By making your demand for lawful money, you are changing the terms of the contract with the Federal Reserve. When FDR committed the resources of the US government, and the assets and future labor of the debt serfs who use debt money, he was acting as the CEO of the corporate US government, which only has jurisdiction over DC and 14th Amendment citizens. If you include in your demand to redeem your assets in the trust, you are removing the lien established by the use of debt money. Since the trust only has validity when it has assets in it, and the trust can only exist on the presumption that you are dead, by making the claim you collapse the trust and take title to your estate. See the amendments to the Cestui que Vie Act by Charles the II in 1666. Then by registering your legal name as a dba with any Secretary of any state, you remove your assets from 'within the US.' Now you have rebutted the assumption that you want to deal in private money, the presumption that you are acting as a bank and are thus incurring the obligation to file a tax return and pay taxes on the use of this private money, and the presumption that you are in contract with the Federal Reserve, and thus an employee (read as tax slave) of the US government. You now have legal title to your name, and to the assets in your estate, and to the fruits of your labor, and you have no trust in the US government. And by now being legally domiciled in a state, you are 'without the US' and thus not a 14th Amendment citizen with privileges instead of rights. The issue of trustee de son tort does not arise when you own your legal name, as there is no trust, there are only contracts, and these you can refuse. And there is no tort, as the US government does not control the territory of the 50 states, so the usufructuary does not extend to the physical world of America.
The distinction here is important: the United States of America is a constitutional republic; the US government is a corporation under Roman law. In the republic you have unalienable rights; in the US you have privileges. It is better for you to get out of the US and into America.
PS to MJ: the use of notes confers a benefit, but the benefit is not conferred by the government. All free societies have found money to confer a benefit, and they have agreed on what can be/should be money, all without benefit of government control. Governments have proven repeatedly that they cannot be trusted to manage money, and should not be allowed anywhere near it. Government issued money, especially debt used as money, is inconsistent with liberty and prosperity. What do you mean by this statement: "Let me know when you decide to settle your own estate in Trust - declaring the money for that state." No one has the right to declare money, it is a market decision, made collectively by honest men willingly engaging in transactions with each other for their mutual benefit.
Edit: see this link for a discussion about money and the failure of debt money systems:
PS to Chex: It is unclear to me that the president can declare war (although at the present time he says he can and no one has corrected him yet), or that we are in a state of war at this time. You cannot, for example, have a 'War on Terror,' which is a tactic. Further, whenever the US declares war on something, we get more of it. While every president since FDR has re-upped the 'state of emergency' for one year on some pretext (this year it is Iran), these 'war powers' are not constitutional and only apply to agents and employees of the US.