9. Edomites were incorporated into Judah under John Hyrcanus, even if Israel or Judah ceased to see distinction, the Edomites may have maintained distinction of themselves;
10. Syncretism ala Darius may have not necessarily been a good thing.
Well taken into account...

Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
More points added since your post. Another important bit which reverberates with your analysis of history from the book of Nehemiah and which further underscores important distinctions from the survey drawn in time:

Here is a timeline pertaining to Joseph Hyrcanus and Herod Archelaus:

There were many named "Y'shua" or "Joshua" at the time. So it would have been easy to pick out any prominent-born "Jesus" and try to mingle his background with Y'shua the Anointed's to make confusion or to defame or to obfuscate.

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When the Scepter Departed from Judah (Genesis Messianic Prophecy Fulfilled)

Thanks! I see an issue there but will look for resolution before developing any differences.