When officers are following ORDERS you and the person your deemed as . Unless a written agreement reached privately with said officers of courts police officers your public standing is the opinion of that official as fictional as that office is yours is just as your opinion is fictional as dead law is estate law .Knowing this a private living official yet runs a dead vacant office or state official is still dead until when Someone declares a living God as only the dead get to trespass on the dead. Paper is dead on dead stone upon stone the graveyard . Is all court paper deemed dead and who and what testimony not opinion can rule or pass judgement on the dead .A living God/Judge re presenting Gods representative needs a living Wo/Man for a prayer or a wish to be granted adjudicator is of the opinion the authority is living under God does a jurisdiction exist David or must a court be without it to render contracts between the living void.A judgement starts in the lowest Court why.Or do we know why.