I would submit that the BC/COLB is defective from the start, for this reason: The Mother lists her Maiden name, there is no mention on the BC/COLB itself as to the lawful marriage status of the listed Mother and Father. The child is therefore, considered legally a bastard child and automatically a ward of the state from week one. Of course, it would be a simple fix had the mother and father known the legal ramifications for not clearly making a claim on the trust in the 1st 7 years and making sure their status as married at the time of nativity was noticed and recorded.

It is my personal belief (and I could be wrong) that the ALL CAPS name and the Date of birth could be the Mark of the Beast. Having not used the trust information for going on 3 years now, I can tell you, it is very limiting on what can be bought and sold without providing your earthly mark (legal name, dob, ssn, citizenship, etc. travel out their countries, et al).

The days are not long till not having one or not receiving their mark might stop any "legal/permitted" commerce, no verichip (which will only contain relevant name, DOB, place of birth, citizenship, ssn anyway).

On a deeper Spiritual level, how does one rectify the fact we are to be "born again" of water and the Spirit and then go about our lives with the same old name and DOB...? Should I start claiming my new born again date as my DOB? It would be the truthful answer, right?