Chapter 7
Human Animal Husbandry

IT all started when I filed the CtC way, saith one of our brethren. And I said unto him, nearly the whole country hath fallen victim to a currency scam, even I. We have two forms of currency; FRNs and US notes (in the form of FRNs) and we've been persuaded to endorse the private FR credit as money. Yet that scam were easy to escape, simply make a demand for lawful money (US notes) according to law.

Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come. You cannot start so much as a knitting club without it infiltrated by the cabal. And why not, with a trillion dollars at stake? Then came one to our gathering speaking rudely. Questioning him he answered: See, I am Jesse the electrician from Iowa, and come from the Iowan road.
Oh really? And I shew him the electricians' tool and he knew it not. I spake, Yes I see you travel the Iowan road, yet what doeth it prove? it could showeth the great length some will go to deceive. And looking close upon I observed his false beard. Look, I see the cord which bind it to thy chin, why art thou disguised, as one of us? I believe thou art not a seeker as one of us but Famspear the clean-shaven attorner who dwelleth nowhere near Iowa. And backing up He answered, Thou art paranoid and thinkest all men him!

Then I questioned Jesse; Is payment in bitcoin in exchange for labor income under the Revenue Acts? And he answereth saying, the fair market value of whatever you receive (bitcoins or FRNs or ping pong balls) is includible in gross income under IRC .. Then I thanked him for revealing it were all optional; for includible equals optional and only the privileged currency carries the obligation. Our consent is required and the populace must be conditioned into the scam.

Then did I realize Jesse taketh part in the persuading, and it must surely be a large concerted effort. I saw the book called Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars, a blueprint for human animal husbandry. For even though it were assembled by one of our own it shew that much study hath already been made. And I observed the many techniques employed by the disinfo agents of the parasite class, yet avoided their traps, by the grace of God. Some sayeth the secret societies have a hand in the scam. Thinking upon it logically, if such a society were taken over by dark elements, the members could not reveal it being bound by oath not to, even though the society were founded for a benevolent and charitable purpose, I could not deny it. Nonetheless, His truth is marching on.