But XP working just fine. That's Microsoft for you.
But XP working just fine. That's Microsoft for you.
Thanks, David
I hope to learn really fast.
I've watched your intro video and was amazed by your visual reporting. Keep up the good work! Chop out the part about Kennedy's secret service driver doing the dirty work though. It really just is sunlight glancing off the passenger's head that looks like a gun. I saw an enhanced version of it and it's clear that it wasn't him who did it. I'll see if I can find the youtube for you.
Here it is.
Thanks for bringing that up Bentley. I don't believe I have gone through the JFK video here. It shows how we filter through what we like to see. I add in a few more factors than these enhanced frames in the video you have attached. Most convincing for me is the momentum of the slug as it strikes JFK's head - something that is very revealing physics. - The way the momentum is distributed through his head movements and down his spine into his body.
My source for the Zapruder footage is digizing the original footage in the late '90's.
I might be incorrect though. I might post a thread about it. My conviction is that the Secret Service was behind JFK's demise any way around the details.
You might be right about the Secret Service but it's apparent the driver didn't do it with this analysis by Robert Harris. He does a fine job dissecting what happened.
It is apparent though, that the bullet came from the front, probably the front right, i.e., the grassy knoll, and it probably was a long rifle with a scope. Too much would be left to chance as Mrs. Kennedy is too close to the president for a pistol aimed at a moving target to do such damage. I don't believe for one second the kill shot came from the school book depository.
T'was a definite conspiracy. This would not have been possible in today's age... look how quick they got the Marathon murderers.
I know you'll like this one below.... I didn't like Grayson when he was in congress, but he did do a good job here.