Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
Funny how the history of Jesus being seen alive and asking for food after the Crucifixion is accepted as GOSPEL (pun intended) but the idea of Him being resurrected in a Glorified Body, which is also promised to those who trust in Him and accept His Sacrifice for our redemption, is regarded as the doctrine of fear and guilt-mongering.

Conflating the false doctrine of futurism and "rapture" with the faith of the orthodox saints who followed Jesus' teachings and commands is typical misdirection for those invested in denying Jesus' true nature. The teachings of the modern charismatic, pentecostal, evangelical, et al so-called "christians" who adopt the heresy of futurism created by the Roman Church's Jesuit order is very sad indeed.

What is sadder is the yoking together of things that are not related.

The sad truth for some is: God will grant one what one wishes. He is NOT is the business of forced obedience and worship - God is pro-choice.
This is the perfect example of projecting your guilt about Original Sin and of course Abraham's incest with Sarah outward. Thank you.

Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
Gnostic Essenes who cleverly corrupted the pre- Canon New Testament through writing alternative but false gospels side by side with the heresy of inventing the false Messianic bloodline maintained through Jesus’ alleged sons. The Essenes were followers and the guardians of the Davidic Messianic bloodline and of a mortal Jesus in particular. Aminadbad, who was the son of Josue, son of Josephes, son of Jesus. It was Faramund and Argotta that begat Clodiu, who begat Meroveus, who begat Childeric, who begat Clovus, the founder of the official Merovingian dynasty. This background lends itself harmoniously with the Merovingians’ belief they were descended from Jesus, as well as others holding royal pedigrees of the highest and most royal orders.The Fisher Kings, the Merovingians, were a numinous dynasty mythologized to have possessed mystical power to communicate with animals, manipulate the weather, and heal the sick by the touching of hands, just as Jesus did. They wore their hair very long, never cutting it, in the tradition of the scriptural Israeli Nazarites, the most famous of whom was Samson, who the Merovingians and Gnostics held in curiously high esteem. All of the Merovingians possessed a curious red, cross- shaped birthmark located either above the heart or between the shoulder blades,representing their true heritage. Merovingians were sorcerer kings in the same spirit as King Solomon, with his judgment and wisdom, as well as his (alleged) prowess as a (Masonic) mystical magician in the Ring Lord tradition. The Merovingian kings were extravagant polygamists after the spirit of the pharaohs, Davidic, the Nephilim, Lamech, and of course, Solomon.This is the battle cry of anyone who denies the true nature of Jesus' Life, Death and Resurrection.At every interest its Jesus and segments of the New Testament accredited to Paul’s authorship, from which the Christian church takes most of its new covenant doctrine. Paul is classified as the Evil Liar or the Heretic, stemming from the Dead Sea Scrolls concerning the Essenes and the Teacher of Righteousness, described as the “Spouter of Lies” and the “Unscrupulous Liar” of the early church. Paul is described as the one who corrupted the religion of the early church centered in Jerusalem, along with doctrines taught by the Gnostic Teacher of Righteousness. In fact, Mandaeans and Manicheans believed Paul was a false prophet, who led his disciples away from the true religion; they believed Paul’s false religion was not based on the true teachings of John the Baptist (and the mentor of Jesus), who they believed.

The Jerusalem church led by James is portrayed to be the mystical Essene religion. Gnostics assert that it was Paul who besmirched the teachings of Jesus with his so- called heretical doctrines, which took root after the demise of the Jerusalem church in 70 C.E., when the church center was transferred to Rome, under Roman influence and Pauline doctrine. In fact, in 318 C.E., according to Gnostic sources, a delegation of Jesus’ immediate descendants, the Desposyni, traveled to Rome to argue the church should be transferred back to Jerusalem, back to its mystic roots, but Constantine refused. So, too, do Gnostic writers remember Mary Magdalene and her heirs opposing the Roman apostolic succession of Peter, in favor of James and the Jerusalem church. 15 In this tradition, Mary Magdalene was an Essene priestess who married Jesus.

Under this guise, Masonic and Gnostic writers refer to Paul as the Liar; the Heretic; and the enemy of Jesus’ brother, James the Just, who supposedly was one of the Teachers of Righteousness portrayed in the Dead Sea Scrolls. What the Gnostics are endeavoring to accomplish is to ascertain that it was Paul who proclaimed the divinity of Jesus and not Jesus or any of the disciples who formed the early Jerusalem church, that Paul stood alone in this assertion. Gnostics believe that the deviant Pauline sect maliciously elevated Jesus to deity status and that those who are loyal to the Vatican are heretics. The elevation of Jesus to deity is said to have taken place after the crucifixion by his corrupted followers from the Pauline sect. The Gnostics believe Jesus did not come to sacrifice Himself as the Lamb of God for the sins of the world. They assert that Jesus was sent to humankind as an enlightened, spiritual guide, in the same ideology as Buddha and Mohammed, to teach humankind enlightened secrets, aiding us in our evolution to godhood.Christ they never wanted him around when he was living but a great friend now that he,s dead? Earthly dead that is just for inheritance if your a Merovingian King Once the Christian Crusaders retook Jerusalem, an unanticipated, new order, sponsored by Mason/Rex Deus organizations, was unaccountably ordained by Papal Bull. This order was, of course, the Knights Templar, which originally consisted of nine founding members from European aristocracy; although, Rex Deus records indicate there were eleven. The original nine were not the poor, impoverished monks revisionist history would have us believe. All nine, or eleven, derived from important, royal Flemish and French families. The BASILICA BASTARDS
I recall a TV series that depicted the Book of James being preserved by a tower monastery of a special sect of intellectual priests... The name might come to me and I can probably find that on YouTube. I want to watch it again. I think the episode about James killed the serial though.

Xparte; you bring back my reading years. I read The Guardians of the Grail by JR CHURCH and Holy Blood, Holy Grail and sure enough The DaVinci Code - I discovered that one hot off the press, so it seemed like a personal message because I had devoured it, even before it was known to be such a hit.

Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post

Re: Solomon, Sorcery and "Mystical Practices"

If perchance there were any truth to the idea of Solomon having practiced sorcery, such practice was against the Mosaic law, would not be applauded and would likely pertain to his heart having been turned away. Nothing in the OT would give thumbs up to Solomon having been tipped into idolatry.

Whether or not Solomon dabbled in black magic or sorcery, such practices would find absolutely zero OK in the scriptures. Such would likely stem from his having his heart turned away into into idolatry. Saying "Solomon did it" doesn't make it OK.

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Who would think that someone could actually be convinced into worshiping the penis as the tree of life?

Who was Moloch/Molech?
And so we relate once again to the Bible.

Paul's heresy against Israel is plain by his last five years in house prison in Rome, fleeing capital punishment from the Sanhedrin. Christians like to say that Paul was in trouble for teaching Christianity but that is obviously untrue because he answered the question by saying he taught the Noachide Laws to the pagans in Asia Minor. So the Sanhedrin was appeased.

He was in trouble for treason against Israel, his Roman citizenship papers but more so for perjury. - Paul lied to the Sanhedrin about purchasing the papers at all; to the point he told the Sanhedrin, under oath, that his ship in fact never even docked in Cyprus at all. But you have all heard that...


David Merrill.