Many years ago, before I had come to a saving knowledge of Yahushua, the only begotten son of Yehovah, "Jesus CHRIST", my paternal grandmother died, and soon afterward my paternal grandfather and my father with whom I was very close died within days of each other.
Less than a year later these beloved deceased elders began to speak to me in dreams, and the dream encounters seemed to be perfectly real. I was completely baffled and amazed at first, and then I got used to it.
For a while these dreams were fun and comforting, but twice I noticed stark discrepancies between the comportment of the dream characters and how I remembered them to act in real life.
As I was not a Christian then, it did not occur to me to search the scriptures, so I asked some friends for advice.
Someone told me to ask for the bright light of love and truth to shine on us very strongly when a deceased relative appeared to me in a dream.
When I applied this advice at the next opportunity, the most amazing thing happened: the beloved "deceased relative" grimaced, writhed in agony, and melted away into a greenish-gray puddle, as the dream scene faded away.
This surprised me, but it was not my last encounter with these strange dream entities.
My "father" appeared to me again and again, and the dream scenes were so pleasant that I never even thought to invoke the bright light. Instead, I just enjoyed what seemed to be happy and pleasant encounters with my father, for the duration of each dream. I enjoyed those dreams at the time.
But then something changed: a dream that started out nice enough took an alarming turn and I immediately called the light of love and truth on the scene. This caused all the dream characters involved (who appeared as deceased as well as living family members), to look pained and melt away into puddles, which ended the dream.
This happened once more and then I never had another dream with deceased family members in it.
Years later I began to study the Bible.
I found out that it is written:
"For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any [thing] that is done under the sun. "
Ecclesiastes 9:5-6