Hi Dead or Alive! :-)

Mainstream news suppresses truth. It is that way by design.

You may want to check out Natural News dot com, a non-mainstream news source. It covers concerns about Fukushima with reader commentary at the end of each article if you want to make a comment.

One starting point for learning about long-term fall-out would be googling the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear explosion.

The powers-that-be are not quick to admit facts, because if they did, it would make themselves a target and they would be lead to the gallows faster, so to speak. I believe the Japanese keep things quiet so as to not create panic or retaliation. Not that that's a good thing. But that's how it's done.

I'm on the SoCal coast, and go to the beach a few times a month. I look for signs of the radiation, but it looks like business as usual. I have yet to observe any dead sea life washed onto the shore. Birds are still flying, fish are still jumping, people are still surfing. I'm not saying there's no effect from Fukushima, but I haven't observed it at all in my area.

As far as health, there's potassium iodide tablets from the health food store. If I had symptoms of radiation illness, I would go with homeopathic remedies and acupuncture.