Originally Posted by
Anthony Joseph
I believe what is being presented here is that the process of grant and conveyance of land was never completed by the act of acknowledgment of acceptance. This leaves the opportunity to express the manner of acceptance and define the intent as well since the document is wanting. The Warranty Deed is an open offer which has yet to be formally acknowledged and recorded as such; it is still incomplete. This is why any process claiming from, and attached to, it has a defect. The defect is that the owner/grantee may some day complete the process and record the acknowledgment of acceptance which is why insurance is obtained by parties who rely on the defective document.
Once the acknowledgment of acceptance is on record the ownership of said property is "first in line and first in time" rendering ALL other former claims a nullity since the recording of this process creates a new number and book entry in the liber book (doomsday book) rendering the former document inferior and void.
There are a few elements within the deed that may be clarified via the formal acknowledgment:
1) The intent to pay with lawful money
2) The character of the named grantee (Legal M. Name) and the capacity of the living man/woman who Directs it in True Name.
3) The intent of NO RESIDENCY and the intent to have, hold and use the land in and as a PRIVATE dominion by Divine providence and inheritance.
This is an important issue, and a potentially useful method, to hash out as it dovetails, in my opinion, with the other forms of remedy and law we utilize.