Quote Originally Posted by teamsnowden View Post
I’m just going with the flow on AMC and GME. I got in high for GME so I’m breaking even there. I learned to not be an emotional trader and accordingly have AMC gains as high as 300%. I believe we will see record setting short squeezes on both and AMC is significantly undervalued. Right now the game with AMC especially is to buy the dips, hold, hold, ignore the dips with relation to your existing shares, buy more (discounted shares), ignore the share price for your existing shares, hold, hold, hold until the squeeze. The hedge fund managers have to cover their short positions and the SEC is hopefully a friend to the retail investor (as opposed to the hedge fund managers) in regulating that all the shorts have to be covered, they have to buy back their shares and we own 80+% so we as retail investors hypothetically set the price by buying and holding to cause an upward movement to price on the supply/demand graph. The previous instruction of hold, hold, hold should drive the price to hopefully unthinkable levels like 50K to 500K or more per share. It’s a crazy, wild roller coaster and you truly get to teach yourself the discipline of patience and being logical instead of emotional. These are just my observations and experience, marcel, and I hope I’m right. I’m excited for the SEC to hopefully be the catalyst that sets off this crazy chain of short squeezes with GME and AMC. Hopefully sooner than later. (None of this is financial advice). Thanks again David and marcel, this is a great forum.
You are welcome.