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Thread: Abraham Lincoln & Freemasonry

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by george View Post
    not to say "youre wrong" but I should point out that others believe nothing and consider a broader perspective than either/or.

    is it possible there is more than one?
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
    When I used to buy and sell real estate - I learned from the "gurus" to make at least four offers on every potential deal. Most folks don't get any offer so when they get four they assume they have to choose one. And most times they do! Thus is the hero worship of this day. Where do the candidates come from - they simply seem to appear and we THINK we must choose from the available choices. But do we?
    The toughest thing for some might beto disengage emotionally or to disengage from 'polarizations'. After maybe 25 years of indoctrination and emotional affinities developing in any given society--mainly the idea that "this is your battle" or "you're on this side" (again 'default' choices and the presumption that you have to make a choice from the box of chocolates they hand), it might be a challenge to realize hey I really don't have to like or dislike you or you or you (consider someone pointing at his family, the enemies across the street, his society, everyone he knows). I figure that is what escapes most and what the Manipulators might fear the most, is you or I or anyone else making the choice other than to fear them other than to run from, other than to choice from the alleged "must choose-froms" but to simply vote them out of your life by ignoring their existence and arriving at a vision of them simply being non-existent or insignificant ("Satan was and is not.). [Note: the Manipulators seem to primarily engage in one form of Jui Jitsu or another (using the power you expend against them against you). Love your enemies, etc., perhaps ends/prevents any controversy)]

    All the books, propaganda ever aiming to keep one group or another in the minds of "the masses" (there is a term 'mindshare') might just be a way of drawing power from an unsuspecting audience. It took me two years to get someone to STOP reading about secret societies, Planet X , etc, etc. Ever notice some people can go on and on for ten years about one end of the world conspiracy have it fail and them two days after the fail date, they are in another "End of the World Club"? Its one thing to study for edification, enrichment or to edify or enrich others. Its another to be inundated and emotionally and mentally addicted and locked into paranoia.

    I knew of a witch who is secretly a witch and works at a place where she deals with hundreds if not thousands of people a week. She hated me, because she could neither control nor manipulate me--among other reasons I wouldn't take one of her 'sides' that she created whether it was among one clique or another or another. Regardless of what she may have ever said to anyone, she hated me because it was an insult to her ego for her snares to fail when it came to me. She became obsessed with me to the extent that she ultimately revealed to me that a terrible, vile, murderous psychopathology operating behind that pretty face. She became obsessed with possessing, owning or controlling me--as has been her obsession with anyone and everyone else. What she didn't realize is that I was being taught something through my interactions with her, seeing her methods and ways as a macroscopic reverberation of what one might see on the "international level" (on a smaller scale her, on a larger scale groups of witches, etc. acting in a cooperative manner).

    Disengaging: the idea of having it in your mind that God is bigger than the obstacle and the obstacle is gone (spiritual vision, by faith not by physical sight) --the obstacle could be said to 'flee' from you. Fight it, exalt it, you might give it power.

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    Related: Moses Was Not A Magician
    Last edited by allodial; 02-05-15 at 10:35 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    The toughest thing for some might beto disengage emotionally or to disengage from 'polarizations'. After maybe 25 years of indoctrination and emotional affinities developing in any given society--mainly the idea that "this is your battle" or "you're on this side" (again 'default' choices and the presumption that you have to make a choice from the box of chocolates they hand), it might be a challenge to realize hey I really don't have to like or dislike you or you or you (consider someone pointing at his family, the enemies across the street, his society, everyone he knows). I figure that is what escapes most and what the Manipulators might fear the most, is you or I or anyone else making the choice other than to fear them other than to run from, other than to choice from the alleged "must choose-froms" but to simply vote them out of your life by ignoring their existence and arriving at a vision of them simply being non-existent or insignificant ("Satan was and is not.). [Note: the Manipulators seem to primarily engage in one form of Jui Jitsu or another (using the power you expend against them against you). Love your enemies, etc., perhaps ends/prevents any controversy)]

    All the books, propaganda ever aiming to keep one group or another in the minds of "the masses" (there is a term 'mindshare') might just be a way of drawing power from an unsuspecting audience. It took me two years to get someone to STOP reading about secret societies, Planet X , etc, etc. Ever notice some people can go on and on for ten years about one end of the world conspiracy have it fail and them two days after the fail date, they are in another "End of the World Club"? Its one thing to study for edification, enrichment or to edify or enrich others. Its another to be inundated and emotionally and mentally addicted and locked into paranoia.

    I knew of a witch who is secretly a witch and works at a place where she deals with hundreds if not thousands of people a week. She hated me, because she could neither control nor manipulate me--among other reasons I wouldn't take one of her 'sides' that she created whether it was among one clique or another or another. Regardless of what she may have ever said to anyone, she hated me because it was an insult to her ego for her snares to fail when it came to me. She became obsessed with me revealing a terrible psychopathology operating behind that pretty face. She became obsessed with possessing, owning or controlling me. What she didn't realize is that I was being taught something through my interactions with her, seeing her methods and ways as a macroscopic reverberation of what one might see on the "international level" (on a smaller scale her, on a larger scale groups of witches, etc. acting in a cooperative manner).

    Disengaging: the idea of having it in your mind that God is bigger than the obstacle and the obstacle is gone (spiritual vision, by faith not by physical sight) --the obstacle could be said to 'flee' from you. Fight it, exalt it, you might give it power.

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    very well said/wrote allodial. I know this struggle if I know nothing else. I wish to forget it but not enough I guess.

    this part really stands out.
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    the idea of having it in your mind that God
    like a glint!

  3. #33
    I have read and watched many videos about freemasons. I am not obsessed about it or anything, but I know that it is at least an important issue concerning America and the entire wolrd. I find it interesting that many founders of the country were freemasons. And to see where we are now in this country makes me wonder if much of it was not planned from the very biginning. I have always wondered what big secret could the masons know. They are from an ancient guild of stone workers for crying out loud. Then I found the Testament of Solomon. This with some quotes from Albert Pike (high level freemason), talking about Lucifer, makes me think maybe they know that they can employ the use of the fallen ones to help one another do their bidding. IMO, worldly things are also, always spiritual things.
    As far as thier being a Creator or not, I have lived long enough to at least learn that accidents do not cause order. Quite the contrary is true.

  4. #34
    Senior Member Michael Joseph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
    I have read and watched many videos about freemasons. I am not obsessed about it or anything, but I know that it is at least an important issue concerning America and the entire wolrd. I find it interesting that many founders of the country were freemasons. And to see where we are now in this country makes me wonder if much of it was not planned from the very biginning. I have always wondered what big secret could the masons know. They are from an ancient guild of stone workers for crying out loud. Then I found the Testament of Solomon. This with some quotes from Albert Pike (high level freemason), talking about Lucifer, makes me think maybe they know that they can employ the use of the fallen ones to help one another do their bidding. IMO, worldly things are also, always spiritual things.
    As far as thier being a Creator or not, I have lived long enough to at least learn that accidents do not cause order. Quite the contrary is true.
    Hegelian dialectics offer up two false choices creating chaos so that the people can be offered the solution [synthesis] in which they will crave. Down come the two towers at IXXI [9/11] and in came the Patriot Act to satisfy the fears of the helpless sheep - who begged for security. So they got a fence.

    So when I am asked if I am republican or democrat my response is neither. Of course that confuses many and in their zeal they respond "don't you vote?" to which I respond "I don't give a rats ass about his house of lies. So when they play the instruments of worship and all stand in worship of their image with hand over heart singing their anthem - I remain seated. To wit the confused scream out "love it or leave it". To wit I respond "I left it a long time ago". Scratching their heads they wonder "do my eyes deceive me or is he there or not" - fools despise wisdom.

    Spiritual things are couched in worldly things. This was the key Saint Paul was trying to hard to disclose upon deaf ears. The terms Christ JESUS is not Jesus CHRIST. The first is Spirit condescending into Flesh - the latter is Flesh ascending to Spirit. So what happened to Jesus - he was despised, put on trial, beaten and put to death. What happened to The Word - put on trial, denied, defined and eventually put to death by men.

    Remember: Woe unto ye lawyers for ye took away.....heck let me get it right:

    Luke 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.

    Entered into what? Jesus CHRIST - the kingdom of God. Move those two XX close together and between the two pillars you will find a square and compass. Do you see them?
    The blessing is in the hand of the doer. Faith absent deeds is dead.

    Lawful Money Trust Website

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    ONE man or woman can make a difference!

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
    I have read and watched many videos about freemasons. I am not obsessed about it or anything, but I know that it is at least an important issue concerning America and the entire wolrd. I find it interesting that many founders of the country were freemasons. And to see where we are now in this country makes me wonder if much of it was not planned from the very biginning. I have always wondered what big secret could the masons know. They are from an ancient guild of stone workers for crying out loud. Then I found the Testament of Solomon. This with some quotes from Albert Pike (high level freemason), talking about Lucifer, makes me think maybe they know that they can employ the use of the fallen ones to help one another do their bidding. IMO, worldly things are also, always spiritual things.
    As far as thier being a Creator or not, I have lived long enough to at least learn that accidents do not cause order. Quite the contrary is true.
    As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been. (1 Ki 11:4)
    What seems to escape many/most is that Solomon's heart was turned away to by his taking 'strange wives' (non-believers). Perhaps Solomon's experience lucidates the Nephilim story in Genesis? The warning was "surely they will turn away your hearts after their god". Why isn't this made obvious in the typical Western church?

    As for the 'founders' being Masons or Freemasons, it is very much worth noting that there were social guilds and then the more 'esoteric occult Freemasonry' that started cropping up in the 1700s in Europe. The kind of stonebuilder's guilds that were in America weren't the same kind that showed up in in the mid 1800s--the Albert Pike kind.

    Anyone praising Solomon and regarding him as a role model without pointing out that his apostasy might be hiding something. The current correlation is a believer marrying a non-believer. Will she/he turn your heart after her/his gods? Will she/he want you to start worshiping her/his idols (institutions, rock stars, money, clothes, cars, movie stars, drug of choice)? Of course this relates to their insisting that of all being "the same god"--that dismisses the significance of Solomon's heart being turned away to OTHER gods. The Bible doesn't suggest monotheism. How can you turn away to other gods if there is only one? Thusly then they have been more easily led down the path to practicing sorcery because of the "there is only one god" so its all must be "the same god".

    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
    ...makes me think maybe they know that they can employ the use of the fallen ones to help one another do their bidding. IMO, worldly things are also, always spiritual things.
    That might be called sorcery. Unlike sorcery, exercising true spiritual authority doesn't require calling upon fallen spirits to do one's bidding--which might have a steep price. If someone has sex with someone under the influence of an unclean spirit, that spirit could connect with their body. That is why they promote casual sex, the spirits will then have a wider domain and spread themselves more through indiscriminate sexual relations. That is why they promote ignorance about the spiritual side effects or sexual promiscuity. "Muggles" aren't supposed to know these things.

    Why do you think they promote politicians and 'leaders' to have sex with hand picked sex slaves? Because if the sex slave is under their spiritual and psychic control anyone that she has sex with her will develop tendrils of connection/bonds with her and that will allow them to influence them.

    I was taught that nothing happens on the physical level without some impetus on the spiritual level.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    It's the difference between believing in "Creator and created" or "All is one".

    Besides the "killing the soul" doctrine, there is also the "I am God, God is All" doctrine which is just as damaging and evil.
    That reminds me of: panentheism vs pantheism.

    Unlike pantheism, which holds that the divine and the universe are identical, panentheism maintains a distinction between the divine and non-divine and the significance of both.
    Last edited by allodial; 02-06-15 at 09:57 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
    I have always wondered what big secret could the masons know.

    Pretty obvious their big secret is just a Babylonian people-herding, slave driving technology. A group of Masons with a blood-sworn oath to secrecy? -- quite useful to the man-king whether or not they even know the "big secret." And since we Suitors know all about the methodology behind the enslavement, and used it to escape the pen, where's the secret?

    The only big secret left is ... you thinking they have a big secret.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyCash View Post
    The only big secret left is ... you thinking they have a big secret.
    Bingo. And mis-thinking them to have "all the power". As one stated to me: Satan might be a defeated foe, but he still has the power of the lie.
    Last edited by allodial; 02-06-15 at 11:02 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  8. #38
    "Anyone praising Solomon and regarding him as a role model without pointing out that his apostasy might be hiding something."

    It is a very interesting idea to me. There are monolithic structures around the world, built with abosolutely huge stones, and built with such precision, that we cannot duplicate them today. Some think advanced technologies. But they used the medium of the time, stone. This makes me think the masons do have some very ancient guarded secrets, and they are not technology, but something different. Anyone who praises Solomon hadn't read about his ending. If his testomony is true, then had had a whole slew of demons who seeked revenge. The temple did not stand, as Solomons favor with God did not stand.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkin View Post
    "Anyone praising Solomon and regarding him as a role model without pointing out that his apostasy might be hiding something." Anyone who praises Solomon hadn't read about his ending. If his testomony is true, then had had a whole slew of demons who seeked revenge. The temple did not stand, as Solomons favor with God did not stand.
    Thanks for that pumpkin I did not realize who was Solomon.
    "And if I could I surely would Stand on the rock that Moses stood"

  10. #40
    Looks like your whole control grid is collapsing. The Cabal is at the end of the rope with their dilemma and now are in shear panic, as their time is running out. Here is a brief recap of this weeks activities in no particular order:

    * Egypt just signed on with Russia

    * Cyprus just granted Russia land for a base just 25 miles from a NATO base. (I would hate to be the one installing the chain link fence between them.)

    * Today Greece is supposed to choose the Euro debt trap or the BRICS. If they choose the BRICS then the derivatives market will explode globally. If they stay with Europe, debt forgiveness must occur, causing all other European countries to ask for the same forgiveness.

    * Alan Greenspan gave the kiss of death to the Euro and says goodby to Greece as it moves to Russia. Last week he said fiat money is garbage and gold is king.

    * Ben Fulford says that Saudi Arabia and all of its small neighbors have been given by the US Military to Russia (if Russia wants). Personally, I feel that is a scare tactic for them, the remaining countries still dealing in the Petro-Dollar, to hold that course. “Do it or the Boogy Man gets you.”

    * England is signing a Defense “Offer/contract” with Ukraine. This I am sure is so they and their buddies can act without NATO in starting a war.

    * Ukraine is history; destroyed. Their economy and farming is gone. They are bankrupt. They are conscripting women between 20 and 30 years old. Their army is now mostly conscripts that are untrained. If the US supplies weapons it won't matter as the troops will not know how to use them. More than likely the Ukraine army will turn on its own government, as there is nothing for them to fight for – there is no apple pie and Mom is being killed along side of them. They have no future.

    * Netanyahu has called a March meeting with “his” Congress in Washington. It is to be a closed door session without the press. Personally I think Congress should kill him and claim he closed the door on his own head, ending the blackmail.

    * The Baltic Dry Index (shipping business) is the lowest ever in it's history. This means that the globe is no longer trading. Commerce has virtually stopped.

    * The Petro-Dollar and the International-Dollar are both dying. The world knows it now.

    The bottom line is that the Cabal only has about another month to start a WWIII to control the collapse so it can come back into business, its historic pattern. In the meantime the entire globe knows that the Central Bankers are bankrupting the globe. Their secret sheep shearing operation is out in the open. The question is are the global leaders ready to face their own dilemmas and free humanity?

    Meanwhile, I see the Cabal as the 17 year old at the drive in with her date, swatting at seven hands in the dark, any one of which can hit the jackpot. There is no doubt about it, a collapse is coming, one way or the other.

    - Jim
    Last edited by JohnnyCash; 02-11-15 at 05:15 PM.

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