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Thread: Pauline Bauer - "Sovereign Citizen" Defence, is not a sovereign defence.

  1. #1

    Pauline Bauer - "Sovereign Citizen" Defence, is not a sovereign defence.

    I just came across this article about Pauline Bauer, and without looking too deeply into it, it is obvious that she didn't bother to really learn about sovereignty and is another victim of the "sovereign citizen" bullshit.

    No one who grasps what it means to be a sovereign, or better stated a 'co-sovereign', would have shown up at our Capital with the intentions of depriving someone (even a public servant) of their Right to a Trial, secured by the Constitution.

    “Bring Nancy Pelosi out here right now,” Bauer can be heard saying on body-camera footage from inside the Capitol Rotunda, according to prosecutors. “We want to hang that f—ing b—-.”
    I feel this is worth a bit of discussion due to how diligent so many here have been in learning about the fullness of our Rights, Powers and Duties and showing others real ways people can defend themselves against over reaching by public servants.

    Presuming her standing as one of the People, not appearance in the public office of Citizen, she is either one of the people who delegated sovereign powers & duties to the Officers and Employees of the United States of America and several States, OR, she is a foreign sovereign.

    Either way, she doesn't have a right to hang Our public servants over allegations of Treason.

    Here are the filings with the Grand Jury from the prosecutor, I don't have any of her filings:


  2. #2
    I believe I could show you stuff from thirty years ago, about me - Sovereign Citizen - and it would start regurgitating about in cyberspace like it happened yesterday. I appreciate the case number provided but would rather not link up any connections to such dots. I have a lot of baggage there and do not want to get started.

    One thing I learned getting my head out of that mess is that the only way to win is to peacefully get off the battlefield.

    And so we might find a much better way than the opening post's Sovereign Citizen disgrace. Jim and I chose Redemption and the result was Super Jubilee in 2016, when the Trading with the Enemy Act was omitted from the Bankers' CODE. We ended war alright.

    What you are experiencing is transmission of my patented COVID-19 Vaccine (the real one was patented twelve days before any of the NAV's).

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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Theodore View Post

    I just came across this article about Pauline Bauer, and without looking too deeply into it, it is obvious that she didn't bother to really learn about sovereignty and is another victim of the "sovereign citizen" bullshit.

    No one who grasps what it means to be a sovereign, or better stated a 'co-sovereign', would have shown up at our Capital with the intentions of depriving someone (even a public servant) of their Right to a Trial, secured by the Constitution.

    I feel this is worth a bit of discussion due to how diligent so many here have been in learning about the fullness of our Rights, Powers and Duties and showing others real ways people can defend themselves against over reaching by public servants.

    Presuming her standing as one of the People, not appearance in the public office of Citizen, she is either one of the people who delegated sovereign powers & duties to the Officers and Employees of the United States of America and several States, OR, she is a foreign sovereign.

    Either way, she doesn't have a right to hang Our public servants over allegations of Treason.

    Here are the filings with the Grand Jury from the prosecutor, I don't have any of her filings:

    I tend to focus on the financial first and the lawful thereafter.

    One has to work themselves out of debt (sin) before claiming redemption (freedom).

    Debt, itself, brings a loss of status and servitude.

    The irony of this all is that debt can be used to avoid taxes. It must be held and used in structured ways to do this, however.

    Better to do commerce through an intermediary rather than directly.

    As to being a self-determined individual holding and exercising all of ones rights; privileges; and immunities, this takes years of study to do IMO. Furthermore, the powers that be will seek to dissuade you as much as possible from exercising these especially on your own.

    It is almost like the inverse of commerce: Use an intermediary in commerce. Do not use an intermediary in law.
    Last edited by shikamaru; 07-14-21 at 05:19 PM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by shikamaru View Post
    I tend to focus on the financial first and the lawful thereafter.

    One has to work themselves out of debt (sin) before claiming redemption (freedom).

    Debt, itself, brings a loss of status and servitude.

    The irony of this all is that debt can be used to avoid taxes. It must be held and used in structured ways to do this, however.

    Better to do commerce through an intermediary rather than directly.

    As to being a self-determined individual holding and exercising all of ones rights; privileges; and immunities, this takes years of study to do IMO. Furthermore, the powers that be will seek to dissuade you as much as possible from exercising these especially on your own.

    It is almost like the inverse of commerce: Use an intermediary in commerce. Do not use an intermediary in law.
    Truly wonderful!

    There are so many useful mental models around redemption. This is why I start new suitors with the stamp and making demand. Many times they do not even get that - they don't understand. But they pay for my Lesson Plan and so they follow my instruction to get a stamp and start using it, awkward as it might seem.

    Thanks for the interesting mental challenge in your post.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Truly wonderful!

    There are so many useful mental models around redemption. This is why I start new suitors with the stamp and making demand. Many times they do not even get that - they don't understand. But they pay for my Lesson Plan and so they follow my instruction to get a stamp and start using it, awkward as it might seem.

    Thanks for the interesting mental challenge in your post.
    When I began this journey the first thing to conquer was my fear. I remember the day I negotiated my first check with disclaimers and my red thumbprint on the back of a check. My heart was pounding. Looking back it is laughable. But at the time the fear was real.
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

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