Good call John! You might have gone blind.
I already need glasses.
Blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over me.
Well, I've been contacted numerous times on this debt after clear proof of certified mail of my R4C and cease and desist letter. I am going to compose an invoice and write a cover letter stating that they need to compensate me ala "The Spaniard". I hope I dont make a fool of myself, but, nothing ventured - nothing gained. I suppose I can demand they pay or I'll take them to court and the Spaniard says that once you file, they always magically seem to pay if you have sent notice to them three times.
Attached is the Declaration of Fraud letter that I have used for 3rd party collectors. I have never had one contact me again after receiving this letter.
You can edit in a redacted attachment at your convenience.
Last edited by David Merrill; 07-20-13 at 01:53 PM.
Please redact page 2 of your sample letter. There is a name appearing in the acknowledgment clause.
Oh there you are. Most agents of disinfo went silent for a few days there and I wasn't sure if you were writing a new article or ... well nevermind that.
I searched for Bobbinsville and found no such village but I did find a Robbinsville, North Carolina. Is that where you're from? I understand the term "---ville" denotes a village. And the term village derives from "vill" - a cluster of tenant farmer houses from way back when. A status just above serfs, these tenant farmers were required to stay on the lord's manor to which they were attached by birth. The tenant was also called a villein, tilling farmland assigned them on shares while still making payments to the manor lord.
Fast forwarding now, who are today's serfs & villeins? Wouldn't it be fair to say those toiling in the system of central banking unaware of the alternative? As we've learned here, simply by not endorsing private credit of the Fed, we commoners owe no tax, we legally owe no homage to the manor lord. Now the spread of this new knowledge would be quite upsetting to the manor lord, no? Seems natural to me he would send out village agents to disrupt the dissemination of that new knowledge, make it sound like it wasn't even true.
No, Bobbinville is the nickname for a former village in Massachusetts which once had a factory which made wooden bobbins for the local textile mills. A sawmill just across the river supplied the raw material for the bobbins. The factory flourished until after the Civil War, when small, water-powered mills became inefficient and uneconomical. The one in Bobbinville closed over 100 years ago; and in fact Bobbinville is completely deserted today. A branch of my family lived somewhat to the east; but I chose it as my handle here because I simply liked the name.
Another question:
Is it true that a court judgement can be R4C'd? Just wondering if anyone has heard of that being done when a case has already been decided.
You can process anything Refused for Cause. Just as there is no law against making a demand.
How the universe around you responds to your demands and refusals is dependent on your understanding of law.
This is why suitors in brain trust develop evidence repositories. We utilize the US clerk of court and PACER for notice of our process.I was referring the set of laws that the Golden Mean as a mathematical model represents in terms of regeneration through ratios and equivalents, that form a growth process of an entity or paradigm (mind) that evolves it thru time as a moment-by-moment transformation brought about thru an energetic exchange of influences that modify the mind as an absorption, integration and equilibrating process that forms an endless array of variables as a result. Dreams, as states-of-mind on different planes of consciousness, all of which contain corresponding realities as a form of theme, operate according to the same set of laws! That's why law is considered absolute truth; it operates in a consistent manner on all levels of existence, not just the physical.
Text message from Dr. Linda Darlene GADBOIS
In other words if your refusal is more competent than the judgment you Refuse for Cause then you will see that result according to the 'saving to suitors' clause of 1789. You will realize and demonstrate your common law remedy.
The Lesson Plan is simply:
1) true identity
2) record forming
3) redeem lawful money
Last edited by David Merrill; 09-11-13 at 11:41 PM.