I would like a sugestion on how to navegate the forum in a logical way to be able to catch-up (I'm new here) with the 4000+ posts. Thanks por any and all replies
I would like a sugestion on how to navegate the forum in a logical way to be able to catch-up (I'm new here) with the 4000+ posts. Thanks por any and all replies
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i am not too familiar with vBulletin features. How do I mark post as read so when I comeback i can go from there. I am trying to read a whole thread at the time but even so I cannot tell the difference between the read and unread.
I do not know of such a feature. If you do not remember reading it maybe you should just read it again?
If your browser is set to accept cookies then vBulletin takes care of marking posts as read automatically.
In the gray bar that's right below the thread title there's a link called "view first unread".
If you click that link then you will be taken to the first unread post inside the thread.
Also, if you click on the "What's New" button at the top of the page, you will see a list of the latest threads, and the ones with unread posts appear in bold font. Once you've read them they revert to regular font.
There is power in the blood of Jesus