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Thread: More proof from New York DMV that your PERSONAL & PRIVATE vehicle is EXEMPT !

  1. #11
    It sounds like they were plotting against you, too bad you couldn't have gotten out of there! And to think that "we're going to bring Democracy and "freedom" to the World

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    It was "voluntary".

    There was an unexplained recess for 15 minutes or so. That is when I should have concluded business but some of the officer/witnesses I am sure would have stopped me or worse.

    Since I had not volunteered for jail twice before, the same magistrate (judge) - she had me handcuffed and remanded directly to the jail.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by loveunderlaw View Post
    It sounds like they were plotting against you, too bad you couldn't have gotten out of there! And to think that "we're going to bring Democracy and "freedom" to the World

    I had gotten out of there so many times before I grew overconfident.

    Plotting? I was actually filing my entire argument and the definitions beforehand! You are onto something very strong but I believe (now) the metaphysics cannot function without bonding. You have to take responsibility and as soon as you do, the law shifts in support. So get an effective liquid bond and you can go about your way properly.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I had gotten out of there so many times before I grew overconfident.

    Plotting? I was actually filing my entire argument and the definitions beforehand! You are onto something very strong but I believe (now) the metaphysics cannot function without bonding. You have to take responsibility and as soon as you do, the law shifts in support. So get an effective liquid bond and you can go about your way properly.

    I've always used my Affidavits, which first advised them of my status not as a driver using "privileges", but as a free citizen exercising a right to travel which no one can lawfully deprive me of. New York State V & T law makes it very clear that I don't have to ask their permission to exercise a right!

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by loveunderlaw View Post
    I've always used my Affidavits, which first advised them of my status not as a driver using "privileges", but as a free citizen exercising a right to travel which no one can lawfully deprive me of. New York State V & T law makes it very clear that I don't have to ask their permission to exercise a right!
    That was what I am getting at - around here, that and $30K liquidity bond in escrow will get you by.

    Here, the insurance company will not cover you for an accident unless you have a competency certificate called a driver license. It is all about perspective. How you build identity.

  5. #15

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    That was what I am getting at - around here, that and $30K liquidity bond in escrow will get you by.

    Here, the insurance company will not cover you for an accident unless you have a competency certificate called a driver license. It is all about perspective. How you build identity.

    Alot of people don't realize that you can self insure if you so choose. It's optional for a non commercial vehicle. Please check out the attached document, it's quite an eye opener for those that don't know about the scam being perpetrated upon our state and nation!

    No matter what the criminals say, they can't tax(mandatory insurance) travel on our public roads! They may kick your ass, or lock you up over it. But by law they can't hold you more than 72 hours, without filing charges on you. They usually like to break your balls, then let you go. They got me once when I was younger and not so seasoned, it scared me then. But not anymore. They're the ones that are afraid of us, they hide behind tyranny, but they know if the real "We The People" wanted to, we could crush the World Criminal Banker Cartel that pulled their sneaky coup off in 1913. Iceland crushed the criminal bankers, and told them to "shove your debt". So many bankers are in prison over there now, I just love it ha ha.

    It's time to wake up people !!!
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by loveunderlaw; 09-09-13 at 04:03 AM.

  6. #16
    Exactly! They can nail you for being irresponsible financially.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    It was "voluntary".

    There was an unexplained recess for 15 minutes or so. That is when I should have concluded business but some of the officer/witnesses I am sure would have stopped me or worse.

    Since I had not volunteered for jail twice before, the same magistrate (judge) - she had me handcuffed and remanded directly to the jail.
    Re: voluntary -So if you said, "I object" to them cuffing you, they would have let you go?

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Exactly! They can nail you for being irresponsible financially.
    From what I gather, its mainly to do with 'covenants' and/or 'risk mitigation'. Also, if the Plantation is commercial, being a 'resident' or 'employee' of the Plantation might make it challenging to counter the commercial presumption. The DMV likely doesn't issue titles to non-residents--why is that? Out of Plantation out of mind. Even though I can rightfully take control of an automobile and privately travel by that means, IMHO its a good idea to file a bond or deposit $ with the State to cover potential loss, injury or damage or something like that. From what I gather, they are trained (perhaps to support weird or wild presumptions) to presume intentional destructiveness on your part. If you deposit $50K or w/e in cash with them for covering damages you might never cause, it removes their 'intent to destroy' or incompetency presumptions.

    In contrast, consider some 'countries' if you were to accidentally hit, mame or kill someone who hopped out in front of your car and you were to stop to help them, their relatives would kill you on sight: presuming that you INTENDED to do it or even just killing you for 'balance' because you killed or mamed their relative. To the extent that the consulate would tell its citizens/nationals when travelling in such places to go to the nearest police station and rather than stopping to give immediate assistance if one hits someone who stepped out of the woods to your surprise. Puts things in perspective. At least over there you have to actually injure someone first!
    Last edited by allodial; 03-20-14 at 04:13 AM.
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