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Thread: Substance of the R4C

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  1. #1
    David, I am fascinated by this R4C. Are you saying to set up an evidence repository in the federal courthouse... NOW? before any inkling of action from the IRS or other commercial courts?

    I can't even comprehend how you learned all this. The scope is vast. Where do you study or learn all of these techniques? I read until my eyes feel like they're going to bleed - hours each day and cant seem to understand how you have this much knowledge.

    Were you raised in it? Did you surround yourself with people of knowledge? Were you an apprentice to someone? I read your petition in US District Court of Colorado in amazement. Where do you come up with this stuff? I would honestly consider spending a year or so in apprenticeship learning these things. All I have at my disposal is the internet, which is a fine tool, but it tends to lead me in more tangents and extremely deep rabbit holes that absorb so much of my time - it's hard to focus! Do you have any suggestions on where/how to hone skills? I have yet to locate local clubs or workshops in my area to assist. Do they exist? I don't mean to sound so helpless. I suppose I am just in awe of the expansive knowledge you seem to possess.

  2. #2
    David! Thank you for this thread. I had lost track of that fascinating bank letter. Do you happen to know what "appropriate steps" Mr. [Redacted] followed to object to the release of bank records?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by stoneFree View Post
    David! Thank you for this thread. I had lost track of that fascinating bank letter. Do you happen to know what "appropriate steps" Mr. [Redacted] followed to object to the release of bank records?

    Chapter 9:
    The Law of Presumption

    Now, let's have a little fun with this law of presumption, as it is called. The law works both ways. This means that you can use it to your advantage as well as anyone else can. One of the most surprising and fascinating discoveries made by the freedom movement in America concerns the bank signature card. If you have a checking or savings account at a bank, you may remember being asked by the bank officer to sign your name on several documents when you opened that account. One of these documents was the bank signature card. You may have been told that the bank needed your signature in order to compare it with the signatures that would be found on the checks you write, to detect forgeries. That explanation sounded reasonable, so you signed your name on the card.

    What the bank officer probably did not tell you was that you signed your name on a contract whereby you agreed to abide by all rules and regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury. You see, bank signature cards typically contain such a clause in the fine print. These rules and regulations include, but are not limited to the IRC (all 2,000 pages of it) and the Code of Federal Regulations for the IRC (all 10,000 pages of it). These rules may also include every last word of the Federal Reserve Act, another gigantic statute. Now, did the bank have all 12,000 pages of the IRC and its regulations on exhibit for you to examine upon request, before you signed the card? Your bank should be willing, at the very least, to identify clearly what rules and regulations adhere to your signature.

    You are presumed to be a person who knows how to read, and who knows how to read a contract before signing your name to it. Once your signature is on the contract, the federal government is entitled to presume that you knew what you were doing when you signed this contract. Their presumption is that you entered into this contract knowingly, intentionally, and voluntarily. Why? Because your signature is on the contract. That's why. Is this presumption rebuttable? You bet it is. Here's why:

    Instead of telling you that the bank needed your signature to catch forgeries, imagine that the bank officer described the signature card as follows:

    Your signature on this card will create a contract relationship between you and the Secretary of the Treasury. This Secretary is not the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, because the U.S. Treasury Department was bankrupted in the year 1933. The Treasury Department referred to on this card is a private entity which has been set up to enforce private rules and regulations. These rules and regulations have been established to discharge the bankruptcy of the federal government. Your signature on this card will be understood to mean that you are volunteering to subject yourself to a foreign jurisdiction, a municipal corporation known as the District of Columbia and its private offspring, the Federal Reserve system. You accept the benefits of limited liability offered to you by this corporation for using their commercial paper, Federal Reserve Notes, to discharge your own debts without the need for gold or silver.

    By accepting these benefits, you are admitting to the waiver of all rights guaranteed to you by the Constitution for the United States of America, because that Constitution cannot impair any obligations in the contract you will enter by signing this card. Your waiver of these rights will be presumed to be voluntary and as a result of knowingly intelligent acts done with sufficient awareness of the relevant circumstances and likely consequences, as explained by the Supreme Court in the case of Brady v. U.S. With your signature on this card, the Internal Revenue Service, a collection agency for the Federal Reserve system, will be authorized to attach levies against any and all of your account balances in order to satisfy any unpaid liabilities which the IRS determines to exist. You will waive all rights against self-incrimination. You will not be entitled to due process in federal administrative tribunals, where the U.S. Constitution cannot be invoked to protect you. Your home, papers and effects will not be secured against search and seizure. Now, please sign this card.

    How does the law of presumption help you in this situation? First of all, you presumed that your signature was required, to compare it with the signatures on checks you planned to write. This was a reasonable presumption, because that's what the bank officer told you, but it is also a rebuttable presumption, because of what the fine print says. That fine print can be used to rebut, or disprove, your presumption when push comes to shove in a court of law. The federal government is entitled to presume that you knew what you were doing when you signed this contract. Well, did you? Did the bank officer explain all the terms and conditions attached thereto, as explained above? Did you read all 12,000 pages of law and regulations before deciding to sign this contract? Did you even know they existed? Was your signature on this contract a voluntary, intentional and knowingly intelligent act done with sufficient awareness of all its relevant consequences and likely circumstances? The Supreme Court has stated clearly that:

    Waivers of Constitutional Rights not only must be voluntary, but must be knowingly intelligent acts done with sufficient awareness of the relevant circumstances and likely consequences.

    [Brady v. United States, 397 U.S. 742, 748 (1970)]

    Fortunately, the federal government's presumption about you is also rebuttable. Why? Because the feds are guilty of fraud, among other reasons, by not disclosing the nature of the bankruptcy which they are using to envelope the American people, like an octopus with a suction tentacle in everybody's wallet, adults and children alike. The banks became unwitting parties to this fraud because the Congress has obtained a controlling interest in the banks through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and their traffic in Federal Reserve Notes and other commercial paper issued by the Federal Reserve banks, with the help of their agent, the private Treasury Department. For further details, read "Return to Constitutional Money" by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., in the Supreme Law Library on the Internet.

    Because this fraud can attach to bank accounts without your knowledge or consent, it is generally a good idea to notify your bank(s), in writing, that the IRS cannot inspect any of your bank records unless you have specifically authorized such inspections by executing IRS Form 6014. The IRS Printed Products Catalog describes this form as follows:

    6014 42996R (Each)

    Authorization ?? Access to Third Party Records for Internal Revenue Service Employees

    Authorization from Taxpayer to third party for IRS employees to examine records. Re-numbered as a 4-digit form from Letter 995(DO) (7/77). Changes suggested per IRM Section 4082.1 to help secure the correct information from the third party. EX:E Tax Related Public Use

    [IRS Printed Product Catalog]
    [Document 7130, Rev. 6-89, p. 49]

    Make explicit reference to this Form in a routine letter to your bank(s). Inform the appropriate bank officers that they must have a completed Form 6014 on file, with your authorized signature, before they can legally allow any IRS employees to examine your records. Then state, discretely, that you hereby reserve your fundamental right to withhold your authorized signature from Form 6014, because it might otherwise constitute a waiver of your 4th Amendment Rights, and no agency of government can compel you to waive any of your fundamental Rights such as those explicitly guaranteed by the 4th Amendment in the Constitution for the United States of America. (Banks are chartered by the States in which they do business, and as such they are "agencies" of State government.)

    For good measure, you might also cite pertinent sections in your State Constitution, particularly where it mandates that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme Law of the Land, as it does in the California Constitution of 1879. Finally, you may wish to state that Form 6014 is not applicable to you anyway, because you are not a "Taxpayer" as that term is defined by Section 7701(a)(14) of the Internal Revenue Code. Therefore, the bank is simply not authorized to release information about you to IRS employees, period!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by BAMAJiPS View Post
    David, I am fascinated by this R4C. Are you saying to set up an evidence repository in the federal courthouse... NOW? before any inkling of action from the IRS or other commercial courts?

    I can't even comprehend how you learned all this. The scope is vast. Where do you study or learn all of these techniques? I read until my eyes feel like they're going to bleed - hours each day and cant seem to understand how you have this much knowledge.

    Were you raised in it? Did you surround yourself with people of knowledge? Were you an apprentice to someone? I read your petition in US District Court of Colorado in amazement. Where do you come up with this stuff? I would honestly consider spending a year or so in apprenticeship learning these things. All I have at my disposal is the internet, which is a fine tool, but it tends to lead me in more tangents and extremely deep rabbit holes that absorb so much of my time - it's hard to focus! Do you have any suggestions on where/how to hone skills? I have yet to locate local clubs or workshops in my area to assist. Do they exist? I don't mean to sound so helpless. I suppose I am just in awe of the expansive knowledge you seem to possess.
    That is one flattering post. I think it may be a rendition of Ochham's Razor, but it might be a Fourier Transform quirk too. The simpler conclusion is usually best and true. However it helps to be able to make out patterns in the noise. Learn Rules of Evidence first and enjoy learning. Find pleasure in grasping so many interesting items of fact that it is exactly that - noise. A technician considers a complex waveform of more than three or four frequencies "noise". This is the disruptive waveform for Swine Flu. Look at the image as you listen and see if you can find the five frequencies with your ear. [Synchronicity - BBC World News at 3:00 am MST.] When I look at Holonation images however, I can only see the inverted image - this Burning Bush looks to me like somebody punched a piece of soft clay. I wonder if that is something to be considered.

    For example when thinking about baptism by water I see the political climate by knowing the history. A typical Christian I presume just accepts that since Jesus was the Son of God people would accept him marching up the King's Road on a colt as a proper coronation ceremony. Just out of the blue - divine providence! Herod the Great had three sons; Philip was in Jordan so he had no role to speak of in the Bible Story. Antipater was never King but remained Tetrarch for his reign. The King was Archelaus but he was exiled in 6 AD (adding Judea, Sumaria and Idumea to Antipater's rule) and so would have been living like a mountain man out in the sticks. Sound familiar? John the Baptist was a mountain man! So Archelaus was likely keeping a secret school - a secret society or Order and of course John was beheaded for speaking against the authority of the Tetrarch HEROD Antipas/Antipater who slew Jesus on the Cross too. So the Jordan River dunking was likely a cheap coronation, Jesus accepting the title of KING upon Archelaus' death from the (secret) Order of Archelaus as ministered by disciple John (the Baptist). At any rate, try reading that and see if it fits with my scenario in mind while you review the account.

    That is an example and I know from the postings especially around here that you all have amazing minds but maybe different mathematical keys to sort and interact with a higher Creative Mind by making distinctions and dichotomies that need not exist. Separation. Mostly I perceive most people to be in identity crisis - true name and legal name. Confusion.

    Quote Originally Posted by stoneFree View Post
    David! Thank you for this thread. I had lost track of that fascinating bank letter. Do you happen to know what "appropriate steps" Mr. [Redacted] followed to object to the release of bank records?
    That letter happened much earlier than SHULTZ revealing appeal. I have seen how all the IRS has to do is file a $46 Miscellaneous Case jacket requesting a judicial summons to fill the bill.

    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by David Merrill; 01-07-13 at 03:43 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    The simpler conclusion is usually best and true. However it helps to be able to make out patterns in the noise. Learn Rules of Evidence first and enjoy learning. Find pleasure in grasping so many interesting items of fact that it is exactly that - noise. A technician considers a complex waveform of more than three or four frequencies "noise". This is the disruptive waveform for Swine Flu. Look at the image as you listen and see if you can find the five frequencies with your ear. [Synchronicity - BBC World News at 3:00 am MST.] When I look at Holonation images however, I can only see the inverted image - this Burning Bush looks to me like somebody punched a piece of soft clay. I wonder if that is something to be considered.
    An aside - Talk about picking out frequencies in the noise... I was trained at a young age in acoustic analysis. (I was a Sonar Technician in the Navy) Its a fascinating study. I was actually the first student to get a 100% comprehension on oceanography and sound propagation in water (blowing on my fingernails). Picking out frequencies in water was quite the chore, but you learn to look for certain frequencies and then look for the harmonics off the main frequencies. We used to sit with headphones on and listen to underwater noise. We could tap our fingers and get a turn count (a prop shaft turning in the water) and by determining the number of turns in a minute, we could calculate the engine RPM's, number of blades on the prop, etc and determine fairly accurately what we were listening to. The art is dying off in the Navy due to advanced electronics and satelite technologies following pretty much all ship movements in the world. I guess Im saying I can appreciate your analogy on the technical side of things about tuning out the noise. Nifty.

  6. #6

    any help available?

    [QUOTE=stoneFree;9199]David! Thank you for this thread. I had lost track of that fascinating bank letter. Do you happen to know what "appropriate steps" Mr. [Redacted] followed to object to the release of bank records?[/QUOTE

    Hi David, Where should a beginner start with the process? Is this Admiralty? The IRS is coming after me bigtime and I must learn to defend myself using techniques that work. Any suggestions?

    Thanks, Bob Conlon

  7. #7
    [QUOTE=Bob Conlon;9227]
    Quote Originally Posted by stoneFree View Post
    David! Thank you for this thread. I had lost track of that fascinating bank letter. Do you happen to know what "appropriate steps" Mr. [Redacted] followed to object to the release of bank records?[/QUOTE

    Hi David, Where should a beginner start with the process? Is this Admiralty? The IRS is coming after me bigtime and I must learn to defend myself using techniques that work. Any suggestions?

    Thanks, Bob Conlon

    The Lesson Plan around here evolved around 1) true name identity 2) Record Forming (Libel of Review) and 3) redeeming lawful money.

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