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Thread: Clown World

  1. #1

  2. #2

    Get some perspective please.

    This is an interesting ride. The fellow is obviously impassioned and believes that there are Masons who will hold him to his oaths to be subject to murder. This is pretty silly to begin with when you think about it. Why would you want into such a religion to begin with? You are on your knees with a hood over your head, there is a master of ceremony holding a sword, and you swear that if you do not keep their secrets they can murder you in the most hideous manner imaginable?

    After being so deluded it is no surprise that one might remain so deluded, as to think and speak like the producer of the video:

    After all, once you get in and start administering the oath to others you might actually gain the impression that you have that right - manslaughter. That you have the authority to kill somebody who breaks the solemn promise like the author of the video.

    I too became fascinated by this myth - about secret and evil deeds in darkness in Lucifer's name etc. So I went to the Lodge and walked in. I asked if they minded me taking photos, "God, no!" And so I have gobs more where these came from.

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    If you have read my material about fiat, US notes being lawful money and Colorado being an important war chest for the development of Greenbacks to US notes into Fed notes then you should know that many key points I have trained on are found in the history books found in the Mason Library and Museum. Here, I am standing with a religious leader President in the Mason Museum.

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    Interestingly, with LINCOLN's stature that walking stick would have been a scepter. He only borrowed it so it turns out, to hold during his Inauguration and sure enough, when it came time to reassemble a peacetime Congress he was assassinated. So I am just telling you all this to warn you that maybe such religious practices where you promise on the pain of death to keep it secret, is unwise.

    There are treasures there, worth protecting no doubt:

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    Let me show you one more thing, before I tell you the real story here by attachment. Anyway, nobody there is very threatening. Sir Laurence GARDNER was Royal Archiver for the Sovereign Order of European Princes - so my escapades in on the Mason Lodge are an adventure in miniature. Looking for a good video "At the Ranch", I discovered something interesting. At least if you are a Bible Scholar.

    We know from the Bible parable that Abraham plays a key role with delivering his half-sister Sarah to Pharaoh, for fornication. We can easily align these exact dates to find that man who fathered the Israelites is named Senusret III and his father Senusret II is "Father of the King - ABIMELECH" who confirmed that the sexual intercourse was successful, and that Sarah was pregnant. We also find that David, ancestor of Jesus went straight for the shewbread when he became frightened, fleeing from Saul. Another quick factoid is that Solomon built the Temple using Masons who made no chiseling noise.

    These things are usually attributed to the supernatural powers possessed by God.

    God is revealed to be of two natures. One is benevolent and the other is LORD typically, jealous and vengeful. The LORD on the Mountain in Exodus was Jethro - Lord of the Vulcans - furnaces that produced sulfuric acid - and key to extracting MZKZ in the video linked above. Watch this video from David HUDSON.

    Meteorites are boiling transition metals and as such distribute monatomic form upon impact.

    I enjoy Maynard James' take on the substance. Watch first. Watch second.

    Moses is Ackenaten, who was Amenhotep IV and Pharoah in that part of the Bible Story was his father Amenhotep III. He exported enough gold for the Golden Calf that was reduced to manna and fed to the Israelites to create an invincible army of supersoldiers, for the campaign to clean up Canaan of the Hebrews (Habiru - Bandits). But that leads us to Lucifer.

    Amenhotep is the object of all prayer ending "Amen". He is famous for uniting Egypt into monotheism. But not under YHWH - Jethro - but under the Sun. This is veiled in the misinterpretation that Lucifer is Satan. Lucifer is Light-Bearer like the Clown video in the opening post.

    Anyway. I hope that sheds a productive perspective.
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  3. #3
    I would be persuaded if I didn't see different, David.

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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post
    I would be persuaded if I didn't see different, David.
    Simply profound.

  5. #5

    Natural v Synthetic

    There are those who don't believe in good and evil, that there is only Nature.
    The sentence is loaded with a premise. - That those who do not believe in good and evil believe that there is only Nature.

    What I have responded to (1991- current) is how my 2003 invention "Eradication of SARS" opened genome mapping of human stem cells to the Chinese. William Jefferson paid them off for their $200M Reelection with not only the state of rocket and satellite tech, the Iridium Constellation, but he put a five year moratorium on human stem cell research. This of course only effected the USA legally. It was a five-year jump on the alternative to Nature.

    The Bible Story is about two genetic engineering events. Retirement used to be an honor - to nourish the tribe. Eat of my flesh; drink of my blood. Rebirth and eternal life. The vestal virgin was typically reserved for pure menstruum without the injection of the DNA picked up by intercourse, much less paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis (herpes) on the frontal lobes from STD's.

    Soon it was discovered a pregnant woman partaking in the pituitary gland would die with an accelerated skeleton inside her. The fetus grew too fast with 6-carboxytetrahydropterin, the "Lucy Hormone". So then they began to grow the Nephalim, giants with expanded brain capacity. Genius - Genesis. This new leadership bred Cro-magnon peoples from the Neanderthals about 35K years ago. They were a well cared for servant class. And indeed the Eden was flooded with the invasion of the Habiru, the hoards and all their languages confused and nearly destroyed the Nephalim leadership.

    This is right there in the Bible and becomes clear with the proper record for the key.

    Then about six thousand years ago another project came forth. This is Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Seth and so forth. Things begin to make sense with the Homosapiens. The times have changed. Until now we have bred our genesis projects naturally.

    So one may believe in good and evil, but abstain from judgment. And this does not mean that belief is limited to the natural. The new NAV's have a very good reprogrammability score.

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    Dr Carrie MADEJ holds quaint notions, in her Christianity as the Clown Video author. She believes in the antiquated notion that myelin is an insulator when in reality it is the machinery. A parallel and quantum computer comprised of coherent DNA. So much more than isolating the pyramidal neuron synapse and architecture. But the main problem is God out there, an invisible friend that will intervene or rapture and save us from radical responsibility.

    The day I stoned the impudent fuck is the exact moment I learned how to control the weather.

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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill
    The sentence is loaded with a premise. - That those who do not believe in good and evil believe that there is only Nature.
    But the main problem is God out there, an invisible friend that will intervene or rapture and save us from radical responsibility.

    The day I stoned the impudent fuck is the exact moment I learned how to control the weather.
    As always you never disappoint. I am used to your cryptic writing, and I am sure you are on to something, since I have been following your writing since 2007. So, if the civilization that was way before us and did their engineering may we not be following in their own development cycle too? Wouldn't they have the same conundrum regarding morals, existence, etc? You know, there is nothing new under the Sun kinda thing?

  7. #7
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post
    As always you never disappoint. I am used to your cryptic writing, and I am sure you are on to something, since I have been following your writing since 2007. So, if the civilization that was way before us and did their engineering may we not be following in their own development cycle too? Wouldn't they have the same conundrum regarding morals, existence, etc? You know, there is nothing new under the Sun kinda thing?
    Hi Gavilan, I have a theory developed around the movie THE MATRIX which I believe is an allegory for mankind's past, current and future condition. I don't think the humans were batteries that makes zero sense because it would take much more energy to keep the humans alive than what can be obtained thru heat. As such, I believe the humans serve as a parallel processing neural network. And since the human brain is creating the matrix, then the nature of the matrix is subject to the collective SUBJECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS of the mass in parallel. The spoon boy gives us the key - objectively there is no spoon.

    As such, the enlightened mind knows that the blue pill AND the red pill are both lies. The blue pills are quietly sleeping in total ignorance of the control system which governs [under tutors and governors - Galations] their every move. And the red pills think they are awake but these are the most deluded of all. The false religions have been created in order to "manage" those who can see the control system of State but are completely blind to the control system of Religion. In the movie, Zion was created by the machines and maintained by the machines and destroyed over and over again by the machines! That means there is no such thing as THE ONE - that is a lie!!

    Those who fight and struggle are fighting against the wind - it is futile. The enlightened one knows that this is a subjective realm and that he need not be concerned with what he perceives to be his objective reality because that is merely an illusion - there is no spoon. This one creates in the subjective and his creation, in Spirit, manifests objectively not by his own might but thru a process of which the objective mind is completely unaware and unable to comprehend. Everyone who awakens to this fact can easily test and prove these to be true. But few do because they are deceived by their five overlords [senses].

    So if NEO is not the savior what is he? He is a lied to puppet who is used by the machines as a pawn to control the "red pills" thru their belief systems. Neo thinks he has free will until the end of part III when he realizes that the ONLY one who has told him the truth is the Merovingian. Everyone else [especially the Oracle] lied to him.

    He carries the anomaly which is the sum of all human fears, doubts and possibilities within his code [consciousness]. And as such the machines NEED him to return to source so that they can download that code and use it to perfect the Matrix. Eventually, by iteration, the matrix will be so refined such that there will no longer be a remainder of the equation [an anomaly] and when that happens there will be no need for the religious contingency! Zion will no longer be needed! Zion is a ruse - a lie.

    Notice that Neo was manipulated by the Oracle so that he did not choose to return to source. He instead forged a peace [temporary to be sure] between the machines and the people. So as a result the matrix did not reboot. The public was not re-public-ed. It is Smith who is the savior of mankind. Smith was fighting desperately to break the matrix so that the humans in the real world could be freed.

    Now here is the key. In Matrix 1, II and III we never, ever got a glimpse of the real world. Everything seen was in the simulation. Everything!

    Now consider the Surname and the "reed boat" you were found floating down the river [from your mother's birth canal]. Is not the Surname a title? Is not the reed boat the religion you were born under? Exoteric religion with its forms, rites, customs and traditions is futile it too is a representative form of existence.

    Come boldly before the throne of Grace. I AM the State. I and the Father are One. Hand signs, hand shakes, etc are all bullshit to confuse you into thinking you are but a little grasshopper before a giant. Someone placed a "stumbling block" before our path/eyes and we chose unwisely. We can undo at anytime.

    Which wolf lives, young grasshopper? The one you feed. Red pill or Blue pill are both lies. Rise above and quit listening to fools who post video content of which they have no idea thinking themselves to be wise they are as fools adding nothing but fear to the so called ones who think themselves awake. The red pills are the MOST ASLEEP because noone is more deluded than the one who believes his beliefs are true. This one fights against the wind. His whole life is vanity - a waste heap [Ai - check your Hebrew].

    Turns out the hero is the great deceiver. Go figure. Now look into your world. What do you see? I have merely scratched the surface and I mean barely scratched - the rabbit hole is deep and there is MUCH confusion.

    If one studies what was formerly known as THE GOOD AND FRIENDLY WAY and later CHRISTIANITY, then one sees there are two Savior's: the one taught by the anti-christ church and the one found within. [Luke 17:21]

    There are three paths. I hope you find the center path if you haven't already. There are four horns of the altar:

    1. Divine Law
    2. Natural Law
    3. Cognitive Law
    4. Positive Law

    Each successive set of laws is a subset of the previous and all is contained within Divine Law. The higher law understood stands above [walks on] that of the lower - a transmutation in beneficial good may be obtained thru the subjective to be later manifest in the new objective. The matrix is the summation of the choices of humanity.

    The equation is set set forth in Gen 1 and 2. God imagined us and is living in the end by resting in the final result as if it is today. This formula of creation is wonderful when understood in light of Yod-He-Vav-He. It is our life - we must choose. But if one is absent knowledge how will that one choose? Better said can one who doesn't know he has choice, make a choice? Thusly determinism rules this one. In fact, the Word has issued forth - it shall be done. That my friends is Faith in action.

    To many the foregoing may be as clear as mud. To many it contains revelation so profound as to be a key to unlock doors that can never again be locked. I hope you find the key. There is no spoon. Look around you, do you see human beings? Do you? Or do you see the Light Man - one Man called Humanity?

    The warriors waste their time - these are the most confused of all - even more so than the blue pills. What a morass. I can appreciate that the foregoing is recondite but it has to be that way. It is the law. Thou shall not commit adultery.

    A man works from dusk to dawn - OBJECTIVE MIND - Conscious Mind - Husband
    A woman's work is never done - SUBJECTIVE MIND - Subconscious - Heart - Wife
    Both are in God - SUPERCONSCIOUS MIND

    The learned scientist once told me "energy can't be created or destroyed". I thanked him for his proof of God. Puzzled he stared at me. I smiled. Who created the substrate and who made energy? Positive Law [written law, ordinance, code] is within Cognitive Law [Language] and Cognitive Law is within Natural Law [male and female roles] for instance Magnetism and Electricity [which is male - you tell me] and Natural Law is within Divine Law.

    I dreamed a dream that my imaginations were no longer vain. I heard a name uttered that sounded like a bell. I awoke and looked around and seeing no bell, I went back to sleep. Consider our ways!! We walk by Faith and NOT by sight [senses or intellect forged by experience of the senses].

    Understanding the "U", I now see the "J" For I once was in a spiraling descent as a prodigal one [scarlet and ruby red were my sin] but I turned one day and saw the "J". I saw my ensign, I put on royal garments and so shall you. Looking again I see white. But not of my own for I know I am with zero strength - I don't comprehend - yet I trust and our HOPE saves us.

    To our great good,
    Michael Joseph am I
    Last edited by Michael Joseph; 05-20-21 at 12:38 AM.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph
    Eventually, by iteration, the matrix will be so refined such that there will no longer be a remainder of the equation [an anomaly] and when that happens there will be no need for the religious contingency!
    The Singularity, One, Death, Reset, Begin Again, etc. I had a dream of a never ending line, infinite, then all began with a crack, and then more cracks into an exponential infinite that everything that was and was going to be was cracked that it again fused into that one infinite line again, and then it all began again with a single crack.

  9. #9
    I came home one day, and picked up my small Terrier into my arms and gave thanks and praise for having it into my life. At that moment I saw a clear vision that the terrier was dead in my hands, its body lifeless. I felt a tremendous pain that I fell into my knees and heard a voice clear in my head, "YOU ADORE THAT DOG MORE THAN YOUR GOD!", I gasped, tears welled and rained down my face. "How is it so," I replied, "when I deeply know that my puppy is a gift from my LORD?" My body convulsed, I saw a flash of white and in that instant I glimpsed all my forefathers and ancestors that has come before me, they weren't dead and then I knew that I am just part of this iteration of what IT is...

  10. #10
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post
    I came home one day, and picked up my small Terrier into my arms and gave thanks and praise for having it into my life. At that moment I saw a clear vision that the terrier was dead in my hands, its body lifeless. I felt a tremendous pain that I fell into my knees and heard a voice clear in my head, "YOU ADORE THAT DOG MORE THAN YOUR GOD!", I gasped, tears welled and rained down my face. "How is it so," I replied, "when I deeply know that my puppy is a gift from my LORD?" My body convulsed, I saw a flash of white and in that instant I glimpsed all my forefathers and ancestors that has come before me, they weren't dead and then I knew that I am just part of this iteration of what IT is...
    I've been there. I have learned so much from my dogs about love and forgiveness. One day I was looking at "my dog" and I wondered what makes this dog mine and then I considered "I wonder if he knows he is a dog?"

    Then we just enjoyed each other's company because I am sure he does not know I'm a human [whatever that is]. So I spoke the name of which I call my dog and he looked up at me and thought "what in the hell are you saying?" Roflmao. He then bit me on the toes so as to reassure me I had no ownership of him.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

    Divine Mind Community Call - Sundays 8pm EST

    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

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