Quote Originally Posted by Keith Alan View Post
I would also like to say that in addition to the public/private distinction in personhood currently being discussed, there also must be a distinction in personalty with the money. In fact, I think this second distinction is more crucial to understand in relation to redeeming for lawful money, than is the personhood question, or at least as important, because after all, it is through the money that society most often imposes public obligations.

For instance, we know that FRN and banking credit are obligations of the US, and that when used in the public venue, the money carries with it certain reciprocal obligations (like reporting income and expenses) to the holders thereof. I believe that is the purpose for offering the remedy of redemption. Otherwise any person that uses the money is kept in the public, and subject to those obligations, which is tantamount to a taking of private rights of enjoyment. Justice and honor demand the opportunity for redemption.
Watch this new video that cites "private money" issue:

In that regard, I believe the title of this thread is backwards!

Are we not redeeming money from the PRIVATE to the PUBLIC venue, in order to not incur the legitimate private FRB "usage fee" known as "income tax"?