The nature of the STATES that are part of this "Driver's License Compact" are not the same as the several States of the Union. Look at the definition of "State" in "The Driver License Compact" -- thanks to Shuftin for posting the link:

DEFINITIONS—As used in this compact:
(1) “State” means a state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of
Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
Any of the several States of the Union do not belong in the same category as "U.S. territories, possessions", or any other place Congress exercises its exclusive legislative jurisdiction. Therefore these "Compact" "STATES" are, in fact, administrative divisions of a "superstate" where Congress rules supreme; which is why, as David Neil has observed, these STATES effectively act together as one superstate. Not too different from a series of Burger King or WalMart franchises -- each may have some autonomy, but authority for each's existence comes not from themselves, but a central authority (far away).

So an effective question may be, "How did I end up being subject to a 'Federal superstate' when I had no intention of being subject to it?" (<-- assuming that is your intent and will)