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Thread: Just A Review

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post
    The main distinction is whether the "lawful money' is elastic or inelastic....
    I suppose most any currency has some elasticity to it. Even gold coin could be more valuable one day than the next due to fluctuations in demand for gold. However, it might still serve to be a just weight and balance and inelastic in the sense that flucations would tend to be 'universal' (i.e. effecting all within the context) in scope.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post
    ... This is probably due to the fact that each of these men and women 'moonlight' for "Mr. Stranger" and prefer said 'moonlighting' over their 'day job'.
    Well you might have hit the nail on the head or pretty close. Or it might be something to do with...
    Name:  george-hamilton-iv-if-you-dont-know-i-aint-gonna-tell-you-rca-victor.jpg
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    "State Secrets" an attorney and his underlings not being able to reveal their clients' secrets. As in, they might want to help but cannot due to some oath taken. Or perhaps they are partners with Mr. Stranger selling out their own brethren for a mess of pottage? Or perhaps Congress might be chiefly complicity? Or perhaps Congress and the FRB are merely sideshows or "stunt doubles" for others? Since the US Code is made openly available for most all to read, perhaps then there is another perspective...

    It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. (Proverbs 25:2)
    Somehow an above post got truncated so I retype:

    P.S. Consider that the underwriting activity that a state bank or a federal bank might engage in might only ever be with respect to repossessed assets or with respect to abandoned assets. As in if a bank or a bank holding company [two different things] ever issued its own money it would likely only be underwritten by assets that it confiscated or abandoned assets (i.e. repossession, foreclosure, abandonment, 1099-A, plunder, overpayments, etc.--double dipping might however would be more along the lines of extreme usury and plunder). Apart from services provided, banks don't tend to originate anything of value.
    That a bank stands to gain heavily through ignorance or lack of knowledge is telling. Consider that Governments have tended to make substantial gains similarly: through forfeiture, asset seizure, tax foreclosures, escheats and abandonment. That they are so interested in your stuff is perhaps revealing something: they don't have much of anything of value without you. This might be shocking but banks and credit card companies are at least in part in the business of turning accounting entries into tangible assets: they want you to fail to pay so they can repossess tangible items. Perhaps they are supposed to (primarily) be in the business of providing telegraphic, accounting and legal services or perhaps that is what they pretend. Consider that new car loans are secured by the cars purchased (proof would be in repossession)--therefore, a bank isn't risking anything except a bet as to whether you will pay the repayment amount on time or at all. If the reader doesn't believe that a bank would repossess a $50K car and still require the 'borrower' to repay the remainder of the loan, I have something for you:

    Name:  image004-copy.jpg
Views: 315
Size:  55.1 KB.
    Last edited by allodial; 12-14-13 at 11:54 PM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  2. #12
    Anthony Joseph
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    I suppose most any currency has some elasticity to it. Even gold coin could be more valuable one day than the next due to fluctuations in demand for gold. However, it might still serve to be a just weight and balance and inelastic in the sense that flucations would tend to be 'universal' (i.e. effecting all within the context) in scope.

    Well you might have hit the nail on the head or pretty close. Or it might be something to do with "State Secrets" an attorney and his underlings not being able to reveal their clients' secrets. As in, they might want to help but cannot due to some oath taken. Or perhaps they are partners with Mr. Stranger selling out their own brethren for a mess of pottage? Or perhaps Congress might be chiefly complicity? Or perhaps Congress and the FRB are merely sideshows or "stunt doubles" for others? Since the US Code is made openly available for most all to read, perhaps then there is another perspective...

    Somehow an above post got truncated so I retype:

    That a bank stands to gain heavily through ignorance or lack of knowledge is telling. Consider that Governments have tended to make substantial gains similarly: through forfeiture, asset seizure, tax foreclosures, escheats and abandonment. That they are so interested in your stuff is perhaps revealing something: they don't have much of anything of value without you. This might be shocking but banks and credit card companies are in the business of turning accounting entries into tangible assets: they want you to fail to pay so they can repossess tangible items. Perhaps they are supposed to be in the business of providing telegraphic, accounting and legal services or perhaps that is what they pretend. Consider that new car loans are secured by the cars purchased (proof would be in repossession)--therefore, a bank isn't risking anything except a bet as to whether you will pay the repayment amount on time or at all.

    While I am all for being charitable, I point out Communism for what it is (so that folks can steer the Ship clear of the rocks and shoals): it is the wet dream of plunderers and asset seizure, Communism is usury, asset forfeiture, asset seizure, taxation, repossession on steroids for those who just cant get enough. AFAIK, Communism is not biblical. For those who don't get it: we already hold roads, streets, bridges and public property in common. Voluntary fraternal or sororial communalism isn't the same as communism which is where the Caesar levies 100%+ tax instead of just getting what Caesar might be due.

    If you consider why it might be difficult for Bob to get a loan from a bank for his new gas station, consider that if the bank is running ten repossessed gas stations in the same town, the bank might have a conflict of interest. The bank becomes an intelligence agency spying on potential competition. It might also make sense why the FRB pulls currency from areas that need it: the harder it is for businesses and others to repay their loans THE MORE ASSETS MEMBER BANKS STAND TO REPOSSESS OR FORECLOSE ON. This is really rather obvious stuff. Communism: is municipal trading, asset forfeiture, monopoly and more combined. The point is: a free market works in the hand of honest folks. When a free market system (and I don't mean "capitalism") is in the hand of Communists or extreme Socialists who pretend to be for the free market it can give rise to false appearances. The system works because they use it to enrich themselves! So I allude to you* knowing how to make it work for yourselves and others.

    Also, once a threat is exposed, then there is clearly something to pray about. I have often drawn a parallel between calling air strikes and prayer. There is more than enough hope.
    One of the duties of a public trustee is to fully acquit and discharge debt obligations, or other securities, of the United States unless... a man or woman accommodates or undertakes for the obligation. The FIRST MIDDLE LAST may be my property (right-of-use proper to me and exclusive of all others), but title is held by another. Titleholder is legal owner and the liable party obligated and responsible for the 'thing' titled.

    U.C.C. TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 1 > § 8

    § 8. Obligation or other security of the United States

    The term “obligation or other security of the United States” includes all bonds, certificates of indebtedness, national bank currency, Federal Reserve notes, Federal Reserve bank notes, coupons, United States notes, Treasury notes, gold certificates, silver certificates, fractional notes, certificates of deposit, bills, checks, or drafts for money, drawn by or upon authorized officers of the United States, stamps and other representatives of value, of whatever denomination, issued under any Act of Congress, and canceled United States stamps.

    Section 1-201 (24). "Money". Section 6(5), Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law. The test adopted is that of sanction of government, whether by authorization before issue or adoption afterward, which recognizes the circulating medium as a part of the official currency of that government. The narrow view that money is limited to legal tender is rejected.

    Volunteer public trust officials are oath-bound to fulfill said duty and obligations. People are the substance behind all value. The living men and women are the creditors, freely giving the labor and energy produced by their bodies for the benefit of all living people. The United States benefits from the labor and energy of the living people as evidenced by the notes and credit issued and circulating in the public realm. The substance of the living people is the value behind the credit and currency of the United States. The United States is the debtor. The United States is operating in bankruptcy.

    When the non-accommodating and non-undertaking people require of public servants/officials/trustees to discharge debt against a vested interest of the United States (FIRST MIDDLE LAST) per their own obligatory law, performance should and must be executed else there is dereliction of duty and violation of office. If an agreement/contract is claimed as authority over a man or woman, then let the living man or woman (who also acts as public servant/official/trustee) making said claim VERIFY on and for the record, under oath or affirmation, that another living man or woman owes a debt or obligation.

    Compelling performance of a public servant/officer/trustee 'on the offense' proves more difficult than 'on the defense'.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post
    ... When the non-accommodating and non-undertaking people require of public servants/officials/trustees to discharge debt against a vested interest of the United States (FIRST MIDDLE LAST) per their own obligatory law, performance should and must be executed else there is dereliction of duty and violation of office. If an agreement/contract is claimed as authority over a man or woman, then let the living man or woman (who also acts as public servant/official/trustee) making said claim VERIFY on and for the record, under oath or affirmation, that another living man or woman owes a debt or obligation.

    Compelling performance of a public servant/officer/trustee 'on the offense' proves more difficult than 'on the defense'.
    Writ of mandamus; acceptance of oath of office. The more one knows about the underlying law, the more effectively or concise one can be with respect to mandamus or the like.

    P.S. it might help if you have someone available to act if the person fails to comply with the mandate --you know kinda like what they do if someone doesn't pay a fine. Shouldn't take too much thought on what government officials could be useful to back you up.

    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #14
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  5. #15
    Name:  shotcc.jpg
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    PBS aired a piece called Secret History of the Credit Card. Of course, any most any high-level industry insider knows that turning paper into cars is "the best bizness in town".

    "Deadbeat:" Although "deadbeat" normally means "one who does not pay one's debts," [Source: URL], the word has taken on a new meaning for credit card companies. For them, "deadbeat" means someone who avoids interest and fees by paying her/his account balance in full each month rather than paying the minimum amount and carrying a balance. Credit card companies do not earn much from these cardholders. About 55 million Americans pay their bills in full each month.
    If you are limiting them to their 'pretend' primary business of providing services from which they collect more-than-reasonable fees, then they might refer to you as a 'deadbeat'.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  6. #16
    Awesome! That will take a little time to digest. Thanks so very much. After reading it one time, I realized I've been wrongly interpreting the phrase, "issued by the discretion of the Board..."

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    I suspect the one redeeming the bill for value is removing the bill from being Private Federal Clearinghouse Credit to United States Public/Social Credit. Feel free to search for information about clearinghouse certificates. Some of the pre-1913 clearinghouse certificates looked an awful lot like Federal Reserve Notes look today.

    Its important to study the fundamentals. The central banks are clearing houses or 'clearing corporations'. AFAIK it is the Federal Reserve Board of Governors issues them *to* the banks and they do not issue Federal Reserve Notes themselves for CIRCULATION (although keep in mind that checks, money orders and the like could be construed to be a form of currency). A 'bank' is a 'store' or a 'resevoir' it is not a generator except perhaps by induction. A piggy bank doesn't generate coins, it is a place for storing them. The currency comes from the U.S. Department of the Treasury not from the Federal Reserve Bank. The Promissory Notes on mortgages are neither issued by the Federal Banks nor by the State Banks. Since banks pass checks and such between each other, they need a common place to settle accounting between each other. That is what the 12 Federal Reserve Banks facilitate. When a 'national' or state bank in Chicago needs to clear a check drawn on or payable through a bank in New York, it must AFAIK use the Federal Reserve System. If the check is local, the mail, a courier or a local (ACH) clearinghouse could be utilized.

    Attachment 1461

    If you are a FRB member or agent, then you are member or agent of a federal clearinghouse or a federal clearing corporation. If you are dealing with an unredeemed clearinghouse certificate, you're dealing with "(FRB/Casino) House Credit" rather than public money. AFAIK, the Federal Reserve System doesn't make cars, clothes, mobile homes. The Federal Reserve System doesn't even print its own money/currency. The value doesn't come from the bank it goes into or through the bank. The banks are service providers (i.e. accounting, telegraphic, courier and legal services--that's 'bout it).


    Attachment 1463
    Imagine you have a wonderful, wealthy father who has hired a trustee to underwrite your endeavors and to give a guarantee to your payment obligations expressed in lawful money. However, Mr. Stranger crops up and offers you a guarantee too--at a steep price and in the terms of clearinghouse credits. The Mr. Stranger doesn't want to see you prospering and wants you to live a pitiful poor life or to die in a bad way. Naughty-naughty Mr. Stranger knows if you don't express the amount in lawful money, it never triggers the father's guarantee. He also knows and tries to keep it secret that until you redeem the clearinghouse credit for lawful money it wont trigger the father's guarantee. Mr. Stranger knows that you have choice and loves to see you exercise your free will ....

    Attachment 1465 the stupidest way possible that helps Mr. Stranger greatly enrich himself. It might be important to note that HJR-192 mentioned dollars* not clearinghouse credits--oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh sneeekayyyy. But aren't you glad at least someone has been paying attention?

    Attachment 1464

    Does the Bank of Canada print currency? No. Canadian Bank Note Company and BA International Inc. have been primarily invovled in that.

    Does the Federal Reserve System issue or print currency? No. the U.S. Bureau of Engraving & Printing does.

    Does the Reserve Bank of New Zealand print currency? No. "New Zealand’s polymer banknotes are produced by Note Print Australia Limited in Melbourne".

    Does the Bank of Canada even make coins? No. The Royal Canadian Mint does.

    However, banks do print, sell or exchange: checks, money orders, deposit slips or bank drafts.

    P.S. Consider that the underwriting activity that a state bank or a federal bank might engage in might only ever be with respect to repossessed assets or with respect to abandoned assets. As in if a bank or a bank holding company [two different things] ever issued its own money it would likely only be underwritten by assets that it confiscated or abandoned assets (i.e. repossession, foreclosure, abandonment, 1099-A, plunder, overpayments, etc.--double dipping might however would be more along the lines of extreme usury and plunder). Apart from services provided, banks don't tend to originate anything of value.
    Awesome! That will take some time to difest! Thank you!

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    I suspect the one redeeming the bill for value is removing the bill from being Private Federal Clearinghouse Credit to United States Public/Social Credit. Feel free to search for information about clearinghouse certificates. Some of the pre-1913 clearinghouse certificates looked an awful lot like Federal Reserve Notes look today.

    Its important to study the fundamentals. The central banks are clearing houses or 'clearing corporations'. AFAIK it is the Federal Reserve Board of Governors issues them *to* the banks and they do not issue Federal Reserve Notes themselves for CIRCULATION (although keep in mind that checks, money orders and the like could be construed to be a form of currency). A 'bank' is a 'store' or a 'resevoir' it is not a generator except perhaps by induction. A piggy bank doesn't generate coins, it is a place for storing them. The currency comes from the U.S. Department of the Treasury not from the Federal Reserve Bank. The Promissory Notes on mortgages are neither issued by the Federal Banks nor by the State Banks. Since banks pass checks and such between each other, they need a common place to settle accounting between each other. That is what the 12 Federal Reserve Banks facilitate. When a 'national' or state bank in Chicago needs to clear a check drawn on or payable through a bank in New York, it must AFAIK use the Federal Reserve System. If the check is local, the mail, a courier or a local (ACH) clearinghouse could be utilized.

    Attachment 1461

    If you are a FRB member or agent, then you are member or agent of a federal clearinghouse or a federal clearing corporation. If you are dealing with an unredeemed clearinghouse certificate, you're dealing with "(FRB/Casino) House Credit" rather than public money. AFAIK, the Federal Reserve System doesn't make cars, clothes, mobile homes. The Federal Reserve System doesn't even print its own money/currency. The value doesn't come from the bank it goes into or through the bank. The banks are service providers (i.e. accounting, telegraphic, courier and legal services--that's 'bout it).


    Attachment 1463
    Imagine you have a wonderful, wealthy father who has hired a trustee to underwrite your endeavors and to give a guarantee to your payment obligations expressed in lawful money. However, Mr. Stranger crops up and offers you a guarantee too--at a steep price and in the terms of clearinghouse credits. The Mr. Stranger doesn't want to see you prospering and wants you to live a pitiful poor life or to die in a bad way. Naughty-naughty Mr. Stranger knows if you don't express the amount in lawful money, it never triggers the father's guarantee. He also knows and tries to keep it secret that until you redeem the clearinghouse credit for lawful money it wont trigger the father's guarantee. Mr. Stranger knows that you have choice and loves to see you exercise your free will ....

    Attachment 1465 the stupidest way possible that helps Mr. Stranger greatly enrich himself. It might be important to note that HJR-192 mentioned dollars* not clearinghouse credits--oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh sneeekayyyy. But aren't you glad at least someone has been paying attention?

    Attachment 1464

    Does the Bank of Canada print currency? No. Canadian Bank Note Company and BA International Inc. have been primarily invovled in that.

    Does the Federal Reserve System issue or print currency? No. the U.S. Bureau of Engraving & Printing does.

    Does the Reserve Bank of New Zealand print currency? No. "New Zealand’s polymer banknotes are produced by Note Print Australia Limited in Melbourne".

    Does the Bank of Canada even make coins? No. The Royal Canadian Mint does.

    However, banks do print, sell or exchange: checks, money orders, deposit slips or bank drafts.

    P.S. Consider that the underwriting activity that a state bank or a federal bank might engage in might only ever be with respect to repossessed assets or with respect to abandoned assets. As in if a bank or a bank holding company [two different things] ever issued its own money it would likely only be underwritten by assets that it confiscated or abandoned assets (i.e. repossession, foreclosure, abandonment, 1099-A, plunder, overpayments, etc.--double dipping might however would be more along the lines of extreme usury and plunder). Apart from services provided, banks don't tend to originate anything of value.
    Awesome! After thinking about this for a day or two, it occurs that I don't know enough about the actual issue of credit. Or maybe my perception just isn't broad enough yet.

  9. #19
    Anthony Joseph
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Writ of mandamus; acceptance of oath of office. The more one knows about the underlying law, the more effectively or concise one can be with respect to mandamus or the like.

    P.S. it might help if you have someone available to act if the person fails to comply with the mandate --you know kinda like what they do if someone doesn't pay a fine. Shouldn't take too much thought on what government officials could be useful to back you up.

    United States Marshals.

  10. #20
    Talking to the guns for hire working in Federal Buildings, it was revealed that there are only two (2) Federal Marshalls per State. Not all you see is the truth. I believe your Remedy lies in their forms. Listen to Joe on Angela's calls... EPISODE 223 - Special Guest Speaker Joe; EPISODE 224 - Back by Popular Demand "Joe"; EPISODE 233 - Special Guest Speaker Joe Private Equity Recovery; EPISODE 242 - Special Guest Speaker Joe......also David Merrill is spot on concerning his research......refiling W-4 has stopped all federal withholding with a major manufacturing company.....transcripts from IRS Penn. indicates no taxable income the last 3 years.....filed corrected w-4's back to the 1990's........using the example on this forum.....placed two (2) w-4's on 1 sheet of paper with Notary juriat at bottom, then had Sec of State authenticate all forms with their Certificate.....gave copies to IRS and had IRS file stamp my copies then sent copies to the major manufacturing company....your Remedy lies with the county you sleep in.....California counties have been burned and are ponying up to their duties....other states are behind the curve as suitors have not studied how to enforce their wishes.....NEVER SAY I WANT ONLY "I WISH" post will include forms to use for county compliance.......

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