Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post
First, why say "that ain't me"? Who is making the claim? Will said claimant come forward now and verify said claim? Does someone here claim I have done harm or caused injury?

Second, what 'benefit' have I received if I am the source of the supposed "credit" in the first place? If there is a benefit realized it is evidenced by the paper currency which circulates, and; who claims TITLE to said currency? The 'United States' and the 'Federal Reserve' receive the benefit of my energy and labor, and; TITLE to the fruits of said energy and labor (and property) have been seized by the 'United States'.

Without my claiming TITLE or OWNERSHIP in 'NAME' or anything in said 'NAME' I do not receive ANY benefit from said entities. Everything I have is from God and He does not "charge" me a fee or place a "money price tag" on what I wish to use. The rest is just an illusion and I leave that to those who desire to play in that DEAD realm.
But friend how does the United States seize anything it is 2d, remember? You must mean men acting for a particular society seized. For I have never seen a fiction get up and walk. How does the Federal Reserve do anything - you must mean the men who operate in it - right?

Noone forces us to do anything that we did not already consent to. Perhaps we do or did in ignorance but that is still consent. So other men enforce Laws that I consent to be bound to. How is that wrong? Those men call themselves State - are those men dead? I think not. They breathe as I do.

If I lack trust, then I ain't going. I have no obligation to go. Is a Chinese man bound to the Law boundary of those occupying within the United States? Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the choices of that man.

I truly see this a a dog returning to his vomit.

Serve God in meekness and a quiet spirit. Surrender to the Way of God and walk in it. Else pledge to Rabshakah [military political officer] for the Assyrian. Isaiah 36.

It seems pretty simple to me - If I make a promise I should keep it. That's all. Nothing Free. I don't want anything Free. For I see my brother as valuable and I would desire to give him value in exchange.

I find that my God LET out a vineyard and PAID the workers in it at the end of the day. "Mediums of Exchange" is where the rubber meets the road. Ceasar pretty much controls it all these day wouldn't you say?

Seems simple - get out of debt - live quietly - honor God.

Mat 10:6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

Mat 10:7 And as ye go, herald, saying, The kingdom of the heavens is drawn nigh.

Mat 10:8 Heal sick ones, cleanse leprous ones, raise dead ones, cast out demons: freely ye have received, freely give.

Of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Mat 10:9 Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass [money] in your girdles,

Mat 10:10 Nor wallet with writings on it [begging bags] for your journey, neither two coats, neither spare sandals, nor a staff for walking: for the workman is worthy of his meals.
