1. Know who you are
2. Know who has the burden of proof
3. NEVER argue
4. Document and/or know your remedy
I'll give you legal advice, as long as it's not illegal advice...
I'm sure you think your religion is the only way to heaven, but I just can't buy it right now...
My belief is religion is used to control the population.
A thinking man would understand this, all the rest 'believe'.
Perhaps religion is man made, and each sect attempts to joinder God with their various renditions... Maybe God hates religion, and gets wrongfully coupled with the ills of mans distorted belief.
I read an interesting post from somewhere yesterday... [Being Monday, I would need to find it among a week's worth of History.]
It went something like,
When the universe stops expanding there will be a moment when time stops and God will be at an equilibrium. It will be like God seeing Himself in a mirror. That is the Second Coming in Christianity.
I also heard a discussion about Noah yesterday. The debate about what exactly it means that he saw his father's nakedness. It brought to mind a small congregation called The Church of Noah. Of course short of heavy rainstorms, there is not much to go on by way of doctrine so its inherents drink a lot! I am still not sure if the website I read about it was a comedy act or not. I suppose it may have been a real religion. I am thinking the proverbial holding somebody's hair back (while they confer with the ancients at the bottom of the toilet bowl) could be considered piety.
There are a lot of people who distinguish spirituality from religion. They seem to be good people and much easier to get along with, in my opinion than those who protect and apologize for religion. There are some like James Timothy TURNER with RAP/RuSA who utilize religion to create the illusion they are righteous. This part of that saga got heated around religion, if you have the time to listen anyway; Dale LIVINGSTON, Esquire attempted to usurp Tim's congregation. LIVINGSTON. TURNER's response.
So if the God of Creation has feelings as we understand them, I would not at all be surprised if He hates religion.
David Merrill.
I listened to most of both LIVINGSTON and TURNER'S response. I see what you mean!
My take on 'religion' is this:
Religion has everything to do with God,
yet God, has nothing to do with religion.
[God, being the 'creative force' in the universe]
That is food for thought. I want to pick up more about Dr. Dale LIVINGSTON soon in relation to my own Patroon heritage. While listening to his first 35 minutes I was busy Googling and came across some amazing facts of history. The VAN PELT milestone sets in the Brooklyn Historical Society; but you have to take in the setting and context fully. I hope to explain it fully so that you all can grasp what I am saying.