Greetings, I come in Peace and Honor.
(This thread will cover many subjects pertaining to words and definitions and what understanding them means, and where such perceptions came from to begin with. All verbiage herein is my own beliefs and opinions on said subjects using my own Reason and Logic)
What is Known? I cannot define that for you, but only for me.
I exist as a Conscious Entity of a dualistic nature. I am only aware of the dualistic nature because of my Conscious Entity. My Conscious Entity is interacting with, and inhabiting for use, a Physical Body that comes from the clay, mud, and Minerals of the Earth defined as (in my case) Man. The dualistic nature of this existence is presented by the body afforded to the Conscious Entity for use by the Man on and in Earth. The reason of the term “in Earth” is to acknowledge that my Conscious Entity is inside the Man somewhere.
There is a physical construct that is forming matter, and allowing matter to be formed, that my Conscious Entity can use and interact with. The only inhibition to this interaction and use thereof is limited only to the imaginations, thoughts, and proceedings emanating forth from my Conscious Entity. I can empirically observe there are other Conscious Entities doing same. The variables of use are limitless.
Since my Conscious Entity is empirically observing what I believe is true as stated in (1) and (2), I can also presume that what I am observing came from someone else, as I do not believe (1) and (2) created itself. If (1) and (2) never have created itself then I also presume and believe that there a creator had to have to.
That is all I can prove by Personal Knowledge. For some 1 through 3 will present problems, and that is ok, for I need not force any other to agree with me, for the only agreement I make with others is Peace and Honor between, and present NO CLAIM against any Individual Conscious Entities Believes and opinions.
I would however like to revisit the Title of this thread now. Understand. Under Stand. Under Standing. Why does every Official ask us “if we understand”?
Lets look at the “Compound Word” “Under Stand”.
Under should be self evident. Stand however?
STAND:“–verb (used without object) ((((not in numerical order))))
1. (of a person) to be in an upright position on the feet.
2. 2. to rise to one's feet (often followed by up )
3. to take a position or place as indicated: to stand aside.
4. to face or encounter
5. to endure or undergo without harm or damage or without giving way
6. to endure or tolerate
7. the act of standing; *an assuming of or a remaining in an upright position.
8. a determined policy, position, attitude, etc., taken or maintained
9. the place in which a person or thing stands
Why would anyone choose as Conscious entities to be under such definitions? Do you understand? I sure hope not. I hope you choose to keep your Standing.
What is the reason for their system anyway? What is its purpose? Who System is it to begin with?
It is well known that from every corner of Earth, Mans Law has come about. Whether it be Natural Law, Common Law, Constitutional Law, Admiralty Law, Tribal Law, or any other type of projection of Conscious will that is projected as a Claim against another Conscious Entity while in use on Earth. All of these have always been and forever be invalid, fraudulent, and non existent because these instruments of claim have no real authority.
Authority and Standing:
(1) (2) (3) are Claims “I” make. That there is a Creator as the end result of said observations. I can only Claim this as a True Belief for myself.
My Belief as a Conscious Entity:
That Conscious Entities inhabiting fleshly bodies of Men and Women have Believed in a Creator since the beginning of Men and Women in fleshly bodies upon the Earth. Their believes have varied in metaphor, symbolism and interpretation. A common trait in these varying believes is good and evil. Duality.
I am most familiar with the Bible, as that is the text I have studied the most, though I am Generally familiar with others. Because of this I will only use the Bible for my reasoning as to stay on point. I am also not religious, as I am a seeker of Truth.
It can be read in Genesis the Creator created the Estate, and that Estate IS the Realm of Creation. The seen and unseen of Everything in the Universe. The Creator is Trust. The Trustee is the Son, called Jesus. The Beneficiaries are Man and Woman. The Inheritance of Men and Women is the Earth. Maybe that is why it was said “with faith the size of a Mustard grain you can move mountain”.
Faith in whom? The Trust and Trustee. Faith is what is paid for use. And then one can mine gold in the mountains and streams which is moving a mountain. One can also move our bodies around freely, for we are part of the Earth that a Mountain is made of(I think mountain was used as example of the magnitude of use implied) The price is Faith. Standing.
This is the only true system of Authority, all others are imitations, proxies, and idols of worship. Anything other is the worship of the Estate, in which the Trust Created. Its Mozart going and bowing down to his Piano, and giving it power unto itself, when in fact it is the Conscious Entity inside that gave the Piano power. The Conscious Entity is the copy of the Creator, not the instruments Men produce. The Creator made us in the Creators image.
That is why many teachings it seems espouse becoming like the Creator. Becoming Godlike. “Like” is the key word. Not the Creator itself. I find it very interesting that the reply to Moses of “the name” was “I am that I am”. Names are just idols and false worship. They are instruments that have no inherent power or Authority. The Creator was explaining to Moses what he was. And that was him name. “I am” is self identifying. Everything is what is being implied. “That I am” implies action. Creation. Productivity.
So what then was the meaning of the Garden of Eden, and what was taking place there?I believe it was the Estate of Being. Man Women of Conscious Entity Standing before the Creator Naked in their intentions and Heart of Being. There was no need for any instruments being used because the Contract was being fulfilled and there was no breach.
The Contract:
Genesis 1:28-31
28And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth." 29And God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. 30And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food." And it was so. 31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
The Tree of the Knowledge of “Good and Bad” was the only Idol in the Garden that was designated by the Creator to not even be looked at, let alone touched. It was an idol because an idol is something that looks like the Creator, or represented the Creator, but is not the creator. Should not Adam and Eve gone to the Creator for Knowledge instead of some tree?
When they did, they lost Standing with the Trust. With the Creator. A breach occurred, and inheritance was lost. The Trustee was then needed to remedy the breach. So where did the breach start from and whom?
It seems that another Entity in Contract with the Creator was bringing Claims “against” the Trust by stating that the Creator was not disclosing information. The Beneficiaries on Earth were told that within the Fruits and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad was what the Creator was hiding from Man and Woman. What was really being presented as CLAIM was that the Creator was not enough, and that a system of the Law of Good and Bad needed to be created, for the Creator was holding back such Knowledge because it was a benefit to all the Entities created by the Creator. I think that it is very interesting that as soon as the fruit was eaten, they became 'aware' of their Nakedness and were ashamed. Ashamed of presenting their true intentions, as being Naked in front of all to see. That is what the Knowledge of Good and Bad brought to them. (Reminds me of People being afraid or ashamed, today, to speak their truth and testimony because of what others might think) Being Naked. Heart and Mind exposed.
We can shed further light upon this with the instituting of the Kings. The Kings judged between Right and Wrong. Just like Adam and Eve, Israeli too demanded the Knowledge of Good and Bad to be dictated to them by some other instrument other than the Creator.