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View Full Version : On Trial Right Now: Someone that tried to introduce a competing currency to the Fed.

03-14-11, 11:37 PM

Just got an email from RTR asking for volunteers for "boots on the ground" to provide coverage of the landmark Money trial taking place in North Carolina right now.

According to them there is a media blackout on it.

"Bernard von NotHaus stands accused for taking on the Federal
Reserve System by producing a competing currency. "

Anybody else aware that this trial is happening?

03-15-11, 01:21 AM
well, not a total news blackout:


Frederick Burrell
03-15-11, 07:03 PM
Keep us informed as to the progress of the trial. There is a village in Thailand that started printing its own money. It has become very popular and gaining popularity in the province. So far the Thai government has not interfered and doesn't look as if they are going to. Frederick Burrell

03-16-11, 04:21 AM
I had read about this trial coming up on some internet news site last year; might have been on Rense or perhaps Steve Quayle.

It seems to me that where Bernard von NOTHAUS went wrong was in naming his coins "dollars".
If he had used another name, like Taler or Talent or any other name that isn't being claimed by the banksters he probably would have had better success with his business.
Since his coins are made of precious metal they don't need to be called "dollar" to make them valuable.
I suppose he called them dollars to get around the sales tax issue, but since there were non-redeemed FRNs involved in his venture there had to be trouble.

There is a subtle irony in all this.
NotHaus is a German compound noun. "Not" means emergency, necessity, distress, and misery in German, and "Haus" means house.
The word "von" means from.
His name, Bernard von NotHaus, literally means "Bernard from the house of misery and distress/emergency.


03-16-11, 04:33 AM
I thought the Spanish coined the term 'Dollar'?

03-16-11, 06:08 AM
I thought the Spanish coined the term 'Dollar'?

Coinage Act of 1792

Dollars or Units $1 371 4/16 grain (24.1 g) pure or 416 grain (27.0 g) standard silver

03-16-11, 10:15 AM
hello ;)
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martin earl
03-16-11, 01:18 PM
I had read about this trial coming up on some internet news site last year; might have been on Rense or perhaps Steve Quayle.

It seems to me that where Bernard von NOTHAUS went wrong was in naming his coins "dollars".
If he had used another name, like Taler or Talent or any other name that isn't being claimed by the banksters he probably would have had better success with his business.
Since his coins are made of precious metal they don't need to be called "dollar" to make them valuable.
I suppose he called them dollars to get around the sales tax issue, but since there were non-redeemed FRNs involved in his venture there had to be trouble.

There is a subtle irony in all this.
NotHaus is a German compound noun. "Not" means emergency, necessity, distress, and misery in German, and "Haus" means house.
The word "von" means from.
His name, Bernard von NotHaus, literally means "Bernard from the house of misery and distress/emergency.


I agree with the emphasized line! This is the same reason the Las Vegas gold case was lost.

Any-thing ("goods or services") in the US Economy when non-redeemed from their lien of Federal Reserve Notes is considered property of the Federal Reserve.

03-20-11, 01:10 AM
March 18, 2011
Defendant Convicted of Minting His Own Currency (http://charlotte.fbi.gov/dojpressrel/pressrel11/ce031811.htm)

Frederick Burrell
03-20-11, 04:28 AM
Thanks for the update. Frederick Burrell

03-20-11, 03:32 PM
I thought the Spanish coined the term 'Dollar'?

The Germans did.
Descends from the town Jocamisthaler where silver was mined and minted. This is about 16th century.
There is also the Spanish milled dollar. The world's first international currency if you will.
The concept of the American dollar is heavily influenced by these sources.

04-01-11, 09:06 PM
Yes; you're both right.

In Bohemia, a part of the Holy Roman Empire then controlled by the Jagellonian monarchs, a guldiner was minted ... that was named the Joachimsthaler from the silver mined by the Counts of Schlick at a rich source near Joachimsthal (St. Joachim's Valley, Jáchymov) (now in the Czech Republic) where Thal (Tal) means "valley" in German. Joachim, the father of the Virgin Mary, was portrayed on the coin. Similar coins began to be minted in neighboring valleys rich in silver deposits, each named after the particular 'thal' or valley from which the silver was extracted. There were soon so many of them that these silver coins began to be known more widely as 'thaler'. From these earliest 'thalaer' developed the new Thaler – the coin that Europe had been looking for to create a standard for commerce. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daalder

As silver flooded into the European economy from domestic and overseas sources, Thalers and Thaler-sized coins were minted all over with equivalent coins such as the crown, daalder from which the English word "dollar" is derived, krona, and from 1497, the Spanish 8 reales piece was minted - a coin which would later become known in some parts of the world as the peso. Indeed, in England the word "dollar" was in use for the Thaler for 200 years before the issue of the United States dollar, http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/9089/3dollar.jpg
As this Spanish 8 reale coin (left), more commonly called Piece of Eight (8 bits), was popular at our nation's beginning it became the basis of our silver dollar, sharing the same size & weight. The first coinage Act (1792) states:

DOLLARS OR UNITS--each to be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver.

04-05-11, 12:07 PM
The key to wealth in hard money is weight or ounces.
Numismatic value is of no value unless one is a dealer, broker, or seller of coins.

Arik Alan
04-05-11, 05:02 PM

"Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism," U.S. Attorney Anne Tompkins said in a statement after von NotHaus was convicted.

04-22-11, 02:49 PM

From the article: Additionally, the par value of a dollar is why the 'liberty dollar' people are going to jail. When silver was under $10 they used to pawn off an ounce of silver for $10, way above the market price. Now that silver is well over $10 do they still put a ten-dollar denomination on an ounce of silver or do they try to swindle more? Who do they think they are, the Federal Reserve? I think it's no less crooked. They think they can get people to use "liberty dollars" for more than the price of the metal.

The current denomination of the silver liberty "dollar" is $20 while silver is trading around $14... I can buy a nice new shiny silver dollar with the attestation of weight and purity from a sovereign government for less than $20, why would anyone buy a "liberty dollar" from a brand new mint nobody has ever heard of for such a premium?

But their real problem is because they issue a one ounce gold coin with a face value of $1000 when they have no lawful authority to do so since the government does not have to accept the one-ounce gold 1000 liberty "dollar" coin for payment of $1000 in taxes. Additionally, the United States government does not certify that the VALUE of the coin contains $1000 worth of gold which is over 23 ounces (1000/42.2222) par value. This is what is really getting them in trouble.

If they had minted coins or bars and did not represent them as dollars just like Credit Suisse, Johnson Mathey, Englehard or anyone in that business does then they would not have had a problem. The sad thing is that they had a good business plan but were too ignorant to carry it out since Credit Suisse will not let me spend my warehouse receipts with other members on the website and will only buy them from me with government money. If they minted a one ounce gold coin and called it "1000 liberties" or anything else besides dollars then they would not have had any problems.

I'm still trying to get this myself, so if anyone here can make it clearer?

04-22-11, 02:52 PM
von Nothaus was on talkshoe twice this week. Robert Fox offered help but nothaus was rather arrogant. Angela's My Private audio and the county grand jury call.

04-22-11, 07:24 PM
von Nothaus was on talkshoe twice this week. Robert Fox offered help but nothaus was rather arrogant. Angela's My Private audio and the county grand jury call.

I can just imagine the offers of help he has been given, probably sick of them. A lot of people out there just offer help in the form of this guy is good or that guru is good, not really having done any of the process themselves. I have received these myself a couple times from people and get the deer in headlights response when I ask if they done it successfully themselves.
Anyways Von Nothaus has his attorneys and he is not about to go without them, he has make that quite clear in the past.

03-18-13, 07:08 PM
Private minter resurrects Liberty Dollars (http://www.coinworld.com/articles/viewarticle/collector-introduces-new-liberty-dollars)


12-03-14, 08:33 PM
December 02. 2014 "Bernard von NotHaus was sentenced to three years of probation by Judge Voorhees today. This is in stark contrast to the DOJ's demands that he be sentenced to 22 years in federal prison. More news to follow."
