Commercial Traffic is registered legally the regulatory branch DMV takes commercial applications interstate trafficking why oranges leave Fla. forget the terms like traveling or driving . Traffic means your in it or you are It . So the traffic stop is arresting commercial traffic . in the world of the world . nobody gets a pass . Restricted endorsement is holding a DRIVER and its identification who is restricting your ability too identify yourself. Driver,s license doesn't exist your commercial DRIVER or your not. why your asked for a drivers license when your holding a Driver license what test did we take. can u load a semi truck up with oranges or just one orange and not be in commerce .Keep the identification you applied for as competence a driver license is only required when your a professional did you take a Kenworth Or Freightliner for your DRIVER test. if you took a passenger car test thats all the competence you demonstrate a sunday driver never took a test back in the day sunday had no commercial traffic downtown . I haven't any RIGHTS a DRIVER has regulations Formed in 1903 by the merger of The Team Drivers International Union and The Teamsters National Union The union was formed in 1903 when the Team Drivers International Union (1899) merged with the Teamsters National Union (1902). Local deliverymen using horse-drawn vehicles remained the core membership until the 1930s, when they were superseded by intercity truck drivers. Nothing but competence and the knowledge too author that competence . Authority who is the author{ Create a “Right to Travel document: on whose authority } Drivers are Proffered Driver,s Definition of driver's license
: a license issued under governmental authority that permits the holder to operate a motor vehicle. DRIVERS While the term may refer to anybody who drives for a living, it usually implies a driver of an elegant passenger vehicle such as a horse-drawn carriage, luxury sedan, motor coach, or especially a limousine; those who operate buses or non-passenger vehicles are generally referred to as "drivers". So lets be specific on authority and its identification. Again David Merrill has already demonstrated how identification results in agency. .How will u be paying in lawful notes or debt notes