Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
Imagine if you started a pizza business. And you ran the business for thirty years and it was successful for you. One day I wanted to share in your success so I just decided to file some papers in some registry claiming I am now one of the founders of the business. How would that make you feel? Would you feel compelled to assign some of your shares to me on the basis of my claim?

I will wager that you might feel compelled to tell me to go pound dirt. Where was I during the hard times. You might consider an equitable interest if I provided some equity. So I put it to you and this hypothetical pizza business- will you just freely give and abandon you interest just because I asked for it?

Is that what is happening?

Isn't it rather a recognition of our inability to own absolute title and property under the emergency conditions and military occupation instituted by the seizing powers?

Isn't it also a recognition that indemnity is available through the mandatory certificates/receipts provided to the people on this occupied land?

We are not claiming to be one of the founders, we are returning the NAME to its rightful owner and adding it to the list of pledgers in order to use the provided "conduit vessel" for the purpose of our charitable grant of energy and labor to the public trust.