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Thread: New Jersey billing for New York

  1. #1

    New Jersey billing for New York


    So many people are commuting from New Jersey to Manhattan, in New York, across the state line that New York and New Jersey have an agreement to share the income tax revenue. Some suitors have been effected by New Jersey billing their share of the revenue, based on ignorance of redeeming lawful money by demand.

    By initializing the Refusal for Cause in admiralty, based on there being no judicial review practicable, this suitor has set up the Comptroller of the New Jersey Treasury for a personal lien against his property. Now understand that Rule B is for some time subject to a review by a federal judge, the Chief Judge on Manhattan is not a judge at all. So look toward the end and compare the SWAIN oath of office to that same oath by REHNQUIST. SWAIN is a bank teller for the central bank.

    Here is the method this suitor chose, to subtract the negative income amount.

    Name:  Schedule for 2022 s.jpg
Views: 243
Size:  427.7 KB

    If you want to participate, plug the Registered Mail numbers into USPS Tracking. The Return Receipt numbers too. Watch especially how long it takes to be delivered to the US Treasury and for the suitor to get the associated Return Receipt. This is illegal for the USPS carrier to deliver the registered mail without detaching the Return Receipt and mailing it promptly back to the sender. It is Janet Louise YELLEN hoping to avoid acknowledgement and proof of service. No more. Just watch for yourself and be the grand jurist from your computer. Witnesseth!

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