Quote Originally Posted by xparte View Post
The Garden of Eden story it seems is one where the Serpent deceptively appealed to both imagination and emotion, quite a powerful combination.Its always been two innocents curiosity kills a evil cat as well as a good cat remorse is a curiosity in some men.The garden has two trees two paths duality is a franchise the mistake god made was telling adam he had a choice or knowing adams choice No mistakes were made Man has both now The garden still belongs to god if its evil thats who,s choice .When a thought is evil who owns it and acts upon it are by choice.If a creation story helps folks deal with the choices adam and eve its all about us.
That serpent kind of sounds like the Spinal Cord - and the Man kinda seems like the Mind and the woman Eve sort of seems like the Emotions. But that could not be especially when you consider that a loving God cursed all of humanity for eating some fruit. Of course you understand I write in jest.