CIVIL DEATH, persons. The change of the state (q. v.) of a person who is declared civilly dead by judgment of a competent tribunal. In such case, the person against whom such sentence is pronounced is considered dead. 2 John. R. 218. See Gilb. Uses, 150; 2 Bulst. 188; Co. tit. 132; Jenk. Cent. 250; 1 Keble, 398; Prest. on Convey. 140. Vide Death, civil.

    Civil death is the state of a person who, though possessing natural life, has lost all his civil rights, and, as to them, is considered as dead. A person convicted and attainted of felony, and sentenced to the state prison for life, is, in the state of New York, in consequence of the act of 29th of March, 1799, and by virtue of the conviction and sentence of imprisonment for life, to be considered as civilly dead.
    Are you getting this? Slipping it in ==> SCREWED!

    They still look human but they are not. They have become reprogrammable.

    Reprogrammability Score according to MIT:

    Name:  MIT Broad Institute reprogrammability score.jpg
Views: 2843
Size:  174.1 KB

  5. #35

    Delivery Systems

    I noticed AstraZeneca is a candidate for the patent on the Prioritizing of all vaccines.

    With MIT more than busy Distributing.

  6. #36
    I think a lot of us are concerned about this too. I have no intentions of getting vaccinated for anything, and I haven't had any vaccinations since I was a child in the 70's. I don't get sick. No flu or bronchitis, sinus infections or any other respiratory diseases, no allergies, nothing. The only thing that we have left that is truly "ours" is our own personal biological property, our "DNA" but eventually that won't be ours either. I travel abroad and eventually I will be given the choice: get the vaccines and have a vaccination passport or live my life in perpetual misery and they will make certain I am miserable, "shunned" and set apart from the rest of them. "Receive the mark of the beast" if you believe that.

    I see the benefits in the technology that's being developed but then I also see the bad if it's used other than what it's intended for.
    Last edited by joseph3r; 03-24-21 at 06:36 PM.

  7. #37

    Related to State Dominion

    Quote Originally Posted by joseph3r View Post
    I think a lot of us are concerned about this too. I have no intentions of getting vaccinated for anything, and I haven't had any vaccinations since I was a child in the 70's. I don't get sick. No flu or bronchitis, sinus infections or any other respiratory diseases, no allergies, nothing. The only thing that we have left that is truly "ours" is our own personal biological property, our "DNA" but eventually that won't be ours either. I travel abroad and eventually I will be given the choice: get the vaccines and have a vaccination passport or live my life in perpetual misery and they will make certain I am miserable, "shunned" and set apart from the rest of them. "Receive the mark of the beast" if you believe that.

    I see the benefits in the technology that's being developed but then I also see the bad if it's used other than what it's intended for.
    I do not judge it religiously anymore. At least I like to think that is where my emotions lead.

    For myself, I can feel it as synesthete. I often present my heritage as confluence of two dynastic bloodlines from ancient Sumeria/Mesopotamia. There is a very productive culling underway in order to preserve a biosphere compatible with the human form. It is just an interesting turn for me, to realize the legal implications of deviant genome.

    Rather than start or conjoin in another thread, I am still relating this to State dominions. Congress has a system of Unified Law. I became involved with this emotionally when a suitor became misled by Tim TURNER.

    [CENTER]Name:  amicus curie docketed.jpg
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Size:  163.6 KB[CENTER]

    For extra punishment he was being sent to Texas for sentencing. He instead fled and within a week or two turned himself in up in northern Colorado. He served out less than one year in a country club facility in Littleton, due to my amicus brief. In short, I blamed Tim, explaining that Ron was being deluded and that the CIA/NSA was using Tim's influence for an illegal intelligence mill.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I do not judge it religiously anymore. At least I like to think that is where my emotions lead.

    For myself, I can feel it as synesthete. I often present my heritage as confluence of two dynastic bloodlines from ancient Sumeria/Mesopotamia. There is a very productive culling underway in order to preserve a biosphere compatible with the human form. It is just an interesting turn for me, to realize the legal implications of deviant genome.

    Rather than start or conjoin in another thread, I am still relating this to State dominions. Congress has a system of Unified Law. I became involved with this emotionally when a suitor became misled by Tim TURNER.

    [CENTER]Name:  amicus curie docketed.jpg
Views: 829
Size:  163.6 KB[CENTER]

    For extra punishment he was being sent to Texas for sentencing. He instead fled and within a week or two turned himself in up in northern Colorado. He served out less than one year in a country club facility in Littleton, due to my amicus brief. In short, I blamed Tim, explaining that Ron was being deluded and that the CIA/NSA was using Tim's influence for an illegal intelligence mill.
    PUBLIC LAW 110–177.. So they are above the law and immune from prosecution.

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