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Thread: For the Science minded...

  1. #1

    For the Science minded...


    I'd like to start with proving the Soul exists, conclusively, as a matter of fact and undeniable reality:

    Granted, I can not take anyone with me to the local morgue, however, were we to be standing together with the orderly after bribing him to pull open one of the meat lockers... and I pointed out that whatever was missing from the cadaver that is not missing from the orderly is the Soul, there is no doubt about the fact the Soul exists... even if this doesn't answer the next question:

    What, exactly & specifically, is the Soul?

    In answer to this question: The Soul is a unique 'prime energy' existing in the Universe.

    We know that it's not starlight, because setting a corpse in the Sun will not reanimate it.
    We know that it's not electrical energy, because we can not reanimate a corpse by running electrical energy through the cadaver.
    We know that it's not firelight, because setting them in firelight doesn't reanimate them.
    We know that it is not nuclear energy, because exposing a dead body to nuclear energy doesn't bring them back to life.
    We know that it is not moon light (which is actually a 'subprime energy', created by the "bounce" which causes it to be a bit different than starlight), because moonlight doesn't raise the dead.
    We know it's not sound (another 'subprime energy' caused by the 'prime energies'), because the dead don't really dance regardless of any noise we may make.

    Ergo, it must be a unique prime energy in the Universe.

    In light of this proof, a zygote has 3 parts, not just 2: Sperm, Egg & Soul.

    The Soul, as a unique 'prime energy' is Causal: A Soul creates the body within it (with the help of mom), from this single cell, via mitosis.

    Note: Matter is a creation of starlight, and the atoms of a dead body have this residual energy present even though the Soul is no longer animating the body. Thus, there are 2 unique prime energies present, and proven to exist, conclusively.


    Christopher Theodore

    P.S. Feel free to point out a unique 'prime energy' I may not have mentioned.

    P.P.S. For the religious:

    Genesis 26, in part: "... "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness..."

    Name:  Body_Soul_lesson.jpg
Views: 187
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Views: 194
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    In the most ancient histories of all the cultures, all the civilizations are spoken of as communities of God that saw each other as God. (God is both singular and plural depending upon context... like the word "deer", as it is used in Genesis. So, what God has always been is also proven to exist... in light of the above. No "blind faith" required.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Theodore View Post

    I'd like to start with proving the Soul exists, conclusively, as a matter of fact and undeniable reality:

    Granted, I can not take anyone with me to the local morgue, however, were we to be standing together with the orderly after bribing him to pull open one of the meat lockers... and I pointed out that whatever was missing from the cadaver that is not missing from the orderly is the Soul, there is no doubt about the fact the Soul exists... even if this doesn't answer the next question:

    What, exactly & specifically, is the Soul?

    In answer to this question: The Soul is a unique 'prime energy' existing in the Universe.

    We know that it's not starlight, because setting a corpse in the Sun will not reanimate it.
    We know that it's not electrical energy, because we can not reanimate a corpse by running electrical energy through the cadaver.
    We know that it's not firelight, because setting them in firelight doesn't reanimate them.
    We know that it is not nuclear energy, because exposing a dead body to nuclear energy doesn't bring them back to life.
    We know that it is not moon light (which is actually a 'subprime energy', created by the "bounce" which causes it to be a bit different than starlight), because moonlight doesn't raise the dead.
    We know it's not sound (another 'subprime energy' caused by the 'prime energies'), because the dead don't really dance regardless of any noise we may make.

    Ergo, it must be a unique prime energy in the Universe.

    In light of this proof, a zygote has 3 parts, not just 2: Sperm, Egg & Soul.

    The Soul, as a unique 'prime energy' is Causal: A Soul creates the body within it (with the help of mom), from this single cell, via mitosis.

    Note: Matter is a creation of starlight, and the atoms of a dead body have this residual energy present even though the Soul is no longer animating the body. Thus, there are 2 unique prime energies present, and proven to exist, conclusively.


    Christopher Theodore

    P.S. Feel free to point out a unique 'prime energy' I may not have mentioned.

    P.P.S. For the religious:

    Genesis 26, in part: "... "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness..."

    Name:  Body_Soul_lesson.jpg
Views: 187
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Views: 194
Size:  37.7 KB


    In the most ancient histories of all the cultures, all the civilizations are spoken of as communities of God that saw each other as God. (God is both singular and plural depending upon context... like the word "deer", as it is used in Genesis. So, what God has always been is also proven to exist... in light of the above. No "blind faith" required.
    Starfire from meteorites.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Starfire from meteorites.
    Awesome. I'd say a prime causal energy and a unique light, co-author of this potential paper.
    Last edited by Christopher Theodore; 01-12-24 at 07:58 AM.

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