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Thread: Crown as the People?

  1. #1

    Crown as the People?

    This is a revelation that is taking a couple days to sink in. It is pretty profound - at least to me.

    A suitor sent me this paper saying that it shows the Attorney General to be at the service of the Crown. But I searched out the word "crown" first off and the first hit was very interesting:

    Under our form of government all of the prerogatives which pertain to the crown in England under the common law are here vested in the people, and if the Attorney General is vested by the constitution with all the common law powers of that officer and it devolves upon him to perform all the common law duties which were imposed upon that officer, then he becomes the law officer of the people...

  2. #2
    You might be onto something. From experience, has seemed to be something that few have wanted to hear or pay much attention to. They are so busy bashing the Crown that they might not realize that they might be behind the cause of some self-inflicted injuries. Ya know..just like some hate international bankers while all along..being banking?
    Last edited by allodial; 07-11-11 at 01:36 AM.
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    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    This is a revelation that is taking a couple days to sink in. It is pretty profound - at least to me.

    A suitor sent me this paper saying that it shows the Attorney General to be at the service of the Crown. But I searched out the word "crown" first off and the first hit was very interesting:
    I thought it was common sense that the political powers of the King fell upon the People after kicking off the yolk of King George III.

    And those people who are not one of "the People" would be politically equal to that group with freedom to form their own private trust.

    Perhaps the birth certificate is to keep people from being one of those free souls who would be politically equal to "the People".....

    Swallow you up before you catch on ...

  4. #4
    Senior Member Trust Guy's Avatar
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    Been saying for years and years . If I may snip and edit a bit from The Legacy site :
    ================================================== ========

    What we are dealing with at base is; what sort of document is this "Constitution" and what Law was it constructed in accordance with?

    It was constructed in accordance with English Common Law. More specifically those laws established concerning Decent and Distribution The Statute of Uses, Statute Against Perpetuities, Statute on Trusts and others, ALL having to do with Estates and Inheritance matters.

    What needed to be addressed is how the new Body Politic divided up the spoils of war. Among those spoils were well recognized "Rights" of Englishmen. From the basic Rights afforded every Free Englishman to the highest exclusive power of the Royal Family, it all needed to be distributed among the victors.

    All these Rights were recognized as inheritable property. Personal Property Owned by the individual and passed on to their Heirs at death.

    Problem, how to pass the Rights, Titles and Duties of an individual ( King and Nobles ) on to a body politic. The answer is via Trust.

    Rights are Personal Property inheritable by descent. Incorporeal Hereditaments

    INCORPO'REAL , a. [L. incorporalis, incorporeus.]

    Not consisting of matter; not having a material body; immaterial. Spirits are deemed incorporeal substances.

    HEREDIT'AMENT , n. [L. haeres, haeredium. See Heir.]

    Any species of property that may be inherited; lands, tenements, any thing corporeal or incorporeal, real, personal or mixed, that may descend to an heir.

    A corporeal hereditament is visible and tangible; an incorporeal hereditament is an ideal right, existing in contemplation of law, issuing out of substantial corporeal property.

    Personal Property may only devolve to a Body Politic via Trust.

    The Framers were dealing with forming a new Body Politic.

    The War for Independence won not only the Lands and other Tangible / Corporeal Properties of the Crown in the New World, but also the Intangible / Incorporeal Rights of the Crown and all levels of Nobility under the Crown.
    ================================================== =

    The Constitution established an Estate in trust for the "Posterity". What is lost is Trustworthy Trustees of the Estate. The "elected" office holders are operating exclusively in their capacity of Office of Profit, having long forsaken their Office of Trust.

    The Constitution is a Trust document, establishing an equitable interest in, and asset management for, specific inheritable Personal Property, comprised of everything the Crown lost in the War for Independence.

    The personal property in question included the lands in America and the special Rights and Privileges of the Royal and Noble families. The Body Politic could not, individually own some of the Kings Royal Prerogatives.

    Example : It would be foolish for me to declare war on Canada or appoint an Ambassador to Italy.

    On the other hand there are certain Sovereign Privileges which a single Sovereign should exercise.

    Example : The Lord must have his Revenue.

    Translate : No taxes on personal wages or gains. Period.
    Not to be construed as Legal Advice, nor a recommended Course of Action. I will stand corrected.

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