So today I was talking to a man who performs the office of landscape contractor to the development community. He was a bit upset about his having to collect Sales and Use Taxes on behalf of the State. He had a moment so I took the minute or two to explain the trust relationship of which he is clearly the trustee.

He represents the interests of his company in such a manner to the State Revenue Department to the extent that he has filed for a State Sales and Use license to collect taxes. I will not enter into whether or not he is required to do such a deed but rather I enter upon the concept of he filing an APPLICATION FOR BENEFITS as Grantee/Trustee. He received the benefit of a Sales and Use number [benefits public trust of which he is a member] and for the benefit of the use of the trust account number, he gets the privilege to collect the taxes, file the reports and hold the taxes in trust on behalf of the State whereof he must give accurate accounting as Trustee.

He was a bit upset that he is not getting paid for all of this extra work. It is almost humorous isn't it? When one gets involved in central banking one has indeed stepped into a mountain of horse "manure". I told him that this must qualify for one of the seven levels of hell just above the yearly trip to the DMV whereupon one stands in line for at least an hour for the privilege to give the grumpy clerk protection money to keep the pesky "made men and their agents" at bay.

Once I made special visitation upon an emergency room wherein many were performing special services for the sick and the needy. Once I was asked to be a guarantor for any services performed and I was asked to grant the men and women who were occupying in such offices full indemnification for any such service they performed or thought needed to be performed on me or to me. I am not inclined to think of the temple in which I reside as an experimental guinea pig; therefore, I declined to accept liability for others to practice upon the temple. To the surprise of the men and women they were informed to perform their office absent any charges. Desiring now to give extra special treatment to the crazy man who seemingly knows the deal, they offered such service as MRI scans and other such exploratory procedures. Without desire for such treatment, I just said No. And that was that!

I wonder if the good ole admin folk even knew that I had the power to grant or accept all liability. I choose to let them do their job in full liability as it should be.
