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Thread: Anyone from Illinois?

  1. #1

    Anyone from Illinois?

    Hi all, I've come to realize that the states are a different beast when it comes to dealing with lawful money. Illinois does not like what I did so they took it upon them selves to "correct" my return and it is well within their rights to do so as they have it written

    (35 ILCS 120/4) (from Ch. 120, par. 443) Sec. 4. As soon as practicable after any return is filed, the Department shall examine such return and shall, if necessary, correct such return according to its best judgment and information.

    They sent me a notice of their correction last year because on their 1040 the Federal adjusted gross income showed up as 0 and it probably was a mistake on my part because I used TurboTax and everything automatically carries over with the exception of attaching schedule M to show my demand. Even though they saw my attached W2 and it clearly shows I have income it just wasn't taxable, they decided to drop everything to just 0 instead of giving me my refund of $2924.

    Since I didn't agree I sent them my Fed 1040 as they requested, and I did receive my full refund from them the Fed. I spoke to a live person on the phone about the status of my Illinois refund and they said it was still being reviewed and that it may take 120 to 240 days to get a response in writing so now it's a little overdue.

    I have no problems with an audit because if the error was mine then I should have an opportunity to correct it. I've studied their laws with the sales tax exemption of bullion (gold and silver) AKA lawful money. I have a feeling they're testing my resolve to see if I will give up, give in and just go away.

    35 ILCS 120/2-20) (from Ch. 120, par. 441-20)
    Sec. 2-20. Bullion. For purposes of this Act, "bullion" means gold, silver, or platinum in a bulk state with a purity of not less than 980 parts per 1,000.

    Illinois Department of Revenue Regulations Title 86 Part 130 Section 130.120 Nontaxable Transactions TITLE 86: REVENUE CHAPTER I: DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE PART 130 RETAILERS’ OCCUPATION TAX Section 130.120 Nontaxable Transactions The tax does not apply to receipts from sales:
    of legal tender, currency, medallions, or gold or silver coinage issued by the State of Illinois, the government of the United States of America or the government of any foreign country and bullion [35 ILCS 120/2-5(18)], unless the items are transferred as jewelry and therefore subject to tax. This exemption existed prior to the enactment of Section 2-70 and will not sunset;

    I'm debating how best to resolve this. Should I send them a detailed explanation of the laws 12 U.S.C. 411, 31 U.S.C. 5112, 31 U.S.C. 5115, 31 U.S.C 5119?

    I'm just trying to abide by their laws.

    Thanks everyone


  2. #2
    Thank you for that Joseph;

    I got a call; one final question. He realized that the amount on the state form was different than the amount on Line 11 of the 1040.

    Name:  Fed and State discrepancy.png
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    So I suggested he single strike through the "Line 11" before mailing. The forms are simply unaccommodating to redemption. Redemption is outside the scope of debt. Exclusively mutual ultimates - debt and redemption.

    But make it plain that you earned $0 taxable income. And make sure your claim is the exact amount reported by your employer by W-2 (client by 1099) as withholdings. Nothing more or less.

    This is plain as you can make it and the law is that you make demand. No more burden is upon you.

    By your story, it agrees with the brain trust experience too, the states can no longer play ignorant. Maybe they were even making honest mistakes and have been corrected by the OCC? This is the feeling I get, so thank you for sharing here. People are more and more just shuffling redemption off into the lost or circular file. Crummy - but it is hard to prove dishonor when they just pretend they lost it.

    Name:  Doc 17 USPS Tracking RF 181 029 716 US_Page_1.jpg
Views: 1692
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    They stopped attaching dates to the report. We are talking about collusion between the US Treasury, the USDC, the DoJ and the Postmaster General with Registered Mail. So yesterday I called the process server who mailed it and offered him $100 to follow up on the lost RM package. Then look - magically delivered:

    Name:  Doc 17 USPS Tracking RF 181 029 716 US Delivered 3 10 21_Page_1.jpg
Views: 640
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    So get a close look! Twelve days for Registered Mail - three days tops. And delivered in the middle of the night? I will just bet it got dropped behind a heavy file cabinet in the mail room "by accident". What in the world? Delivering mail in the middle of the night?

  3. #3
    Hi Dave and thanks for replying. Yes! Exactly that. Line 11 needed to be added manually as mine should have. I think maybe line 11 should have been typed in as [76,817]. This is what I did for this year's state return so I'll see how they respond this time around. As far as that tracking is concerned, I work at the post office and you're right about collusion but as I see it, you and many others here have developed names and reputations and you got flagged and have been put on whatever list, red or black or something. All my correspondence was sent via certified mail and delivered during normal business hours but maybe D.C. operates differently since it is the main hub for all commerce. I'm curious now so I'll ask.

  4. #4

    Examples Revised

    The math still fails the Narrative. I am tending for the math in the columns, albeit putting in a [NEGATIVE] amount twice rubs me the wrong way. But this amendment required plasticity in the right hemisphere - which is more to the point.

    I am not a tax preparer. I am the intelligence nexus for a brain trust posting for a virtual consulate club, coordinating a real time interactive geopolitical social engineering platform to carefully regulate the release valve system for the confidence and security building measures sustaining the illusion debt can be used for currency (SDR's).

    Since it changes quarterly - search engine "Fed Assets Current" for the one-page report and pay particular attention to Footnotes 1-2. Rather than posting a photo.

    P.S. With the California suitor, $4K is a chunk of change and the State owes it back to him, whether the State likes that or not. So I am helping him. But it may turn out that the FTB will not pay out. Teaching the state is worth the effort to me, so long as he gets his federal refund. But then it is not my wallet.

    Timing in Strategy - MUSASHI Miyamoto (memorized)

    1. Do not think dishonestly
    2. The Way is in training
    3. Become acquianted with every art
    4. Learn the ways of every occupation
    5. Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters
    6. Develop intuitive judgment and an understanding for all things
    7. perceive those things that cannot be seen
    8. Pay attention even to trifles
    9. Do nothing that is of no use

    From A Book of Five Rings - Overlook Press
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by David Merrill; 03-11-21 at 10:37 AM.

  5. #5
    Thanks Dave. I see your point on this. But when I did speak to an actual person from the state he literally repeated everything like he was a recording, and since I mailed a paper return they had to look through everything page by page so they have to know what I'm doing so they must be indeed testing my resolve. I thought to give it a try giving them a figure to look at instead of "0" might give a different reaction. Thanks again for your input.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by joseph3r View Post
    Thanks Dave. I see your point on this. But when I did speak to an actual person from the state he literally repeated everything like he was a recording, and since I mailed a paper return they had to look through everything page by page so they have to know what I'm doing so they must be indeed testing my resolve. I thought to give it a try giving them a figure to look at instead of "0" might give a different reaction. Thanks again for your input.
    I hope you can give us a feel for what is going on with our claims - serving mail at three in the morning like that.

    Waiver of Tort, especially upon the NY CODE is a very powerful financial tool.

  7. #7
    After reading all that all I can say is that the only thing missing is the Kissinger cables.. As to the delay and delivery of your registered letter I can point to this:

    Specifically 1700,1701, 1702, and 1703. Postal inspectors and postal police are considered one of the highest levels of law enforcement so I'm told. These are serious offenses and are strictly enforced. When you said collusion you should have added corruption as well. You guys are pulling up laws and history that's been buried deliberately and forgotten. The local level of management can't answer your question so I'll try and contact the district manager and the NALC president Rolando so hopefully I can get an answer, I'm very curious as well.

    Keep in mind that the postal service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Mail processing never stops but to deliver something in the wee hours of the morning after an inquiry is very suspicious. A regular craft employee would not have delivered this.
    Last edited by joseph3r; 03-15-21 at 06:32 PM. Reason: Another thought to add

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by joseph3r View Post
    After reading all that all I can say is that the only thing missing is the Kissinger cables.. As to the delay and delivery of your registered letter I can point to this:

    Specifically 1700,1701, 1702, and 1703. Postal inspectors and postal police are considered one of the highest levels of law enforcement so I'm told. These are serious offenses and are strictly enforced. When you said collusion you should have added corruption as well. You guys are pulling up laws and history that's been buried deliberately and forgotten. The local level of management can't answer your question so I'll try and contact the district manager and the NALC president Rolando so hopefully I can get an answer, I'm very curious as well.

    Keep in mind that the postal service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Mail processing never stops but to deliver something in the wee hours of the morning after an inquiry is very suspicious. A regular craft employee would not have delivered this.
    Thank you so much for your attention and awareness. This part of the echo chamber is wonderful!

    P.S. I agree with the authority assessment too. There is a "postal roads" clause in the Constitution being enforced upon Congressional bond.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 03-15-21 at 07:11 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Thank you so much for your attention and awareness. This part of the echo chamber is wonderful!

    P.S. I agree with the authority assessment too. There is a "postal roads" clause in the Constitution being enforced upon Congressional bond.
    I have learned that when it comes to law there's a public and a private side to everything. The Postal Service is a grey area in government where it's independent but overseen by Congress. is the public/corporate/commercial side and if it were an official part of the federal government we would be or The General Post Office still exists for those that know how to use it.

    I did talk with someone in D.C. about the delay and final delivery and their answer makes some sense. Some areas have been a little delayed due to the pandemic and I'm guessing the letter was delivered at 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue so no P.O. box that would explain being delivered so early, and maybe they have their own personnel service for picking up and dropping off correspondences. They get a large amount of volume and that operates at 24 hours too.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by joseph3r View Post
    I have learned that when it comes to law there's a public and a private side to everything. The Postal Service is a grey area in government where it's independent but overseen by Congress. is the public/corporate/commercial side and if it were an official part of the federal government we would be or The General Post Office still exists for those that know how to use it.

    I did talk with someone in D.C. about the delay and final delivery and their answer makes some sense. Some areas have been a little delayed due to the pandemic and I'm guessing the letter was delivered at 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue so no P.O. box that would explain being delivered so early, and maybe they have their own personnel service for picking up and dropping off correspondences. They get a large amount of volume and that operates at 24 hours too.
    Thank you. I appreciate your investigation and experience.

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