"... sacrifice is folly..."

I guess it depends on what sacrifice and the intent behind it. I suppose animal sacrifices could be considered folly if we knew the mind of the one executing it. Although, the Levitical law regarding killing and blood was more of a purification of the ground or site/temple where prayers were to be offered and NOT as a purification of man's sins - that would be folly.

The sacrifice of our Lord and Savior to redeem ALL of creation is NOT folly IMO. I do not believe his willing death was the culmination, or a substitute, for the sacrificial practices of the Hebrews. Cleansing the ground and cleansing one's life are two very different things.

Jesus' sacrifice was necessary in order to save mankind from his transgressions/sins originating from, and perpetuated by, the choice of Adam to seek another for knowledge. We do NOT inherit Adam's sin; we inherit the fallen existence resulting from his sin which makes it impossible for us to NOT sin ourselves. Each of us is solely responsible for our own sins which we will inevitably commit while we live this life. We no longer enjoy the FULL protection and FULL communion with our Creator due to that choice in the garden.

Because of that choice in the garden, the deceiver/adversary became master of the willing indentured servitude of Adam (debt-slave), and subsequently, everyone after him. God recognized this and immediately revealed His plan to redeem (buy back) His creation. He knew it was necessary to take on flesh, live as we live, conquer the world/adversary, have victory over death and restore His creation to its original state and intent.

Jesus the Christ of Nazareth came, and was born, into this world to do just that and He did. Victory is His as He transcended the limitations of this fallen world and conquered the evil of this realm. The Kingdom is here, in part, yet the FULL culmination is yet to come whereby His children experience and enjoy eternal paradise ON EARTH as was the original plan in the garden of Eden.

Was God capable of crushing the adversary in protection of His creation, avoiding all of known history and evil since then? Of course He was capable, His power is limitless and there exists no other who can match it. However, is that the most wise, righteous, honorable and moral thing to do in light of the cognizant and willful choice made by Adam?

In my opinion, the answer is clear; the God of order, reason, truth and righteousness knows what the only option is - self-sacrifice redemption for the sake of the salvation of His creation. What other 'god' loves so much to do such a thing?