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Thread: Greetings!!

  1. #1


    Long time not see y'all! What is new with you all? Met a Jew that told me "Never to pray for money because it is a creation of man, pray for your situation to be resolved instead because Ha'Shem wants His children to resolve their issues with each other." I am still digesting this.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post
    Long time not see y'all! What is new with you all? Met a Jew that told me "Never to pray for money because it is a creation of man, pray for your situation to be resolved instead because Ha'Shem wants His children to resolve their issues with each other." I am still digesting this.
    Me too. Albeit it never occurred to me to pray for money.

    I have been tuning my EPHOD. I received a large supply of gemstone crystals from Israel. When I gilded them, there was a white out.

    Name:  EPHOD gemstones with Key 216 Keys of Enoch labelled.jpg
Views: 560
Size:  869.8 KB

    Name:  Schumann white out Tuning Ephod.jpg
Views: 409
Size:  148.6 KB

  3. #3
    Got my check from the Treasury ..

    Name:  check.jpg
Views: 398
Size:  332.1 KB

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    Got my check from the Treasury ..

    Name:  check.jpg
Views: 398
Size:  332.1 KB
    Thank you for showing us!

  5. #5
    Greetings, my fellow Suitors! Just stopped by to say hello and to see what is new.

  6. #6
    Did the check come with the Tylenol pill? lol.

  7. #7
    Did I show you this one? This was a town case I had after a traffic stop where I used some SavingToSuitorsClub technology. I go to the court room at the appointed day and time. My case is called, I say I'm [true name] here on behalf of the [legal name] trust. The judge & the assistant DA are conferring. Judge asks me to step in (around the railing). I'm hesitant to come aboard. Judge says we can't proceed unless [legal name] is here in court. It's about this point I realize the case is won but only if I appear "in court". So I walk through the gate and say "there". Judge says "Case dismissed"

    Name:  Court.jpg
Views: 289
Size:  114.3 KB

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    Did I show you this one? This was a town case I had after a traffic stop where I used some SavingToSuitorsClub technology. I go to the court room at the appointed day and time. My case is called, I say I'm [true name] here on behalf of the [legal name] trust. The judge & the assistant DA are conferring. Judge asks me to step in (around the railing). I'm hesitant to come aboard. Judge says we can't proceed unless [legal name] is here in court. It's about this point I realize the case is won but only if I appear "in court". So I walk through the gate and say "there". Judge says "Case dismissed"

    Name:  Court.jpg
Views: 289
Size:  114.3 KB
    Thank you for sharing your post, came at the right exact time I needed it for court. Note that they Sealed your case file.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by marcel View Post
    Did I show you this one? This was a town case I had after a traffic stop where I used some SavingToSuitorsClub technology. I go to the court room at the appointed day and time. My case is called, I say I'm [true name] here on behalf of the [legal name] trust. The judge & the assistant DA are conferring. Judge asks me to step in (around the railing). I'm hesitant to come aboard. Judge says we can't proceed unless [legal name] is here in court. It's about this point I realize the case is won but only if I appear "in court". So I walk through the gate and say "there". Judge says "Case dismissed"

    Name:  Court.jpg
Views: 289
Size:  114.3 KB
    Thank you for posting this. It's good to reaffirm our convictions with proof...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Gavilan View Post
    Thank you for sharing your post, came at the right exact time I needed it for court.
    Oh that's good, what happened?

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