My intention with this thread is to offer an experience I have had, and hopefully gain insight in regard to it, specifically what options I may still have available to me to remedy the legal end of it all at this time. Advice on how to handle a similar situation in the future is very much appreciated as well, but the current matter is a bit pressing.

I am very much a novice and have only begun researching the matters discussed throughout this forum relatively recently, so I may misuse a term, or not understand a response in full. I'm very much a work in progress so please bear with me.
Additionally, I have yet to go through the steps to 'correct my status' so to speak, as I am still trying my best to find out a fully efficient way to separate my flesh and blood vessel from the LEGAL NAME/chattel property/citizen status. Any advice would have to be inline with this status in order for it to be useful.
I'll also drop the full story in the next post if anyone wants to throw out a strategy if I'm forced to undergo a trial at this point.

Short version: I was pulled over for no plate. Asked if I was being detained, told no, and therefore did not provide any of the paperwork (license, registration, insurance, none of which existed anyway.) I didn't have anything on me to show in any capacity, so I wasn't trying to be difficult. I did hand them a small card stating that I retained all my rights, including my right to remain silent and not incriminate myself. Eventually I am forcibly removed from my vehicle and taken to the area police precinct. There they attempt to gain my NAME, but I keep asking to first be told that I am being detained and/or if I'm being charged with a crime.
Long story short, they run the VIN#, get the NAME on title (titled in STATE [looking to correct that in the future,] call a family member with same last name who I assume identified me via description of me and my car, police pull up my long expired STATE ID photo (not DL just ID) and info. I am then released and given a bag with my confiscated belongings that also includes 5 new citations.
4 traffic: no license, no registration, no financial responsibility, not identifying self to officer
1 citation for disorderly conduct: apparently the small crowd drawn was caused solely by me and not by the 5 police vehicles with flashing lights jammed into a small area on the street. It also state I caused traffic to back up, although you can see traffic flow smoothly throughout the video.

I did not R4C because I was not able to find adequate advice on how to do so properly within my own 72 hr limit (I spent the next day getting my car back, and had work and family obligations to attend too the next 2 days, so research time was limited.)
I also did not send back any of the citations that ask for pleadings and collateral for appearance. This is again because I didn't know what to do.

I want to know if I have a leg to stand on here as I simply wasn't sure what to do and, therefore, for better or worse, did nothing.
If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated, just please dumb it down wherever possible for a novice that has only been researching this vast spectrum of the "legal world" for about a month before the stop, as I am simply not familiar with most proceedings and terminology.