Absolutely right.....I'm not looking to DC for legitimacy on a State National declaration. That's my declaration of allegiance & I stand by it.....can't seek validation from without.

No, I see 8usc1502 as the "do not detain" statute --> Fed SoS let's his "STATE OF" SoS know about an "American national" "in his district". STATE OF SoS --> ALSO wearing the State SoS hat simultaneously (that foreign state to the US), is now obliged to let his agents know about one's corrected status. I know....."works on paper".....but that's how I interpret 1502's language.

By that time however, all the players should know who you are by declaration....via registered mail. They sure can't rebut that.....their "law" doesn't allow it. 'Course, you've got to "govern yourself accordingly"

The 14th alters the nature of allegiance, without the consent of the people, by reversing paramount allegiance away from the state and towards the Feds by making "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, ....[are] SUBJECT to the jurisdiction....." of Congress.

......funny how the "expatriation act" [15 stat 223 ch249] was passed the day before 7/27/68 the 14th Amendment was ratified 7/28/68.

About those parallel jurisdictions......I imagine claiming the BC might place one in either