
I have seen this pyramid in some various forms.

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Mind you, that I also believe gold is fine white powder, when I express my agreement with the above pyramid structure.

I have to qualify that with what you are probably not paying any attention to - those tentacles at the top, in the chessboard pattern. Rather than indicated as angels, I think of those as fellow Creator Gods in Unity like we find in Genesis, Chapter 1 and Psalm 82 as a Court before which YHVH appeared.

Interestingly if you look closely the background chessboard pattern inverts upon itself in a vortex that encompasses the entirety of the pyramid. To me, that symbolizes the individuation or Fall of Metatron. Not that I can agree with this woman's entire communication but she equates Metatron with YHVH of the Bible, much like I do. And if you study Sir Laurence Gardner for a bit you realize that I AM THAT I AM, or YHVH as acronym, was Jethro the alchemist on the smoky mountain in Arabia. The man who could turn gold into fine white powder. Therefore it is prudent to refer to the Lord God of KJV as Metatron, rather than YHVH or Jethro.

Thus the entire universe depicted in the pyramid structure is only a small segment of reality created by one Creator God who decided to become "separated" from the Collective. That separation was Error or the Fall of Metatron and it created a new Matrix of calamity we feel as isolation. He, Metatron/YHVH looked upon this abomination to Unity anyway and self-declared it "Good". Yet it is obvious that everybody is feeding off of everybody else in a negative entropy and retrogressive evolution under a dying star.

In other words, in the vast reality outside our universe, people are living completely unaware that they are individuals because they feel no separation from each other - mainly because they have no bodies. They are spiritual beings like us but because of the physics of ego-individuation created by Metatron's Fall we become anchored in our consciousness to a particular experience that is quite convincing in His Image - Metatron as the model individuator.

Thus arises the Law. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. That is the key to behaving like you are one with your neighbor and defeating the delusion that we are ever alone.

One key for understanding this is methylene blue. It would seem quite counterintuitive to be drinking a dye that permanently stains stainless steel. But upon study adenosine triphosphate - ATP - is a Tesla circuit. The coronal discharge from the coil is collapsing to adenosine diphosphate - ADP - and then quickly building back to the triphosphate molecule to do it again, providing energy to cells for animation. This activation uses energy poorly when fueled by photosynthesis, especially meat-provided by grain and grass-fed animals. However, by dying the mitochondria blue one shifts its color, or responsiveness to light into the boiled transition metals from the Asteroid Belt - meteors and meteorites like ORME (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements). This frees one from the trappings of a dying star and we begin to feed on much higher energy from an ancient supernova.