Quote Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
Do the fish have recourse?
Delusional is what I call it. People have been trained for so long on what they have been told to do and act according.

Example I went into a restaurant sat with the older crowd.

They were stating how their property taxes were getting out of hand.

I asked if anyone owned their property that does not have a mortgage.

Most said no mortgage, I own my property.

I asked if you owned your property why do you pay property tax then. Most of the replies were for the city services, schools etc.

I asked don't you pay for city services separate? They said we pay for water, sewer, trash pickup etc.

I asked if you don’t pay your property tax then what happens. The reply was the county will sell it.

I asked how can the county sell it if you own it and your paying these other bills. I was told that’s the way it is and always has been.

I asked what would happen if you didn't pay for water, sewer, trash pickup etc. One said the services would stop and we would be fined.

I asked don’t you have title to the property? Most of the replies were, Yes I do.

I asked then if you have title to the property and you’re the owner how can the county take it away from you? I don’t know but they can was the reply.

That’s the way it is, and always has been, I don’t know but they can is not an answer, and none could come up with an answer.

Then I said you must not be the only owner, sounds like you’re the tenant paying to live there because you just said if I don’t pay the property tax then the county will sell you the owner(s) property, services would stop and you would be fined.

Now they looked confused, some laughed.

I said one more question before I leave. The United States code do you know anything about it?

Out of the eight men and woman sitting there one person replied and said those are the laws written by congress.

Who are they written for? All of us he said. I replied Really!