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Thread: Is a bank required to have adequate cash (FRN) on hand to cash out a large check?

  1. #21
    I know you are asking Marcel but I want to comment.

    It is you who violates your own privacy. The Congress has approved that State agencies can use the SSN for ID purposes. So it is the State agents who have the burden of collecting it. But you will find the State agents will not grant a privilege or license if you refuse to give it over.

    I was told once that you can reverse the metaphysics if you set the Driver License card on the dashboard where the officer can reach it and say, "You can TAKE it if you need to USE it."

    But I have never tried this. And I drive very carefully so that I never am stopped.

  2. #22
    i agree with you that state agencies are allowed to ask for SSN, are banks state agencies? i have renewed my driver license in the past couple of months and while filling out the paperwork in the SSN box i left it blank no questions were raised over that. although i more than likely have furnished SSN when i was 15yo when i originally got DL so thats probably why it wasn't an issue. if this bank is a quasi state agent should i ask for the agents proof of bonding and oath of office? if they dont have such then they are not the state agency required to be furnished a SSN, correct?

  3. #23
    An easier paradigm is that the State is a member bank of the Fed.

    I have shown many times that the regulation and requirements to be a state or member bank is very lax.

  4. #24
    so if i am following you correctly since i have provided a DL for id, i am admitting to being a member bank? i do not endorse private credit, but since the bank in question provided “Pursuant to the Federal Code of Regulations 31 CFR Chapter V" as the "law" requiring such, which only deals with doing business with so called rogue nations how is it that i am under such regulations?

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by keith View Post
    so if i am following you correctly since i have provided a DL for id, i am admitting to being a member bank? i do not endorse private credit, but since the bank in question provided “Pursuant to the Federal Code of Regulations 31 CFR Chapter V" as the "law" requiring such, which only deals with doing business with so called rogue nations how is it that i am under such regulations?
    I assume that you made a Demand above the "Endorsement" line. That is all that is required by law.

    What I suspect is going on is that until you feel redeemed you are not. When you feel redeemed you are, or will be. But then that assumes the existence of time and redemption entails the collapse of time. Check into A Course in Miracles and you might get that part. However Albert was much more concise.

    In other words I project into your question that Redemption is an inherent birthright (redundancy, I know).
    Last edited by David Merrill; 08-06-18 at 03:23 PM.

  6. #26
    thank you david, i did make my demand, but my reservations (providing SSN) are probably not worth the trouble i am giving them, i just dont know for sure what the bank is doing with the number. are my apprehensions unfounded? i have been reading the identity posts lately and on this journey there are some confusing aspects to identity, i know who i am, so does owner of bank. which is why i am reluctant to provide SSN for identification where in SSA says not to use it for such. and thank you again for your insight and i will look at a course in miracles

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by keith View Post
    thank you david, i did make my demand, but my reservations (providing SSN) are probably not worth the trouble i am giving them, i just dont know for sure what the bank is doing with the number. are my apprehensions unfounded? i have been reading the identity posts lately and on this journey there are some confusing aspects to identity, i know who i am, so does owner of bank. which is why i am reluctant to provide SSN for identification where in SSA says not to use it for such. and thank you again for your insight and i will look at a course in miracles
    A Course in Miracles is a great work if understand William was dosing Helen with LSD. So you are looking at Helen's superconscious mind written in her customized shorthand, through her religious upbringing. My observation is that the reading groups develop into great group therapy though. Albeit I have never opened my book outside the group reading, I have never really sought anything but reverse engineering the work as MK-ULTRA/CIA work product.

    Helen (the Voice of Jesus) makes many references to the "time collapse" and this makes sense with Einstein's Theory of Relativity. There is also reference to this "reality" being a dream, or maybe more an illusion. This makes sense to me in terms of Schroedinger's Wave Equations, probabilities and dead cats. But I view it more like various balances of sleep neurochemistry - dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and DMT, dimethyltryptomine. There are others but these are the ones I recall easily and can orchestrate to surmise that this waking reality state is a mutually agreed upon holographic construct creating a medium where time has a purpose about remembering, remedy and redemption. Which brings us back to states of mind playing together in the language we apply - numero-linguistics.

    I do not think the bank is "doing" anything with the number except utilizing it as an identifier. That you "give" the number and "Date" of Birth - date being a gift, is the outward sign of trust. In other words if you do not trust banks, then you might be trusting your mattress and a good handy gun. Or you might have a private trust, with a trustee managing your wealth for your benefit.

    With a failed judiciary you might notice the Albany Remand is purposeful:

    It was much more convincing to have the church there, an irrevocable trust. So I imagine the clerk of court took a look at the tiny url provided - lienglobal.

    Name:  Doc 18 Notice of Lien from Olympus Ordeal.jpg
Views: 642
Size:  203.0 KB

    You can get on the OCC email bulletins to evaluate how safe your money is with the bank. I am not suggesting you trust the bank, just that a lot of people do without incident. When it comes right down to it, honor is the binding component for civilization and getting out of elastic currency might be the finish, not just a good start.

    In all cases/trusts the good trustee is always looking out for the best interest of the beneficiary.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 08-07-18 at 08:59 AM.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by keith View Post
    so if i am following you correctly since i have provided a DL for id, i am admitting to being a member bank? i do not endorse private credit, but since the bank in question provided “Pursuant to the Federal Code of Regulations 31 CFR Chapter V" as the "law" requiring such, which only deals with doing business with so called rogue nations how is it that i am under such regulations?
    Becoming a Member Bank of the Federal Reserve System: Dallas Questions & Answers

    Administrative law is the body of law and legal work that deals with government agencies. Lawmakers create government agencies to carry out laws and administer the functions of government. These agencies create, implement and enforce regulations.

    Administrative Law. Branch of law governing the creation and operation of administrative agencies. Of special importance are the powers granted to administrative agencies, the substantive rules that such agencies make, and the legal relationships between such agencies, other government bodies, and the public at large.

    Legal systems are generally divided into common law and civil law systems. Common law systems are based on case law. These systems exist in countries that were once a part of the British Empire.

    Common law is defined as a body of legal rules that have been made by judges as they issue rulings on cases, as opposed to rules and laws made by the legislature or in official statutes. An example of common law is a rule that a judge made that says that people have a duty to read contracts.

    Administrative law is the body of law created by the agencies and departments of the government, which carry out the laws passed by Congress or a state legislature.

    Congress or the state legislatures create administrative law. It encompasses the procedures under which government agencies operate as well as the external constraints upon them.

    Administrative law is considered a branch of public law and is often referred to as regulatory law.

    Common law (also known as judicial precedent or judge-made law, or case law) is that body of law derived from judicial decisions of courts and similar tribunals.
    A police officer pulls you over, and you are given a citation for violating the speed limit. You have broken a vehicle and traffic law. This law is established by legislature as a statute, or a law that is formally written and enacted. As a result, the law you broke was a statutory law.

    Administrative law is the body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government. Government agency action can include rule making, adjudication, or the enforcement of a specific regulatory agenda. Administrative law is considered a branch of public law.

    Public law is that part of law which governs relationships between individuals and the government, and those relationships between individuals which are of direct concern to society.

    Public law comprises constitutional law, administrative law, tax law and criminal law, as well as all procedural law. In public law, mandatory rules prevail. The government must obey the law.

    The main difference between public and private law is in the parties that each affects. Public law affects society as a whole and includes administrative law, constitutional law, criminal law, municipal law and international law.

    Public international law refers to those laws, rules, and principles of general application that deal with the conduct of nation states and international organizations among themselves as well as the relationships between nation states and international organizations with natural and juridical persons.

    Natural person is a real human being or an actual person as distinguished from a corporation which is often treated at law as a fictitious person.
    A juridical person is a legal entity created by the law which is not a natural person, such as a corporation created under state statutes. It is a legal entity having a distinct identity and legal rights and obligations under the law.

    Juridical act as used in civil law refers to a lawful act or expression of will intended to have legal consequences.

    A "juridical relationship," often also called a "juridical link," refers to some type of legal relationship which relates all defendants in a way that would make single resolution of a dispute preferable to a multiplicity of similar actions.

    A judicial accounting is a financial inventory of assets, debts, income, expenditures, and other items, which is submitted to the court.
    Artificial person is an entity created by law and given certain legal rights and duties of a human being. It can be real or imaginary and for the purpose of legal reasoning is treated more or less as a human being. For example, corporation, company etc. An artificial person is also referred to as a fictitious person, juristic person, juridical person, legal person or moral person.

    International law is the set of rules generally regarded and accepted as binding in relations between states and between nations. It serves as a framework for the practice of stable and organized international relations.

    International law may be defined as a body of law formed as a result of international customs, treaties, and organizations that governs relations among or between nations.

    Since most international law is governed by treaties, it's usually up to the individual nations to enforce the law. However, there are a few international organizations that enforce certain treaties. The most notable example is the United Nations, which has 192 member states.

    Legal systems are generally divided into common law and civil law systems. Common law systems are based on case law. These systems exist in countries that were once a part of the British Empire

    International Law: an Overview
    "And if I could I surely would Stand on the rock that Moses stood"

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Or you might have a private trust, with a trustee managing your wealth for your benefit.
    Yes, that's what I did. Created a private trust with another trustee to do the banking. No need to provide SSN; in fact the bank didn't even ask me while I watched the banking Trustee make the deposit.

    Name:  RLMDeposit.jpg
Views: 616
Size:  41.1 KB

  10. #30
    Fine then; I am just taking this where my interests lie.

    Becoming a Member Bank of the Federal Reserve System: Dallas Questions & Answers
    My experience tells me that the real hurdle here is getting insurance for yourself as a member bank. Not becoming one. I have shown many times here an image of how the requirements are very lax, becoming a member bank. I believe simply endorsement of private credit works. But you have to follow all sorts of guidelines from the OCC to be insured against a run on your cash in the mattress, or theft while you go to the grocery...

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